
--- Log opened Thu Oct 01 00:00:44 2015
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pasky.title http://www.pnas.org/content/112/37/11732.long#aff-101:27
yoleauxAn architecture for encoding sentence meaning in left mid-superior temporal cortex01:27
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kanzurevarious (but not good) comments https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1030916604:21
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yoleauxGear Generator | Hacker News05:22
kanzurewhat happened to the pics05:27
archelssome terrans protesting outside the venue yesterday -> http://turingbirds.com/temp/iros2015_protest.jpeg05:41
poppingtonicwhich protest is this?06:04
archelskannst du kein Deutsch verstehen?06:11
archelssomething about "killer robots"06:11
archelsI think they were mostly on about autonomous kill decisions, I didn't go nearer the people protesting than in the picture, for fear the crazy might jump over06:12
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fenn.title http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-3342850606:23
yoleauxRare system of five stars discovered - BBC News06:23
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kanzurepneumatic package delivery console of er, some kind http://octopost.me/control07:58
paskyI don't get it08:06
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kanzureme either08:10
cpopell4pretty sure it's an ARG08:14
cpopell4or something08:15
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kanzureoh, pcb etching12:59
kanzurewell that's not micro12:59
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUemBZ0k5Q13:00
yoleauxLab 6A: PDMS Microfluidics: O2 Plasma Treatment - YouTube13:00
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kanzurewasn't the point of the laser cutter to allow more rapid prototyping instead of a series of a bajillion steps?13:03
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kanzuredoes anyone remember which dna synthesis technique the twist bioscience people are using? https://www.twistbioscience.com/13:46
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kanzure"It came from the conversation at the iGEM meeting of community labs, where we identified that the DIY Bio mail-list is not a good method of communication" so you decided to start another mailing list?? wtf14:48
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nmz787_w"Twist’s pitch is to synthesize and turn around those custom variants faster and with fewer errors because it has refashioned a “plate”—one of a research lab’s most basic items—from silicon instead of plastic and shrunk it to the size of a postage stamp."15:00
nmz787_w"Instead of 96 wells—the divots that house tissue samples or other material for high-throughput testing—Twist’s silicon plates house 96 wells that look like dots, and each contains 96 more microscopic wells, for a total of more than 9,000 wells per plate. The company is building a machine, which at six feet per side would be just a bit smaller than a SmartCar, that handles the synthesis work. Initially there will be on15:00
kanzureok so maybe just high-throughput pipetting15:10
nmz787_wthat's my guess15:10
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kanzure"single page crash course on elliptic curve cryptography" http://fails.org/ecc.pdf15:17
kanzureor video version, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnpZXJL6QCQ and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTt4gvuQ6sY15:17
kanzure"Making sense of optogenetics" (review) http://ijnp.oxfordjournals.org/content/18/11/pyv079.full15:18
kanzureoh this is a fun exploit https://www.7elements.co.uk/resources/blog/cve-2015-2342-remote-code-execution-within-vmware-vcenter/15:19
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nmz787_wthis guy seems to be cool15:41
nmz787_w(mainly because of the rambo reference)15:47
nmz787_w'religion of the false helix'15:50
-!- Madplatypus is now known as RedPlatypus15:56
nmz787_w.title http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002251930500547315:56
yoleauxThe probable structure of the protamine–DNA complex15:56
juulwow, DNA 2.0's "IP-Free" stuff is anything but16:12
juulitem 10 here https://www.dna20.com/company/terms-and-conditions16:13
juuland it looks like they were denied their trademark registration on the term IP-Free and are now using the copyright symbol instead, which makes absolutely no sense, which any lawyer will know, so the only purpose I can see is as a FUD attempt to discourage others from using the term16:14
juuli might write an open letter about this once i've looked into it a bit more16:15
juulwe used these for real vegan cheese :(16:15
juulis there a website that lets you BLAST against the USPTO database?16:16
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nsh'The unit cell of this protamine–DNA complex is essentially devoid of steric hindrances, and heavily favored by a multitude of ionic and hydrogen bonds.'16:20
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kanzurejuul: cathal garvey posted a lot on diybio about those licensing terms before, see https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diybio/6ELBnw5Ih2E/2UqcHieAoFYJ16:24
kanzureand https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/diybio/6ELBnw5Ih2E/J688jD0k_rAJ16:24
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justanotheruserI read getting stuff done. Pretty nice read, though I'll probably have to go through it again to write any methods I missed down16:30
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juulkanzure: thank you!16:35
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maakujustanotheruser: the internet abounds with flowcharts and checklists for GTD17:11
justanotheruserah the internet, what a great idea17:11
justanotheruserdo you recommend any of the GTD software?17:12
maakuehh... if you happen to be an OSX/iOS user then OmniFocus is pretty good17:14
maakuotherwise it is surprising just how bad things are (from a GTD perspective)17:15
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maakuGTD basically boils down to a multi-index view of tasks -- indexed by project for planning, indexed by context for executing, indexed by various dates for review17:15
maakubasically nothing out there supports that very well.17:16
maakubut there's lots of hacked-together systems that work ok. just pick you that works for you and use it17:16
maakuit's actually hard to be paper and pencil, except for people like us that use computers for everthiing.17:17
maakuI use OmniFocus within an OSX vm I keep around solely for that purpose, but I would much rather switch to something without that apple dependency17:22
justanotheruserthat's surprising17:39
justanotheruserI would expect better tools, seems relatively simple17:39
justanotherusersomeone who isn't me better get on that17:39
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kanzurewhy isn't one of the photography people a sufficient optics person20:08
kanzureand who really wants to sit around peeling pdms and molds for hours?20:12
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CaptHindsightwhat do you need for optics?23:34
nmz787.title http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41048-015-0009-9/fulltext.html23:39
yoleauxAnalysis of chromatin fibers in Hela cells with electron tomography - Springer23:39
--- Log closed Fri Oct 02 00:00:45 2015

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