
--- Log opened Mon Oct 05 00:00:48 2015
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kanzure.title http://www.sciencemag.org/content/350/6256/94.abstract02:32
yoleauxSomatic mutation in single human neurons tracks developmental and transcriptional history02:32
kanzure"Neurons live for decades in a postmitotic state, their genomes susceptible to DNA damage. Here we survey the landscape of somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) in the human brain. We identified thousands of somatic SNVs by single-cell sequencing of 36 neurons from the cerebral cortex of three normal individuals. Unlike germline and cancer SNVs, which are often caused by errors in DNA replication, neuronal mutations appear to reflect ...02:33
kanzure... damage during active transcription. Somatic mutations create nested lineage trees, allowing them to be dated relative to developmental landmarks and revealing a polyclonal architecture of the human cerebral cortex. Thus, somatic mutations in the brain represent a durable and ongoing record of neuronal life history, from development through postmitotic function."02:33
Stskeepshang on02:34
Stskeepsarr.. stupid lag02:34
archelskanzure: but is it actual damage, or just some still unknown mechanism with a functional role?02:36
kanzurenot sure, there has already been various results about prions/methylation for memory engram tracing02:37
kanzureah looks like someone finally cited that review02:39
kanzure.title http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4548453/02:39
yoleauxDynamic DNA methylation in the brain: a new epigenetic mark for experience-dependent plasticity02:39
archelsyeah but this is not epigenetics, this is SNPs02:40
kanzuremaybe some changes are edited into the genome, dunno02:43
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfX6z9Z4sAk02:50
yoleauxDisney's Mars & Beyond 5 of 6 - Life on Mars - YouTube02:50
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kanzurecryoresuscitation is going to suck for a long time until things get really good at being cryonics-adapted06:12
kanzuree.g. probably multi-week recovery period06:12
kanzureand probably long-term damage ("oops that joint doesn't work any more" and such)06:13
poppingtonicmore like a 3mm^3 region in the anterior cingulate cortex suffered damage due to thawing cracks so the patient now has debilitating brain damage06:15
kanzurethat brain damage was already there06:16
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kanzurebesides, brain damage is the spice of life06:37
archelsthat's purely based on correlational evidence06:40
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-!- cpopell`gym is now known as cpopell`werk07:01
JayDuggerGood morning.07:14
kanzuresome snarks stuff https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1201029.007:27
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kanzureso if you are bothering to make a large-scale facility for selective breeding to get cryonics-adapted animals, there are other interesting traits that are near-term accessible on the genetic landscape12:37
kanzurethere are traits and functions that are biologically-plausible but not usually found by natural selection12:37
kanzuretrivial example is stuff like organ xenotransplantation compatibility, or even simpler self-transplantation compatibility (e.g. ability to heal from the critter's kidney being surgically removed and then patched back in)12:38
kanzure"young blood" could be a fascinating target- i expect that young blood has some minor beneficial effect in general, but hard to measure, or it might depend on too many unrepeatable factors12:39
kanzurebut you could select for young blood that happens to heal older animals12:39
kanzurei guess that's sort of an anti-aging thing, but it's much faster than just waiting 20 years to decide your mice are extremely long-lived12:40
kanzureother nearby targets are things like digestability12:42
kanzuredelinquentme says, "just throw a femur into a bioreactor and figure out how to keep the hemotopoetic stem cells alive + producing"12:42
kanzure"so treat it like one and figure out if we can use the femur as some kind of abstraction to keeping the haemotopoetic cells alive and producing"12:43
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kanzurealso- if the young blood selection trick happens to work, once you see improvements in aged animals becoming de-aged, you could then start selecting for cross-species young blood benefits12:49
kanzurein a less practical but more explorative area i suppose you would want to select for talkative mice that chirp to each other, and then mice that chirp to each other while looking face-to-face, and then for mice that collaboratively solve mazes while chirping. but this is a poor substitute for having an actual selective criteria for cognitive ability. (sorta mimicing stuff from human history.)12:54
kanzureyou could select for memory resistance to hemispherectomy, eventually have brained animal that continues to function normally with 95% of brain matter removed, allowing you to more easily study the remaining tissue.13:01
kanzure(although i would expect hemispherectomy resistance would require multiple competing mutations and directions instead of just one technique that the population stumbles into; otherwise the benefits of 50% hemispherectomy resistance might not translate to 80% hemispherectomy resistance)13:02
kanzure"heterochronic parabiosis"13:05
kanzurein fact; i think you can take blood from multiple members in a population, inject into older animal, then if there's any effect at all, you select all of the members of the population that you used.13:10
kanzurei vaguely remember someone using a method like "take blood from multiple members of population, inject into single target" but i have no idea what for13:12
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drethelinAnyone want to order a sample of FuGENE HD?13:26
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maakukanzure: you hear back re: alcor conference?13:43
kanzuremax is prolly v. busy this week anyway13:43
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drethelinseriously, is there anyone in here who does transfection?13:59
kanzureyeah there's a few, they just don't sit around on irc all day waiting i guess13:59
kanzurejuul, ParahSailin, yashgaroth, a handful of others..14:00
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delinquentmedrethelin: what kind?14:05
delinquentmei got a car battery and a cuvette14:06
drethelinthe kind that uses reagents14:10
kanzureupdated http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/young-blood.txt14:11
delinquentmewheres that homoerectus ParahSailin to shoot my thoughts apart when i need it14:24
delinquentmeAFM DNA assemblya14:24
delinquentmecolocate long chain dna strands and simply force the ends together with mechanical means14:25
delinquentmewhy problematic14:25
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kanzurehard to attach to single nucleotides, hard to attach/deattach at specific times, hard to keep dna molecule straight and extended14:26
kanzurehard to position things precisely14:26
kanzuretool tips are hard14:26
kanzure(afm tool tips)14:26
kanzureer, tooltips. whatever.14:26
delinquentmewe have single nucleotide attatchement solved14:26
delinquentmewe have synthesis14:27
delinquentmeIm saying make an AFM that takes long chain oligos14:27
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delinquentmeand smashes them together?14:27
delinquentmefuck im so bad with question marks14:27
kanzurehalcyon molecular, and some research groups i think, were working on scanning electron sequencing of dna. and at least one group was trying afm sequencing of dna. but not synthesis.14:29
delinquentmeyeah sequencing.14:29
kanzuredunno, check if people have figured out afm tooltips yet14:29
kanzuremight be something new on google scholar for 2015. i hvaen't looked this year.14:30
maakudelinquentme: see the tooltips in the above referenced paper14:30
maakuand see if you can construct a chemistry for attaching them to nucletides14:30
maaku(if so, we've got molecular nanotechnology, booyeah)14:31
kanzureyou could maybe get away with something like afm pick-and-place of small dna fragments, like a 4^n library where n is the length14:31
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kanzurebut then need array of 4^n dna molecules on a surface somewhere, meh14:31
delinquentmewe have prescident for picofluidic channels placed through AFM tips14:31
kanzureyashgaroth: see today logs about young blood stuff, tell me what you think14:31
delinquentmewould  be a good place to start14:31
kanzurepick-and-place carbon nanotube channel..? or what14:32
delinquentmei dont recall the mfg process . lemme see if I can find pics14:32
delinquentmethere we go14:34
kanzurewell dna has a width of like 1-4 nm at most14:36
kanzurekinda forget14:36
yashgarothso, selectively breeding mice that have better-rejuvenating blood? you could select for healing effects pretty quickly, but the evolution on the donors will still be slow14:37
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kanzureyea kinda slow, but increase size of population14:37
kanzurei know it's not a direct tradeoff between population size and number of required generations but.. i think you get something.14:37
yashgarothunless you feed them mutagens and/or have a few leads on genes to tweak, in order to enhance the effect14:38
delinquentmefabricated with a FIB14:38
kanzureyes i would assume lots of mutagenesis, i didn't state as much, but it's important14:38
yashgarothcan't be any harder than physically mashing dna strands together14:39
yashgarothoh also bad news I got another job, so this is my only week of freedom14:40
delinquentmeyashgaroth: thats what I was hoping to hear .  And thats kinda what I was thinking14:41
kanzureyashgaroth: describe new job14:41
yashgarothmedical biosensor startup, 40% payrise, stock, free lunches14:42
maakuyashgaroth: well done14:42
kanzuresmall molecule biosensors?14:42
maakumilk it for as long as it lasts :)14:42
maaku(though expect the stock to be worthless)14:43
kanzuremaaku: usually 40% is congrats-worthy but let's be honest, yashgaroth was probably underpaid like every other biologist ever.14:43
yashgarothsome small molecule, some protein, mostly circulating blood factors and such14:43
maakuyashgaroth: non-invasive?14:44
yashgarothya, some cheek swabs, some finger pokes, but not like implanted or anything...depends how you define invasive14:44
delinquentmebutthole probe is how i define invasive14:44
maakuyashgaroth: I was thinking non-prick14:45
maakue.g. continuous raman spectroscopy of near-surface blood14:46
yashgarothnah it's the usual biosensors, antibodies stick to target in solution, react with something, you measure that thing14:46
delinquentmeso how does one affix or grab the ends of the DNA14:48
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delinquentmei’d imagine overcoming vanderwalls isnt too difficult … and once you’re past that they’re adjoined .. no?14:49
nmz787_wdelinquentme: that guy kanzure was emailing you and I about mentioned the physical forcing of atoms together... obv problems are getting a forcer that is the right geometry14:49
delinquentmenmz787: smashing the ends of long chain DNA together14:49
delinquentmeyeah he wanted to do sequencing though14:49
yashgarothumm mutate an exonuclease and conjugate it to something you can interact with? then the ends are still kinda capped with the protein though14:49
nmz787_wnah he mentioned synthesis many times in the slides14:49
delinquentmeyou got the slides :D14:50
nmz787_wyou were in that email chain14:50
nmz787_wdid you not notice before?14:50
delinquentmeI ignored most of what was said in there as soon as it started to seem more like scientific outerworld prognostication than “ hey we have a product “14:50
nmz787_walso his specific method seemed flawed, but the general idea seems legit enough14:51
nmz787_wdrethelin: I used to transform cells... but I always preferred reagentless like electroporation14:51
delinquentmeyashgaroth: exonuclease would be leaving a staggered end though right?14:52
delinquentmeTo be determined: whether a staggered end or a straight ended DNA would take best to smashing14:52
yashgarothwait how are you getting the two strands to meet under the AFM tip in the first place?14:53
delinquentmethats the big problem that first comes to mind14:54
delinquentmedna combing was mentioned by a friend14:54
delinquentmeaffxing the dna to a surface … but then how to get the dna attached to the functional tip of whatever is doing the forced press14:54
nmz787_wnanotunnel, with two pistons on either end14:55
delinquentmenmz787_w:  +114:56
yashgarothhire a maxwell's demon14:56
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delinquentmeyashgaroth:  Its funny bc thats the name of the basically defunct startup I was working at doing mechanical nanopores14:57
yashgarotha subsidiary of satansystems14:58
delinquentmeomg. i kinda wish i could have shared the naming discussions we had14:58
delinquentme2am + alcohol with 4 dudes living in a warehouse space in downtown sf stacked to the gills with electrical equiment?14:58
delinquentmeyeah thats was heaven14:58
nmz787_w_carbon nanotube with two oligos, one just shorter than the other... turn on electrphoresis at end of tube, electrophoresis force pulls shorter one into longer one ???14:59
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yashgaroth.wik Ku (protein)15:03
yoleaux"Ku is a protein that binds to DNA double-strand break ends and is required for the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway of DNA repair. Ku is evolutionarily conserved from bacteria to humans. The ancestral bacterial Ku is a homodimer (two copies of the same protein bound to each other)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_(protein)15:03
nmz787_w_pfft, no one synthesizes BOTH strands15:06
nmz787_w_that notahelix guy actually responded twice to my emails... I have yet to get back to him15:06
nmz787_w_his last email was something like 'do you know anyone with an EM'... so I need to tell him I've got one, and know some local peeps too with TEM (which is likely required for his ideas)15:07
delinquentmeFuck I love the hivemind of ##hplusroadmap15:07
justanotheruserFuck I love the hivemind of ##hplusroadmap15:13
kanzuredelinquentme: see old things here https://groups.google.com/group/enzymaticsynthesis15:21
nmz787_w_what is the schematic symbol for a chicken?15:24
delinquentme2 crossed drumsticks15:25
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nmz787_w_it just occurred to me that chickens wouldn't be able to participate in the phenomena known as 'planking'...15:31
nmz787_w_(I guess you could argue becoming chicken strips...)15:32
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kanzure"I was inspired by a journal article published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology by a Stanford/Berkeley group describing the successful creation of a whole-cell uranium biosensor that fluoresces in the presence of micromolar concentrations of uranium (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17905881). The coolest part was that the researchers managed to get the signal strong enough to be seen with the naked eye after 4 hours of ...17:35
kanzure... exposure and with only a standard UV flashlight (shown in the figure I attached)."17:36
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ17:44
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kanzureanatoly brouchkov has been injecting ancient bacteria into his bloodstream for some crazy reason, i thought it was just random tabloid nonsense (and it is i think)17:46
kanzureapparently he runs the geocryology department at moscow state university17:46
kanzure"Similar bacteria were discovered by Siberian scientist Vladimir Repin in the brain of an extinct woolly mammoth preserved by permafrost."17:49
kanzure"'We did a lot of experiments on mice and fruit flies and we saw the sustainable impact of our bacteria on their longevity and fertility,' said Dr Brouchkov. 'But we do not know yet exactly how it works."17:49
maakuwait we had a preserved wholly mammoth brain that someone thawed? grrrrrr17:49
kanzure"The bacteria not only stimulates growth, but increases frost resistance. The seeds sprouted at a temperature 5C"17:51
maakupermafrost brains are the only chance we have at recovering pre-historical memories17:52
kanzurethey probably thawed it because that's what humans do with meat- they heat it17:53
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+ooo fenn maaku Burninate] by kanzure17:58
@fennerasmus: you have never contributed anything useful to the channel and have harassed and threatened multiple channel members. i hope you make friends elsewhere and good luck with your neurofeedback project18:00
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abetuskguess there was some drama in pm?18:03
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fentelfenn TAKE YOUR MEDS18:11
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@kanzuremaaku: mammoth brain https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1NYYy7CYAAmgvS.png18:22
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@kanzureheh "brouchkov@hotmail.com"18:25
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@kanzureoh i guess this would be the better version https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%87%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B818:30
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@kanzurehuh, surprisingly hard to find recent research in russia18:37
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kanzure"collapse now and avoid the rush" cathal and eleitl must be best friends by now19:21
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CaptHindsightyou kids sure get some weird ass threats from way past neurotic types20:01
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kanzureCaptHindsight: the inkjet industry doesn't attract schizos??20:38
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CaptHindsightkanzure: inkjet is pretty crazy that's why I'm only on the fringes of it20:43
CaptHindsightand they generally threaten with lawyers vs Star Wars references20:47
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--- Log closed Tue Oct 06 00:00:49 2015

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