
--- Log opened Thu Oct 22 00:00:03 2015
-!- Viper168 [~Viper@unaffiliated/viper168] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:19
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justanotheruserhello #hackernews05:29
justanotheruserI'm here to complain about the fact that every day there is a new intro tutorial on deep learning. That is all05:29
kanzurei think you mean #startups05:32
justanotheruserare there a lot of startups in this channel05:33
justanotheruserI thought this was just your blog05:33
kanzure#hackernews is an actual channel that was created by people who didn't know about #startups05:34
kanzure#startups is also an actual channel05:34
justanotheruseryeah, I'm just talking about the website, which features a deep learning/neural network tutorial on the front page daily05:35
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eudoxiahas anyone had this problem with sci-hub where it just presents an endless sequence of captchas06:59
Aurelius_WorkI read that as cats06:59
Aurelius_WorkI'm tired06:59
eudoxiafalse alarm, i found a way around it07:06
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kanzure_"SENS research has had a banner year this year. Oisin Biotechnology has been seed funded to develop a means of senescent cell clearance, another group demonstrated proof of principle senescent cell clearance and corresponding health improvements in mice, Human Rejuvenation Technologies was founded to develop lysosomal aggregate clearing enzymes as a therapy, a method of synthesizing glucosepane was published in Science, Gensight has ...08:08
kanzure_... raised a boatload of money for their allotopic expression work"08:08
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fennit's too bad senescence isn't the cause of aging08:16
maakuwell there isn't one specific cause of aging08:17
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kanzure_oh wait we saw this already. nevermind.08:38
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CaptHindsightmaaku: time08:45
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kanzure_bad programming is the cause10:33
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kanzure_well, incomplete selection is the cause10:36
fenn23andme still has some interesting things to say, even though they haven't rolled out the new health-related info10:36
kanzure_what's the plan for long-term astronomy?10:37
kanzure_recording the entire universe at high-fidelity resolution over all wavelengths for the next million years will require a very large amount of storage space10:37
kanzure_presumably you can get rid of a lot of the data because it will just match expectations or predictions10:38
kanzure_and maybe you can do the same from multiple sources, so that you don't have to store complete astronomical data from n observatories10:38
kanzure_and even if you do have 100k years of data, how the shit are you going to search that efficiently or run algorithms against that data set?10:39
fennohnoes data10:39
kanzure_query speed might be zero10:39
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maakukanzure_: opinions on DRACOS?10:45
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maakui.e. am I throwing money away if I donate?10:46
kanzure_donations are a bad plan10:46
kanzure_11:58 < yashgaroth> DRACO won't work for HIV, or any other virus with latency10:46
kanzure_venturecommunist was working on DRACO things, i wonder where he went10:46
maakuok but for the things it does claim, e.g. cold, flu, herpes?10:47
kanzure_15:39 < venturecommunist> if it's really non-toxic in-vivo in humans presumably it's a cure for AIDs, HPV, HSV, Hep A/B/C/D/E Ebola, Influenza and the Common Cold10:47
kanzure_15:40 < ParahSailin> the draco antiviral drugs are the simple fusion protein you described?10:47
kanzure_15:40 < venturecommunist> right10:47
kanzure_15:42 < ParahSailin> hm good catch on the paper10:47
kanzure_15:36 < ParahSailin> what would pkr and adaf1 do in e coli?10:47
kanzure_15:37 < venturecommunist> the genes would produce the proteins, if they're expressed in e coli10:47
kanzure_15:37 < venturecommunist> the protein being a chimera of TAT, PKR and ADAF110:47
maakucall me names, but I care more about eliminating the common cold and flu than HIV10:48
kanzure_why would that be bad ?10:50
fenneliminating any of those would be huge10:58
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fennoh my bad about 23andme, "Customers who received their health information prior to November 22, 2013 will still be able to see their health reports, but those who purchased after that time will only receive their ancestry information as well as access to their uninterpreted raw data."11:12
kanzure_not clear whether they update the raw data as long as you have a subscription11:20
delinquentmewhen talking about real time system + interfaces to non-real time code ... how does one typically refer to the non-real-time code?11:20
kanzure_some of their text i saw yesterday indicated that they might re-run their snp arrays and give better data. but never seen any evidence of this.11:21
kanzure_delinquentme: batch, offline, blocking, delayed, job, work, task11:21
kanzure_should clarify that i haven't seen any evidence, but i also haven't looked11:22
kanzure_exercise form recognition http://www.dilpreetsingh.me/activity-recognition11:32
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maakufenn: they just got FDA approval, no? I presume that means everyone will have access to the health info again11:59
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maakuoh n/m. "The revamped reports of genetic tendencies, plucked from spit samples, will not offer customers insights on their risks of developing a range medical conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, as previous testing did. Instead, the new test focuses on informing customers about their ancestry, the mutations that could pose disease risks to their children, and traits such as their reaction to alcohol and potential for hair loss."12:01
maaku.title http://arstechnica.com/science/2015/10/23andme-reboots-genetic-health-testing-now-with-fda-approval/12:01
yoleaux23andMe reboots genetic health testing, now with FDA approval | Ars Technica12:01
-!- FourFire [FourFire@2a02:270:2015:cafe:55d:91ac:db65:89ed] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:06
superkuhI deleted my 23andMe account a few days ago. Right before this announcement. Right after the news about cops dipping in to their databases.12:07
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kuudesthe cops-23andme seems really straightforward to me. that was what has so far prevented me from sampling myself and my relatives12:13
kuudeslike, given they wiretap everyone all the time, why wouldn't they invade genetic fingerprint db?12:14
superkuhIn retrospect, yes. But I didn't want to believe because I wanted the data. Which... I still have on disk.12:14
kuudesI have considered a german company, which only sends the data to you, and does not store it on their servers12:15
maakukuudes: it's a bigger deal than you are making. yes the NSA listens on everyone, but they generally haven't been sharing info with local cops12:15
maakuthe issue here is that genetic evidence is -way- less reliable than the justice system believes12:16
maakuit works in a homicide investigation because the chances of a false positive with a sample size of just the suspects you had anyway is rather small12:16
maakubut you cast such a broad net, you'll get 10k false positives for every search12:17
maakui'm innocent, but chances are my DNA 'matches' evidence for a crime somewhere12:17
kuudeswell but if you combine that to cell tower records to also close out those who have not been anywhere near the location etc12:17
kanzure_hey at least they aren't looking at bite marks12:17
kanzure_oh wait they are looking at bite marks12:18
kuudeslocally we have the problem that the passports have fingerprints, which specifically were said will not be used for crime investigation when it was done some 5 years ago, and now they want to include that to crime investigation (and donate that to NSA probably for their weird bonuspoint credit system)12:19
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ryankarasoni am also interested in gettting a DNA sampling.. but i haven't looked it to it long enough to know how the data works.. does 23andme own your DNA data?12:53
TMAhmm, I shall use my fingerprintless password while it is still valid.12:54
ryankarasoni'd prefer my data to be free.. so it would be nice to just find a way to sample it myself and just publish it on git..12:54
kanzurelots of people have uploaded their 23andme snp data as a csv file to various places12:54
kanzurelike snpedia12:54
ryankarasonkanzure: ok.. but do i have all rights to this data?12:54
ryankarasonor does 23andme own it?12:54
kanzurethat's for a judge to decide12:55
ryankarasonmy thought would be.. that 23andme owns everything in their database12:55
TMAkuudes: if they have the data, assume they store it. No auditor would ever find otherwise12:55
ryankarasonand theirfor has the right to sell off my data or even lock me out of it.12:55
ryankarasonit would be what i would guess.. but i haven't researched enough to know.12:55
kanzureyou should download the data before they "lock you out"12:56
ryankarasoni am OK with my data being open.. i just don't like the idea of someone else /owning/ it.. i need to research.12:56
ryankarasonkanzure: aye aye.12:56
ryankarasonhow much $ worth of equiptment would i need to sample it myself?12:57
kanzureuh depends on how much you want to do on your own. make your own snp probe array? buy one?12:57
kanzurewhy not just sequence your gneome?12:57
TMAryankarason: if you take a photograph of someone, you are the copyright owner of the photograph. the photographee has some rights (right to be used in nondefamatory manner) but not the copyright to the photo12:58
ryankarasonright.. i am interesting in sequencing my genome.. but i don't know enoug habout it12:58
ryankarasonwas thinking about reading Mullis's PCR book12:58
kuudesTMA, yeah, tends that way. though that is *germany*, where such is veery baad, because of Stasi and the Nazis.12:58
kanzurewell, these days you go pay a core lab facility to read your genome12:59
kuudes"been there, done that, didn't like it."12:59
kanzureuse scienceexchange.com12:59
ryankarasonTMA: ah .. OK.. good way to look at it.. i usually don't study copyright stuff because it just makes me sad12:59
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TMAryankarason: I think the same argument is with DNA data12:59
ryankarasongood to know.13:00
ryankarasoni was afraid such was the case.13:00
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ryankarasoni want to then find some "photographer" that will sell me all rights to the photograph (DNA) of myself.13:01
TMAryankarason: ultimately it depends on who wins the lawsuit.13:01
ryankarasonright.. but i don't have money or influence to  win such13:01
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maakuTMA: things aren't so clear when you are paying for a service13:03
kuudeswell, photographs are not that good of an analogy, as they have their own, special class of copyright, which requires less of achievement than other classes13:03
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ryankarasonis there any precedence yet with DNA stuffs?13:04
TMAmaaku: yep. if it is work for hire, then the copyright is transferred; however, if it is a commodity service, the copyright is not transferred by default13:05
kuudesie. over here copyright requires the work to be as a whole an "artistic work", where the creator has made some non-obvious presentation in the work - for instance things like diagrams, charts etc usually are not under copyright here13:05
ryankarasoncopyright law is so strange=P13:06
kuudesbut photographs are in a special class of photograph, which can be artistic work, but even if it is not, is still considered a photograph, which grants some monopoly to the photographer over that specific photograph, even if the work as a whole is not an artistic work13:07
TMAthe burden of proof lies with the party claiming noncopyrightable status (unless the party is the author)13:07
kuudesmainly the latter is to prevent newspapers from not paying to the photographers, I have understood13:07
kuudesthe interesting bit is that this is dependent on the technology - drawings and videos are not legally photographs13:07
kuudesso anyones holiday shots are photographs, and thereby protected as such, but their holiday videos are not artistic works likely, because usually such are of such quality, that most anyone would make a similar creation, which makes it not-a-work13:08
kuudesover here in finland of course, such laws have much local nuances13:09
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poppingtonic.title http://bioengineer.org/bioengineering-breakthrough-scientists-create-a-working-animal-limb-in-a-lab/13:55
yoleauxBioengineering breakthrough: Scientists create a working animal limb in a lab13:55
kanzurenah see quote in logs from yesterday13:56
poppingtonicyou discussed this yesterday?13:57
poppingtonicI only see the beagle story, which I remember.13:59
kanzureuh, maybe day before13:59
kanzureah maybe i was thinking of epibone13:59
kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p143bISuEJk14:00
yoleauxRat Tissue Decellularization - YouTube14:00
poppingtonicyeah I've grepped to 18th, no related animal mentions14:00
poppingtonicWell, Ctrl+F'd14:01
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kanzure.title http://circres.ahajournals.org/content/early/2015/10/21/CIRCRESAHA.115.307521.abstract14:03
yoleauxCirculating Growth Differentiation Factor 11/8 Levels Decline with Age14:03
kanzurepopularized: http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2015/10/antiaging-protein-real-deal-harvard-team-claims14:04
kanzure(more "young blood")14:04
kanzure14:26 < Daeken> kanzure: so, i saw you were trying to reverse-engineer solidworks files a couple years ago ... well, i can successfully parse (the bulk of) solidworks 2015 files >:)14:30
kanzure14:27 < Daeken> kanzure: turns out that they're primarily parasolid files wrapped in zlib ... found an old spec from siemens (who apparently owns it now), and managed to write a parser14:30
kanzure14:27 < kanzure> yes, it's zlib14:30
kanzure14:27 < kanzure> xt spec was helpful yes/no?14:30
kanzure14:27 < Daeken> very14:30
kanzure14:27 < kanzure> parasolid xt spec14:30
kanzure14:27 < Daeken> https://gist.github.com/daeken/cf412009224a6770d6dc14:30
kanzure14:27 < kanzure> DisplayList is just zlib + what?14:30
kanzure14:28 < Daeken> hm, not familiar with displaylist.  i've just been looking purely at sldprt files14:30
kanzure14:28 < kanzure> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openmanufacturing/Fv2Ovmxnfyw14:30
kanzure14:28 < kanzure> Contents/DisplayLists__ZLB14:30
kanzure14:28 < Daeken> there are a bunch of uncompressed blobs that i don't understand, but all of the compressed data is just pure parasolid xt.14:30
kanzure14:29 < kanzure> it's OLE data, and then the "DisplayLists__ZLB" stuff is one of the components14:30
kanzure14:29 < Daeken> ahhh, that's right -- you were looking at an older format.  they totally changed it with 2015.14:30
kanzure14:29 < Daeken> no more OLE stuff14:30
kanzurewelp that's one way to solve a problem... "wait for solidworks to screw up their own file format"14:31
maakuwait for disgruntled solidworks employee to switch to throw out the legacy in favor of sqlite14:31
maaku(one can hope)14:32
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fenni bet the displaylist is just a preview or precomputed result of the actual data structure14:44
kanzuredaeken claims no preview in solidworks 2015 format14:45
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kanzurewas just showing him the cantor dust presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bM3Gut1hIk&t=19m40s14:45
fennoh i wasn't really trying to make intelligent comments on the solidworks format right now14:45
kanzureyeah but makes sense to say those things in here instead of other dead channel14:46
Daekenhttps://gist.github.com/daeken/d593592694e022269724 <-- those are the three parasolid files inside of 10043-1.sldprt14:46
poppingtonichow did you do that?14:46
kanzuresince previous solidworks file format info has happened in here14:46
kanzuredaeken says gsf no go for solidworks 2015 files14:46
Daeken(that file is really just a box.  you can see the drawing and STL at http://curtawiki.com/1014314:46
Daekenfigure it's a good place to start testing from.14:47
kanzurewonder if it's just parasolid or anything extra14:47
Daekenthe compressed chunks are absolutely 100% valid parasolid files.14:48
Daekenthe uncompressed data -- your guess is as good as mine.14:48
kanzurewell, there's often some metadata14:49
Daekenyeah.  i'm assuming it's all the 2d-specific and general solidworks bullshit.14:49
kanzureparasolid format supports some metadata, but i doubt solidworks would be using that14:49
kanzuremaybe undo history tee data14:49
Daekenah hah! history is very possible.14:49
Daekenbut why wouldn't they compress that?  weird decision.14:49
kanzurenot sure if history data is preserved on persist14:49
kanzurewell there's a lot of history....14:49
maakuhistory would be highly compressable14:50
Daekeni know, but history usually compresses very well.14:50
Daekenso them not having it in zlib is weird.14:50
Daeken(and it's very, very clearly not compressed in any other way ... tons of nulls all around.)14:50
kanzureDaeken: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/solidworks/ some random stuff14:51
kanzureand http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/step/alvarestech.com/temp/0steptools/www.isd.mel.nist.gov/personnel/kramer/pubs/parasolid-to-step2.pdf14:51
kanzureand for STEP itself there is http://stepcode.org/ of course (brlcad uses this)14:52
Daeken"In order to use Parasolid-to-STEP, it is necessary to have the Parasolid system, which"14:53
Daekenis available for licensing from Shape Data, Limited.14:53
Daekeni was hopeful there. haha14:53
kanzureavailable from siemens now :-/14:53
kanzureso.. i have pskernel.lib14:54
kanzureand parasolid_kernel.h14:54
kanzureand pskernel.dll psxttoolkit.dll14:54
Daekenunless you just want to use it straight out, i don't think it'll get you anything that the spec does, honestly.  that is, i don't think you need to reverse-engineer any of it.14:55
Daekenthe spec is ... remarkably sane.14:55
kanzurefwiw again i'm too excited by http://verbnurbs.com/ to care about solidworks these days14:58
Daekenhaha, well, i've got a CAD dude redoing all these ancient Curta calculator engineering drawings in solidworks for me ... i want to be able to read these files and do what i want with them14:58
Daekenso clearly, implementing an insane-ass file format is the way to go, instead of just buying some software.14:59
kanzurehave him redo something useful like drawings of buran14:59
Daekeneh, not my thing :P14:59
poppingtonickanzure are blender15:00
kanzureblender no good for engineering cad15:00
poppingtonicsorry.. are blender's nurbs surfaces programmable enough for cad?15:00
* poppingtonic looks at verbnurbs15:01
nmz787_ibrlcad doesn't seem to get enough lovin15:07
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delinquentmeabout to take a phone interview17:08
delinquentmejust had a massive sake17:08
delinquentmeand now I need to shit17:09
delinquentmefuck sorry. OT.17:09
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c0rw1ndelinquentme: "biology, still works. check"17:13
* heath likes to imagine delinquentme had a massive sake before the interview17:16
kuudesthat could work or then not, I suppose17:31
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nmz787_ihmm http://www.isparktoys.com/product/strain-the-bioengineering-game/18:29
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kanzureto push towards fixing career-related impact factor metrics for scholars, all academic papers should use delayed release/reveal of closed-access references18:59
kanzureor use doi-style id numbers (without author names or titles) that can be resolved by some site that reveals no information until the paper is public19:00
kanzureunfortunately this is too inconveniencing for other scholars i think...19:00
kanzurealso, since most academic publishers are supposed to honor revocation requests, maybe we can convince all the scientists to revoke **everything** and all historical content not out of copyright yet19:01
cluckjwhy are impact factor metrics important?19:03
yoleaux13 Oct 2015 11:15Z <kanzure> cluckj: anthropology stuff about bitcoin, tor, debian http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheDailyBitcoinShow/~5/DQ0MjIHWTmA/1395.mp3 (from scalingbitcoin)19:03
kanzurecluckj: those are still used in many cases to decide career progression things and hiring decisions :-(19:03
kanzurereputation is one of the primary reasons that science is still stuck in shithell19:03
kanzureimpact factor can't be computed if all of the references are hidden19:04
cluckjso gross19:04
kanzurebut surely you knew this?19:04
cluckjyes :)19:04
cluckjreferences are important for like...other reasons tho19:04
kanzurelike sitting on your desk for 8 months?19:05
kanzurepeer reviewers would be given access to the actual references immediately19:05
kanzurea reference that nobody is able to access is almost useless19:07
kanzureand there's no real reason to have that contribute to people's career metrics19:07
kanzureor to journal metrics19:07
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cluckjwouldn't you have to get the people that profit from using those metrics to do the things that would break them?19:09
kanzurewell, they would be publishing open-access papers i think19:10
kanzureand maybe some closed-access, but perhaps they would still do that anyway19:10
kanzureadmittedly, the effect of doing this would probably be quite minimal at first... and for a while... because people still physically read nature.com for stuffs. so they will cite that stuff anyway.19:11
cluckjyeah...would it just delay the metric calculation until the data was released?19:15
cluckjhaha, shit, the debian access control system that biella is talking about :(19:19
cluckjI need to go find a citation for that19:20
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cluckjthat sucks that there is nobody doing bitcoin anthropology19:44
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.20:32
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lake_http://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2015/10    another good information site20:45
kanzurecluckj: oh you listened20:48
kanzurei believe the presenter is contractually obligated by the handbook of ethics to provide you a citation if you ask20:49
kanzureabout the debian access control system20:49
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