
--- Log opened Tue Dec 01 00:00:40 2015
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archels.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XdC1HUp-rU&06:06
yoleauxda Vinci Robot Stitches a Grape Back Together - YouTube06:06
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chris_99i actually thought it was doing the grape surgery autonomously but alas not06:45
chris_99still cool though06:45
archelsnah definitely not, we ain't there yet06:47
kanzurewhat's a good way to distinguish between a pdf page number and the page number lies written on the pdf page?07:18
kanzurewhen i tell someone to look at pdf page 19 how do i tell them i really mean pdf page 19 and not page 19?07:18
Aurelius_Work'file page 19'?07:19
kanzurewhich one is the file?07:20
kanzurestill ambiguous07:20
Aurelius_Work'go to the 19th page as indicated by the pdf reader rather than indicated on the page' :P07:20
maakukanzure: numbered page 1907:20
kanzurethey are both numbered! gah07:21
kanzurethis is less ambiguous: "pdf-viewer-numbered page 19"07:21
maakuok guess that one didn't work (to me "numbered" means physically marked on the page)07:21
kanzurenonauthor-page-number 1907:24
kanzurescrew it, we should just write a script to fix page numbers in broken pdf files07:24
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poppingtonicYeah, I've always just memorized the page-number-on-pdf to the page-number-in-pdf-viewer in my head, and added them in my head07:29
poppingtonicI've just decided that that's just too much makework.07:29
kanzurepdf page numbers should be in hex, since no document uses hex page numbering07:34
kanzurepdf page 0x107:34
kanzureproblem solved07:34
pompolicPoC or GTFO might, actually07:34
pompolicor is that the chapter numbers07:35
kanzuredamn it07:35
kanzurethe problem with automatically fixing the labeled page numbers is that the text might refer to pages. so you have to keep the labels unfortunately. you could use color coding perhaps, like "pdf red page number 5". and then print red text in one of the free corners.07:36
kanzure"digital page number" could work. it's slightly ambiguous but i think people would realize there is a distinction between data and what the digital data says.07:38
poppingtonicpompolic: those are just chapter numbers. Also, the volume numbers07:41
archelskanzure: use PDF authoring software that handles them correctly (i.e. lines them up so they match)07:49
archelsotherwise maybe something like "the 42nd sheet"07:50
poppingtonicarchels: you mean, actually edit the pdf? like using FoxIt?07:50
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1065317908:20
yoleauxWhy FPGA manufacturers keep their bitstream formats secret | Hacker News08:20
juri_kanzure: working on it. ;)08:23
poppingtonicooh kanzure is the hn discussion more interesting than the article?08:24
kanzurewell it mentions clifford wolf's work on the ice thingy. but we already knew about that (see logs).08:25
kanzureso other than that, skippable08:25
kanzure"it" == HN comments08:25
poppingtonicHere's the ice thingy http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/08:26
kanzurehave there been any cochlear implant control groups with healthy hearing that received functioning cochlear implants?08:30
kanzurei see a few studies where the two test groups are "some old people with hearing loss" and "some middle-aged adults wth hearing loss". how is that a control group? wtf08:32
kanzureapparently some parents teach their infants to use sign language since they pick that up faster than speech http://www.mybabycantalk.com/content/information/research/Impact%20of%20Symbolic%20Gesturing.pdf08:35
kanzurebut that's not quite what i was looking for heh08:35
kanzuresurely there's at least one cochlear implant recipient that got an implant as a child but later found out that he has perfectly fine hearing. and now has extra audio input.08:37
kanzure08:41 < Act> kanzure: oooh. can you stream music direct to cochlear implants?08:41
kanzure08:41 < kanzure> no, because they are proprietary and evil08:42
kanzure08:41 < kanzure> but other than that, in theory yes08:42
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kanzure"Fewer than 1% of deaf individuals have a missing or damaged auditory nerve, which today can be treated with an auditory brainstem implant."08:51
poppingtonickanzure your conversation with Act reminds me of Cory Doctorow's perennial talk subject: DRM locking up the-miniature-turing-complete-computer-in-your-ear08:53
poppingtonicIs anyone here backing up libgen?08:54
poppingtonicor scihub?08:54
kanzurescihub creator once showed up in here08:54
kanzureshe is currently busy with the elsevier lawsuit08:55
kanzure*allged scihub creator08:55
kanzure*alleged scihub creator08:55
kanzureas far as i know, libgen backups are currently hindered by lack of contact with libgen people. i'm willing to send someone to russia with hard drives if necessary but need more details about where to go.08:55
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cluckjI "have to" grant ProQuest a license to profit off my dissertation in order to submit it to my university11:39
kanzureproquest has an exclusive deal with your university?11:39
cluckjthere's no "download it from sci-hub, you shitheads" option11:39
kanzureyour university doesn't archive its own theses?11:40
cluckjthey do!11:40
cluckjthey've "streamlined" the thesis submission process to grant proquest a monopoly on the submission process11:40
cluckjwe'll fuckin' see about that11:40
cluckjI'm tempted to make an egregious copyright violation in my introduction so that they can't secure the rights (and consequently can't publish it)11:41
cluckja big picture of mickey mouse or something...11:41
nmz787_ithat sounds sucky11:43
nmz787_iis there anyway you can argue it "you didn't tell me I had to give this away when I was admitted 5 years ago"11:44
nmz787_ior something11:44
cluckjI'm asking my advisor about it now11:44
cluckjthis is pretty much a deal breaker, though11:44
nmz787_ior can you just upload to the web now, before giving it to them?11:44
nmz787_ipre-print or something?11:45
nmz787_iand include a link in the submitted version too, or something11:45
nmz787_iso anyone accessing via payway can find the non-paywalled link for sharing11:45
cluckjoh, like put a link in the abstract?11:46
cluckjI dunno, I'm finding out now if I can opt-out of granting them a license11:47
nmz787_iidk if you could get away with that11:47
nmz787_ii mean putting  a link in the abstract11:47
nmz787_iit would seem like you'd need some leverage to get around their protocols... like if publication of your results will get the uni funding or something11:48
chris_99does it mean you're not allowed to self host your thesis?11:48
nmz787_i"well if it isn't free, it isn't publishable"  "I'll quit school right now"11:49
cluckjI (will) have the copyright on it, so I can do whatever I want with it11:49
chris_99ah cool11:49
nmz787_ibut you can't make money on it?11:49
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nmz787_ior rather, you have to watch proquest make money on it11:49
cluckjI can grant my university a CC 3.0 license11:49
cluckjit's a non-exclusive license11:49
cluckj(for proquest)11:49
nmz787_itoo bad you can't use some infectious license, whereby all of proquest could be legally challenged to be opened up11:50
nmz787_ia single one-line clause in your publication, in super-small type....11:50
cluckjparasitic licenses for the parasitic dissertation11:50
nmz787_isome phone-home javascript baked into the PDF11:51
nmz787_ithat calls out from proquest11:51
cluckjI'm perfectly happy granting my university a license, but fuck proquest right in its ear11:51
nmz787_ithe "just dumped your server keys" clause11:51
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cluckjI totally need to add a couple sentences of lowkey hate on proquest in the section where I talk about journal piracy and resistance to open-access models11:52
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chris_99has anyone ever looked into ECG biometrics for passwords out of interest12:05
chris_99i mean i know it's done, but does it work well12:05
Stskeepschris_99: unrelated, but did you know of vein authentication? http://biowatch.ch ish12:06
chris_99i did not, just loading that up :)12:06
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chris_99does it work with an IR camera or something12:07
chris_99their website is v. slow for me12:08
Stskeepsnot sure, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vein_matching12:08
chris_99mm that meantions IR light12:08
chris_99i'd assume ECG may be cheaper in terms of hardware possibly12:09
cluckjoh boy12:16
cluckj"you have to do it, but you can CC license it too"12:16
nmz787_ichris_99: i could see that being hard to use... someone could denial-of-service attack you by just constantly annoying you so you couldn't achieve the same brain-state, I think12:19
nmz787_i"And, for an additional fee, you may also authorize ProQuest to make electronic copies of your dissertation available as an “open access” publication."12:21
nmz787_i"Rensselaer has participated in the ProQuest Dissertation Service since the early 1950's. This voluntary program for universities was established by an act of the U.S. Congress to preserve doctoral dissertations on microfilm and to promote the dissemination of original research at a national level."12:22
nmz787_inow I want to listen to the Folsom Prison song by Johnny Cash12:22
nmz787_i'stuck in Folsom prison, reading these theses til I die..."12:23
cluckjyeah seriously12:25
cluckjthe fee is $95, and they are still granted a license to print copies12:25
archelsis there an argument to make for the case that we shouldn't use biometrics for identification?12:26
cluckjmaybe I can revoke their license asap12:26
nmz787_icluckj: well allowing them to print it seems OK, or letting them shove it into the library of Congress (unless the Folsom library is some local campus library)... who else is going to do it?12:31
cluckjthe folsom library is a local campus library :)12:31
cluckjGrant of Rights. Author hereby grants to ProQuest the non-exclusive, worldwide right to reproduce, distribute, display and transmit the Work (in whole or in part) in such tangible and electronic formats as may be in existence now or developed in the future. Author further grants to ProQuest the right to include the abstract, bibliography and other metadata in the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database (PQDT) and in P12:32
cluckjroQuest's Dissertation Abstracts International and any successor or related index and/or finding products or services.12:32
kanzureoh, non-exclusive proquest license. meh.12:35
cluckjthey need to get that in before I can release it under a CC license12:36
ButaTineStskeeps, we sell computers with vein scanners at work.12:36
StskeepsButaTine: cool :)12:36
ButaTineI could run some tests on one if you like.12:36
ButaTinehigher end laptops they are though, unlikely to be cost effective if you buy them for the sensor.12:37
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chris_99nmz787_i, sorry was afk, it's ECG rather than EEG12:58
ButaTinechris_99, isn't it the same signal measuring method, just different interpretation of the collected data?12:59
chris_99i think EEG amps might amplifier more, and they're placed in different areas of the body13:00
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nmz787_ichris_99: I guess ECG would pose the same challenge... heart rate is modulated by annoyance, fear, shock, etc13:05
chris_99apparently they don't look at the bpm though13:06
nmz787_ii still imagine the pattern would change13:06
nmz787_ii guess that could be learned though13:06
nmz787_ithe training wouldn't be quick I guess13:06
nmz787_iit would need to watch your heart to really find the 'golden' pattern... or some set of possible patterns13:07
nmz787_iI'd also guess that drugs and brain injuries would change the pattern too13:07
chris_99or developing arrhythmia13:08
nmz787_isomething like that13:08
nmz787_ichris_99: seen any cheap sources for optical probes with an SMA connector? something like this http://www.avantes.com/products/fiber-optics/item/254-transmission-dip-probe-with-variable-path-length13:11
nmz787_iseems this is pretty much the only thing I'm lacking now for practical use of my spectrometer13:11
chris_99don't that surplus science place sell them13:11
chris_99for $2013:12
nmz787_ior some sort of coupler for a cuvette13:12
nmz787_ioh, lemme check13:12
chris_99i thought they came with them13:13
nmz787_ipretty nice site: http://amasci.com/suppliers.html13:14
nmz787_iit came with a fiber patch cable13:14
nmz787_ibut not a probe13:14
nmz787_iI was with a friend last night who was doing some color-change reactions and I was looking in the box I got with the spectrometer13:15
chris_99whats the difference between a probe and patch? does one have a lens on13:16
chris_99or something13:16
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chris_99oh i see13:20
chris_99it has some kind of reflector on?13:20
chris_99oh and it transmits light13:21
chris_99well that is handy13:21
nmz787_ithe patch is just one-to-one (input goes to output, or visa versa)13:22
chris_99yeah i see now13:22
chris_99how much does a dip probe cost13:22
nmz787_iidk !13:22
nmz787_iocean optics has a few, but no prices :/13:23
nmz787_iso I can't buy one (quickly, at least) even if it was expensive13:23
chris_99no price13:23
nmz787_ihuh, well here's a $6 one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Reflection-type-Photoelectric-optical-fiber-amplifier-sensor-probe-M4-/331559354508?hash=item4d327a408c:g:3MMAAOSwaNBUkR0H13:24
nmz787_ibut it doesn't appear to have the connectors on the ends13:24
chris_99doesn't seem to say the wavelength?13:24
nmz787_ino :/13:26
chris_99also is that the dip type?13:26
chris_99or is it just two bundles pointing out?13:26
nmz787_ino idea13:26
chris_99a dip one could be perfect to just shove in a fermenter :)13:27
nmz787_ii think the dip is usually two fibers pointing out, and then there's some kind of reflector some distance away13:27
nmz787_ii guess in that case it would be transmission13:27
nmz787_iso maybe a 'reflective' just lacks the reflector13:27
nmz787_ialso,  with the reflective, I think the light source gets combined with the sensing fiber... via a prism... before the end of the probe13:28
nmz787_iso a 'transmissive' dip probe is probably cheaper13:29
nmz787_isince they use a reflector/diffuser instead of a beam combineer13:29
nmz787_ialibaba link seems like worthwhile to check into13:29
chris_99have you tried the spectrometer with the patch though13:31
nmz787_inot yet13:34
nmz787_iI am getting close though... I glued the surface onto my new workbench two nights ago13:34
chris_99cool :)13:35
nmz787_i(which I need to have more workspace)13:35
chris_99is the SEM in storage?13:35
nmz787_iI was dumb though and didn't have enough clamps (I would have needed probably 10 more clamps)... so I used heavy boxes of books to press the thin plywood to the base.... but the weight caused the table to sink and bow down... so now it's glued that way!13:35
nmz787_iyeah, still over at the local FIB lab13:36
nmz787_ibought a small 4 or 5 inch black and white TV last week at a second-hand store13:36
chris_99heh cool13:36
nmz787_iruns on 12V or battery, is probably the newest CRT I can find used and cheap13:36
nmz787_ifigure that should provide some insight/experience on messing with the SEM13:37
chris_99does the SEM have a built in CRT?13:37
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nmz787_ibut the SEM itself is like a CRT13:43
nmz787_iactually I guess more like a TEM overall... without beam focus point13:44
nmz787_ior a STEM13:44
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chris_99nmz787_i, http://www.spectraconn.com/product-classes/dip-probes/13:50
chris_99got prices13:50
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FourFireI might disappear for a bit, chances are my VM will shortly crash this computer :714:13
FourFireif not then yay, i won.14:13
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cluckjeveryone I've talked to is misunderstanding what my problem with granting them a license is15:23
cluckjthey're all like "no it's okay to do that"15:23
cluckj"they're not going to do anything bad with it"15:24
cluckjthe friggin point is that I don't want to be forced to give those for-profit weasels a license15:24
kanzureyou should point out that the upload process requires granting proquest a license, which is highly unethical15:27
cluckjthat's exactly the issue15:28
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kanzureyou should sell a license to proquest instead :)15:32
kanzurei'm sure you could twist that into a little media frenzy too if you want15:33
cluckjI just want to CC license it and throw it up on the internet15:34
cluckjnobody is going to read it, anyway15:34
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cluckjlooks like it's totally involuntary18:06
cluckjand compulsory18:06
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fennwhile i want to back you up on sticking it to the man, i just don't think granting a non-exclusive license to republish is that big of a deal. it's not as if you're transferring copyright to them like many journals demand18:19
fennif you publish as CC you're essentially granting them a non-exclusive license to republish anyway18:20
fenngiven a choice of a world where people host their own papers and their websites go down and everything is lost forever, or a world with mandatory inclusion in a database of "all papers ever", i'll take the latter18:21
cluckjnobody will buy copies anyway, so it's not like they will make any money off of them18:38
cluckjthe CC license will prohibit commercial use, though18:54
cluckjso they need to get one that will let them print copies18:54
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fennnon-commercial copyleft licenses are a bad idea19:01
fenncreative commons made a mistake by allowing so many different licenses under the same name19:02
fennthey currently advise against using the non-commercial license19:02
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kanzureaaronsw also advises against using non-commerical creative commons license types19:10
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cluckjmy choices are: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 license, or "you retain the copyright"19:11
kanzureno-derivatives? yeesh19:12
cluckjthrough this goofy online tool, anyway19:12
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cluckjwhat makes the NC licenses a bad plan?19:13
cluckj"the ProQuest fee for Open Access Publishing PLUS is $95.00 USD"19:14
fennNC licenses have unforseen consequences, and it's unclear what exactly "non-commercial" means (and different people do in fact have different ideas of what it means)19:16
fennand most of the time a simple copyleft license does the intended thing, which is preventing some third party from denying others use of our work or derivatives of it19:17
cluckjI'll retain all rights for now, and license it out later when I have time to read through all the licenses19:19
fennhere's some arguments against NC licenses http://freedomdefined.org/Licenses/NC19:20
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kanzureusually i stick to cc-by-sa19:39
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cluckjSA isn't an option, unfortunately19:52
kanzureyou might as well write the whole thing in klingon and sticky-tape it to one of the voyager probes19:55
fennjust re-publish it on your website as -by-sa19:55
fennand/or put it in the intro of the paper itself19:56
cluckjfenn, they will definitely not let me get away with that19:56
fennwhy not?19:56
kanzureproquest is way more valuable to them than some thesis19:57
kanzurethey probably get sweet proquest discounts out of this19:57
cluckjsomebody is making money from this, and it ain't me19:58
kanzurehard to imagine there's an entire multi-billion dollar industry around uploading papers to ftp servers and selling access back to universities19:58
cluckjthis is an extremely ironic problem because I almost flat-out call publishing companies parasites20:00
kanzureif bill gates is unwilling to buy elsevier then maybe zuckerberg would consider it20:00
kanzureall this inefficency in transferring important knowledge around is completely stupid20:00
fennor they would say "wow they make billions of dollars from doing absolutely nothing? where do i invest?"20:00
kanzurenah they both like to loudly proclaim they are doing stuffs for charity or something20:01
kanzurecost of science is already way too high, don't need additional costs of academic publishing and sending ideas to each other20:01
cluckjoh they do it from exploiting the labor of entrenched academics20:01
fennstarving children make better moral blackmail fodder than academics20:01
kanzureright, reputation stuff20:01
kanzureyeah, true, but i think it could be reasonably argued there are starving children because of academic publishing inefficiencies20:02
kanzure"tuberculosis absolutely hates this industry, so that's how you know you should be buying this up"20:03
cluckjmaybe I will starve my child and publish open-access20:03
cluckj$95 fuckin dollars for web hosting...20:03
fennlol "tuberculosis hates libgen"20:03
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* fenn imagines propaganda posters like, "you wouldn't infect a pizza with tuberculosis"20:04
kanzurei don't think that anyone has made a reasonable argument to gates or zuckerberg about literally buying up academic publishers20:04
kanzureso i guess that is going to have to be up to me20:04
* kanzure makes a powerpoint20:05
kanzurewhere's that damn hockey stick graph showing growth in number of papers per year....20:05
kanzurebillionaires love them some hockey stick graphs20:05
cluckjthat's a good graph. gates loves graphs.20:05
kanzurebabe hush i know how this rolls20:05
kanzurenext i need to super-impose an image of ray kurzweil on this image20:07
cluckjput the TED logo on it too20:07
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kanzure"strategic partnerships -- Wellcome Trust" (not really, but i'm sure they'd be cool with this, they'd dig it)20:08
cluckjno no, STEM education20:09
cluckjthat's hot now20:09
kanzure"fact: the u.s. student debt bubble is going straight into the pockets of elsevier and other military-industrial academic publishing houses"20:09
fenninternational arms traders20:10
kanzureoh right, let's throw in some geopolitics20:10
kanzureactually i think we could reasonably get an audience with at least one or both of them.20:12
fennto be fair, they divested from the arms trade, but it's still good rhetoric20:13
cluckjI wonder which skeletons are in proquest's closet20:13
fenngoing back to 1938 and working directly for the OSS in WW2 they probably have quite a few skeletons20:14
cluckjyou mean they might be literal nazis...20:15
fennwell, no20:15
kanzurethat they might have literal skeletons?20:16
fennheh yeah20:17
kanzuregoogle might be a better fit for this20:17
kanzurethey like knowledge20:18
fenngood luck with that20:18
fennmight have been easy when they were in the mood 2007 ish20:18
fennalso i'm not sure giving google an even larger monopoly on access to information is such a good idea20:19
kanzurewell, i was thinking eric schmidt or something20:19
kanzurenot google actual20:20
fennand they don't have a very good track record of supporting projects for more than a few years before dumping all the data in the trash can20:20
cluckjwhy haven't they already bought them all up and thrown the databases into google books?20:20
kanzurehessel knows sergey brin pretty well20:20
fennwtf who is this guy20:21
cluckjhessel knows everybody, I think20:21
kanzureit's not hard to know everyone20:22
kanzureand lecturing at singularityu for so long probably helped too. but he was fine before that.20:23
fennoh that's probably it20:23
kanzurei mean you could ask the same question about me, really. and it's just lots of preparation plus luck plus opportunity engineering.20:23
fenni guess i just have a hard time believing that abusing the conference-speaking circuit is that powerful20:24
kanzureit's often not about the actual talks, although that does help others approach you20:25
cluckjhe gets paid by autocad to mingle20:25
kanzurefenn knows him from before autocad20:25
kanzurehe might not know about autocad heh20:25
fenni watched the multi-scale cad software video20:26
kanzurewas that a hessel video?20:26
cluckjgregarious dude + expense account = meets everyone20:26
kanzurei really wouldn't blame the expense account... i mean he was like this before autocad.20:26
cluckjit certainly doesn't hurt20:27
cluckjcya, time to get some sleep20:27
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyohe.20:34
kanzuregood to see sqlmap still around20:38
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kanzureslides: science stats/motivation, how science works, growth (papers), how papers get published (lifecycle diagram), academic publishers, power-law distribution of academic publishers, academic publishing inefficiency estimates, contributions of academic publishing inefficiency to global scientific progress inefficiency, elsevier acquisition cost estimate, springer acquisition cost estimate, quantified humanitarian benefit, current ...21:31
kanzure... status, long-term strategy, next steps, team21:32
kanzureprobably can condense some of the details into a more succinct argument21:32
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yoleaux25 Nov 2015 11:31Z <chris_99> nmz787: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/3D-priter-control-board-MKS-SBase-V1-0-32-s-Motherboard-compatible-Smoothieware-open-source-firmware/32410815670.html22:18
nmz787ah yes, saw that22:18
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