
--- Log opened Wed Dec 30 00:00:51 2015
yoleauxDiablo-D3: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.00:10
Diablo-D3"How to Recover a Qubit That Has Fallen Into a Black Hole"00:10
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yoleauxThe octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties : Nature : Nature Publishing Group00:44
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fennmissing "Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology" volumes 1, 11, 12  (there are 28 in the series?)01:23
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fennuploaded 11 12 and 15; springer is missing 1 and 5, and the rest are still paywalled01:46
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fenngosh they have a lot of books available for download02:03
fenn110,183 books to be precise02:04
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xentracFourFire: sounds like a good plan05:20
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chris_99did anything happen with elsevier and the whole of France, gaining free access06:15
xentracthe netherlands is my hero06:15
xentracI hacked together a super minimal accelerometer-driven VR proof of concept: http://canonical.org/~kragen/sw/81hacks/topopt-ar/06:16
xentracI was going to include topology optimization and camera input in it in some form, but I ran out of time06:17
xentracit took me most of an hour to figure out the basic accelerometer crap06:17
kanzurespringer fixed their bug06:23
maakusadly :(06:24
xentracwhat bug?06:43
xentrachttps://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10810271 has discussion of Springer access06:44
xentrac"Access seems to have been cut off about 2 hours ago" "It appears to be working well for me"06:44
kanzurefor the past few days, springer had ~50k books and lots of older material available for download06:45
xentracI know.  seems to be 135 books now06:46
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fenni snagged some engineering books that sounded interesting; would have tried harder if i had realized the time-limited nature of the opportunity07:46
pompolicI'd have grabbed more if i had the storage space /excuses07:48
pompolicwas too good to be true07:48
kanzurefenn: science liberation front has you covered. significant chunk retrieved.07:50
kanzurehowever, a lot of this is moot because of (undisclosed reasons that would make everyone smile so hard they would die)07:51
fennright, well, i'll believe it when i see it07:51
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xentrackanzure: where?08:09
xentracthe undisclosed reasons sound awesome but they might change08:09
kanzurenah it's stuff that happened in the past. over and done. :-)08:11
xentracglobal thermonculear war?  no, if that were it then I already would have heard08:14
xentracit's been 23 minutes since you said that08:14
kanzurewhy would global thermonuclear war make you smile?08:14
xentracone might smile at the foolishness of people spending their precious remaining minutes of life downloading books they would never read08:15
pompolici'm guessing they've been mass-grabbed by someone(s)08:16
kanzureeven better08:17
andaresUh, I should just go grab the logs08:17
kanzurei highly encourage everyone to always grab the logs08:18
andaresBut what are we discussing? My first glance was at global thermonuclear war..08:18
andaresI will grab the logs08:18
xentrackanzure: is it possible to git clone the logs?08:18
andaresOh goodness that's awesome08:19
xentracYes, Springer's decision was very generous08:20
xentracLet's hope they make it permanent08:20
andaresxentrac: I don't think git would work well, because they are streaming08:20
fennlol it was obviously a mistake08:20
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xentracfenn: I don't think so, although I admit that's a possibility08:21
fenndownloading books sounds like the best possible use of the last few minutes before the missiles hit08:21
fennsome new stuff in springerwat/engineering/ (use your brain)08:22
xentracwhat about reading the books you've already downloaded08:22
fennwhat about thinking about the future of humanity08:22
andaresI always fall into the mental trap of thinking that downloading a book has somehow installed its contents into my brain.08:23
andaresDamnit, we need the matrix08:23
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xentracyou could probably finish thinking about the future of humanity fairly quickly if a nuclear holocaust were imminent.  maybe you could listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JCFAci21wE08:24
yoleauxSimon & Garfunkel - The Sun is Burning - YouTube08:24
andaresxentrac: missile strikes would push forward the deadline for singularity rather dramatically I fear08:24
xentracwell, we probably have at least six months or a year08:26
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xentracmaybe longer08:27
xentracand maybe WWIII won't involve a nuclear exchange08:27
andaresI think the next imminent threat to humanity is bioterrorism08:27
xentracUN Security Council Resolution 2254 makes me optimistic about that08:28
andaresDIY is going to pretty quickly become easy enough for somebody to do08:28
andaresI don't worry about nation-state bioterrorism, mostly about lone wolves08:29
andaresFortunately, all the malicious lone wolves have been stupid or not technically inclined08:29
kanzurethe concern about lone wolves is misplaced.... you never had control over loners.08:29
xentracYou kind of have to be stupid to attempt bioterrorism as a lone wolf08:30
kanzureyou should instead focus on improving general technology infrastructure so that everyone can defend themselves and work on problem solving08:30
andaresBut before, a loner could not release an outbreak of ebola08:30
kanzureby limiting infrastructure in fear of lone wolves, you make us more vulnerable to attack08:30
kanzureyes they could have done that before08:30
kanzurethere are even people who intentionally infect others with STDs08:30
andaresI agree with your points about infra btw08:30
andaresI am just disentangling my fears and my solutions08:31
kanzuresolution is to have way for everyone to bugger off with their own space colonies, try their own political experiments, etc.08:31
xentracyou certainly could have released an outbreak of ebola as a lone wolf 40 years ago08:31
xentracyou'd have to do like that guy who infected himself with hookworms in Cameroon though08:32
andareskanzure: once we get a bit closer to Seveneves08:32
xentracand you'd probably die in the process, but that's still true08:32
andaresXentrac: there are lots of suicide bombers in the middle East atm. I don't understand why they're not channeling that into higher-scale attacks08:33
xentracthey aren't "lone wolves"08:34
andaresWell, small cells08:34
xentracalso I think suicide bombing is more an Indian thing08:34
xentracalthough there are obvs people in the Middle East doing it too08:34
andaresHrm. I guess we'd start seeing symptoms, and then contact trace our way out of it08:35
andaresMaybe some kind of rapid vaccination design program too08:37
xentracthe thing that limits lone-wolf bioterrorism (or to a lesser extent chemical and explosive terrorism) is that by far the most likely outcome is that the lone "wolf" dies in the process without hurting anybody else08:37
xentracexcept maybe whoever finds their body and disposes of it08:38
andaresI know the RNAi-based vaccine for Ebola failed to get approval, but maybe RNAi would be a good general platform08:38
andaresI still don't understand why RNAi therapeutics didn't take off08:39
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-!- Deku-shrub [50bdee38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:28
Deku-shruboh wow, have I found an active transhumanist IRC channel?09:28
archelsyes, hello, welcome.09:28
Deku-shrubomg I have so many questions09:29
Deku-shrublike, who are you, how and where are you organised, what are your projects?09:29
kanzuresee http://diyhpl.us/wiki/hplusroadmap09:30
Deku-shrubI have seen that09:31
Deku-shrubI was wondering how the grouping came about in the first place09:31
Deku-shrubI run this wiki: http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Main_Page09:31
Deku-shrubI am mapping out the world's tranhumanist organisations09:31
kanzurewaste of time.... they all suck. i was director of r&d at humanity+ for a while. don't bother.09:31
kanzurehplusroadmap started in 2007 when i was writing a transhumanist technology roadmap.09:31
Deku-shrubit's not associated with Humanity+ actually09:32
kanzure"world's transhumanist organizations" includes humanity+ unfortunately09:32
Deku-shrubThis is the list of all futurist wikis I could find, I don't have anything on you org yet though http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Transhumanist_wikis09:32
kanzurewe are not an org, we are more like a science liberation and engineering militia09:33
Deku-shrubmany many organisations listed, but not yet completed: http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Category:Transhumanist_organisations09:33
kanzurehmm i guess a militia has to be an organization....09:33
Deku-shrubsorry ;)09:33
kanzurewe are just people working on some stuff09:33
archelsgenerally this channel is less concerned with talking about transhumanism than actually brining it about@s709:33
Deku-shrubwhat people, what stuff? I want to know. I know very little about the grinder movement09:33
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kanzuregrinder movement is sorta separate- they sort of hate me because i told them to go fuck themselves.09:34
Deku-shruboh okay :)09:34
Deku-shrubthis is my chart of the related communities, going to be published on the IEET I hope when it's finished http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_futurist_related_ideologies09:34
kanzurei also hate ieet and i want james hughes to vanish09:34
archelsssh, let him publish my JET paper thing first09:35
Deku-shrubI've created the largest map of what can loosly be called the transhumanist community, I am well aware that everyone either hates everyone or doesn't know about the other half09:36
kanzuregrinders are more like the bodymod people, e.g. tats and plastic surgery. they don't really like the idea of engineering correctness, they are more fascinated with aesthetic value and noisemaking.09:36
Deku-shrubso your org's focus is biohacking I'm guessing?09:36
archelsso why is a nootropic user by definition not a transhumanist or a life extensionst?09:36
Deku-shrub@archels - I accuse you of not reading the 'overview' section09:37
kanzurei am not sure why you are calling this an organization09:37
pompolicas a nub i think i ended up in the right place for once09:37
pompolicre: grinders09:37
AdrianGarchels: who said its not?09:37
Deku-shrubhaving a website = an organisation :p09:37
Deku-shrubI'm not using the term in a legalistic sense09:37
archelswell putting a disclaimer there is just the easy way out isn't it09:38
archelsAdrianG: http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_futurist_related_ideologies09:38
pompolickanzure: if you're asking me, i really like the idea of correctness, that's all09:38
archelsDeku-shrub: what's your own background?09:38
kanzureno, i am "whating" his conflation of websites and organizations09:38
pompolicoh, sorry09:38
Deku-shrubI am a founder of the UK transhumanist party - deputy IT and misc fielding, digital rights person for many years, recently main contributor to H+Pedia09:39
archelscool, yeah, pirate.london is having some trouble loading here09:40
Deku-shrubIt was flaking out earlier :(09:41
Deku-shruball their sysadmins are on holiday = doom09:41
archelshave you tried turning it off and on again?09:41
* Deku-shrub is on shared hosting09:41
AdrianGarchels: the map is not the territory. we simply make up labels to help us sort things into buckets and make it easier to operate mentally with them.09:41
Deku-shrub@Adrian - yes09:42
archelsHrm.Wayback Machine doesn't have that page archived.09:42
Deku-shrubor as Eddie Izzard would put it, I am expanding the scope of futurism through cunning use of flags09:42
AdrianGi am convinced that everyone who self-medicates in hopes of improving one self in some way - is transcending their current condition.09:42
AdrianGand by definition is already transhuman to some degree.09:43
fennbeer monkeys09:43
archelsAdrianG: these kinds of disclaimers are not excuses for making a bad or wrong map09:43
archels(not accusing you here Deku-shrub, just arguing the general case)09:43
archelsit's like putting "no copyright intended" below an infringing YouTube upload09:43
AdrianGarchels: its not an excuse.09:44
AdrianGarchels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_semantics09:44
AdrianGthere can never be an absolutely precise map.09:45
archelsno, like you said, maps are devices to help us think09:45
Deku-shrubin my case, subtle propaganda btw09:45
archelsif the map is making you take a wrong turn or making you generally think that two things are at opposite extremes when they're not, then it's a bad map09:45
archelsbecause it is not helping you in thinking well and making good decisions09:46
kanzurei do not see this conversation as being helpful or useful09:46
kanzureand i am also going to take a wild guess and assume that Deku-shrub is very much committed to his ways09:47
Deku-shrubyou can always contribute to the definitions and help me create the best infographic about futurist communities ever done :)09:47
kanzureDeku-shrub: what do you actually do other than organize parties09:47
kanzureno, fuck infographics09:48
* Deku-shrub puts away his other infographics09:48
kanzurei'm not gonna ban you for linking to infographics. but generally many people assume these images have more value than they do.09:48
Deku-shrubI do many things, what would you like to know? as I said, I'm here to try and understand what this organisations/website/militia is about right now09:49
kanzurei already strongly disagree with your assessment of the value of the rest of the transhumanist community; i think this is probably irreconciable.09:50
Deku-shrubwhat value did I place on the transhumanist community? I said it was highly disorganised and has infighting - so you think the opposite?09:51
kanzureyou place enough value in the rest of it to bother stalking all of them. i guess there's sort of a selection effect here (because otherwise it's lacking an explanation for why you would find this place).09:52
kanzurebut i'd much rather you not find this place than someone think the community has value enough to bother stalking all of them09:52
Deku-shrubso.. you're opposed to the principle or collating transhumanist organisations?09:53
kanzurehaven't you noticed they don't actually do anything?09:53
Deku-shrubof course09:53
kanzureso.. why are you wasting your time like this?09:53
Deku-shrubI am trying to work out the few which actually do things09:53
Deku-shrubin order to do this I am indexing them all first09:53
Deku-shrubI enjoy this btw09:53
kanzuremaybe if you were an anthropologist, then i could understand or even agree. but this doesn't seem to be the case.09:55
Deku-shrubwho says I'm not? :p09:55
kanzure(or, rather, anthropological inclinations)09:55
kanzure((i don't actually care about anthropologist titles (sorry cluckj))09:56
Deku-shrubMy socialogical research is mostly around dark web myths and legends rather than transhumanist stuff09:56
Deku-shrubbut I'm piecing together wtf 'spiritual transhumanism' is for instance09:56
Deku-shrubthere are many emergent transhumanist memes when you collate enough data09:57
Deku-shrubhere is a page for you to object to now: http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/DIY_Hplus09:58
kanzurewhat objection are you looking for?09:58
Deku-shrubyou've been suggesting my initiate is a waste of time in different ways09:58
Deku-shrubso I was anticipating more of that09:58
kanzureyea but about that particular link?09:59
Deku-shrubthat's about your miltia thing, I was hoping to have described you guys accurately09:59
Deku-shrubI'm writing them for various orgs and interests then getting feedback until people are happy09:59
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Deku-shrubanyhow, so sticking within the area of practical biohacking, do you have a relationship with this site at all? http://www.agingchart.org/wiki/Main_Page10:10
Deku-shrubAny pointers to write up more about Biohacking in general would be appreciated also10:13
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archelsthere's ##biohack also, biohack.me IRC couterpart10:30
Deku-shrubapparently you can get 'answsers' on that site :)10:35
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xentrackanzure: I would appreciate it if you didn't describe any group I am even loosely affiliated with as a "militia"10:51
kanzureyea i was kidding. we are also not bioterrorists, for the record.10:51
kanzure"In Ticketmaster v. RMG, the smaller company, which extracted non-copyrightable data from Ticketmaster's site, lost because the Court ruled that the momentary existence of a web page in RAM constituted an unauthorized copy. The real-world analog is claiming that an illegal copy is made every time a copyrighted work reflects against your retina."10:51
kanzureyeah i'm not sure how copyright law is supposed to work for people with eidetic memories10:52
xentracDeku-shrub: you can run a website on a Raspberry Pi Zero; you don't need an "organization" :)10:53
xentracI am aware that you are kidding but the keyword filters may not be so forgiving10:53
doclisn't the hip new term "swarm"?10:53
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xentrachmm, I hadn't seen http://maradydd.livejournal.com/496085.html before that I can remember10:55
yoleauxA Biopunk Manifesto - Radio Free Meredith10:55
xentracoh shit, Ian Murdock died: https://blog.docker.com/2015/12/ian-murdock/10:58
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CaptHindsightwhat happened to azcobiotech.com? the site has been down11:01
CaptHindsighthave they disappeared?11:02
kanzureazcobiotech got acquired a year ago (or more?), maybe they don't have any sysadmin on staff11:02
kanzurethey might also be unaware11:02
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doclnot exactly new in internet years, but presumably no more than 5 or so years old http://falkvinge.net/2011/08/01/swarmwise-what-is-a-swarm/11:02
CaptHindsightthey sold the liquid reagents for the inkjet11:03
Deku-shrubdocl - I have that book!11:03
CaptHindsightthere are still a few others11:03
kanzureazcobiotech is still around, their site is just down, i think11:03
kanzuresomeone needs to phone them up and tell them about their outage11:03
kanzurethey probably don't monitor their site's uptime11:04
doclDeku-shrub: I figured you'd be familiar with the falkvingean stuff :)11:04
Deku-shrubI have met him11:04
CaptHindsightthey must not count on website orders or they would have noticed by now11:04
Deku-shrubhe is a good speaker, despite the pirate movement not going from strength to strength11:04
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CaptHindsightdid BioCurious in Sunnyvale turn down hosting the POSAM?11:06
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xentrachmm, actually Ian seems to have killed himself11:06
kanzureCaptHindsight: i wouldn't offer that to biocurious11:06
kanzureCaptHindsight: there's way too much internal drama at biocurious11:07
kanzureCaptHindsight: also they have budget problems, revenue problems, and no expertise to debug the machine as far as i know.11:07
kanzureCaptHindsight: btw, hosting the machine isn't quite the problem at the moment....... getting the thing to work is the first priority. and part of that is finding people who know more chemistry than i do.11:07
CaptHindsightwas just looking at their bio-printer website11:07
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kanzurei think juul worked on that project11:07
kanzurejuul: ping11:07
CaptHindsightI'm going to build a printer with femtoliter size drops11:09
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TMADeku-shrub: I think that your assessment of the channel members as an organization is somewhat misguided: a litmus test for you: do you consider yourself as a member of this "organization"? On the contrary the diyhpl wiki is a wiki that might warrant an entry in http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Transhumanist_wikis, provided that it meets hpluspedia's notability policy (or some equivalent thereof)11:11
xentrachow big is a normal inkjet droplet?  several picoliters apparently: http://www.fkf.mpg.de/429741/subfemtoliter-inkjet11:12
Deku-shrubTMA - I already added it to the wiki list11:12
Deku-shrubI could create a subgroup of 'organisations that refuse to be called as such' instead if you like?11:13
TMADeku-shrub: sorry, I have missed it entirely11:13
CaptHindsightxentrac: it varies from 1-80pl for most consumer inkjet printers11:13
CaptHindsightcanon and epson have <$200 inkjets with down to 1pl drops11:14
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kanzurexentrac: CaptHindsight has offered to build us the dna synthesis machine if i supply the moolah :-)11:17
kanzurexentrac: project is held up while i find chemistry people to help iron out design bugs, e.g. CaptHindsight cannot sit around debugging the machine's chemistry, so i want to hire someone else to do that.11:17
CaptHindsightI moving ahead on my own11:17
kanzureso the offer is rescinded? i know the scheduling is out of whack now, but....11:18
CaptHindsightthe chemistry is not a problem, lots of variations11:18
kanzurehow is it not a problem?11:18
kanzuregetting the material choices wrong is a huge setback11:19
kanzure(for example)11:19
CaptHindsightthe problem has been patents, nit the chemistry11:19
kanzureoh, i am willing to pay for this despite the existence of patents, i'm fine with that11:19
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CaptHindsightI'll ping you when it's up11:20
chris_99do patents apply if you're DIYing something out of interest?11:20
kanzurepatent law can be twisted to do just about anything11:20
chris_99(something not for sale)11:20
kanzureyes, patent laws can be used in litigation even if you are not selling something11:20
CaptHindsightchris_99: yeah, and patents are used just to block innovation11:20
CaptHindsightthey never have to go into production or even build a working model11:21
xentracCaptHindsight: cool, thanks!11:21
xentracpatent laws are hard to apply against things that are done in private11:22
CaptHindsightheh, yeah11:22
TMArecently the rightsholders can get the patent even without disclosure of the invention (because the disclosure is so vague that it does not describe anything more than an outline of an idea)11:22
xentracit's common for research labs, for example, to try a patented invention internally, for example in order to patent improvements on it or in order to test it against unpatented alternatives11:22
CaptHindsightif you can't control the profits from the invention you block others from doing the same11:23
CaptHindsightit's like 5 year olds11:24
CaptHindsightif they can't have the ball then nobody else can either11:24
chris_99have you played around with REing the piezo heads of printers? (assuming you are using piezo heads)11:25
Deku-shrubThis is good - https://i.imgur.com/HLoxjio.jpg11:26
CaptHindsightI know how they are built11:26
CaptHindsightchris_99: I have NDA access to most of the printheads on the market11:26
chris_99ooh neat :)11:27
CaptHindsightwhat they mostly keep secret is the data protocol11:27
CaptHindsightwell they also keep the mechanical specs secret but you can measure just about everything11:29
CaptHindsighteven nozzle dia and spacing11:29
chris_99how would you measure nozzle dia out of interest?11:29
CaptHindsightthey even patent waveforms from driving the piezos11:29
chris_99ah makes sense11:30
CaptHindsightwhich is interesting since you can RE the IO and the waveforms11:31
CaptHindsightso they could still file an infringement suit against you for using their waveform11:31
CaptHindsightsome heads store the waveform in flash11:33
CaptHindsightso you just send the control signal to fire and a microcontroller outputs the pulse11:34
chris_99i'm not sure what the technical name is for the container that has the cartridges and heads,  but generally is the printer feeding analog signals to that part, or.. is it feeding digital and the analog conversion is done close to the piezo11:34
xentracCaptHindsight: wow, congratulations.  the printheads speak a data protocol?11:34
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CaptHindsightchris_99: depends on the head, Epson is piezo with a cartridge11:35
CaptHindsightmost piezo don't use a cartridge they get bulk fed from a bottle11:36
xentracI figured they just had piezos driven by wires (and that was why they had such a large number of contacts)11:36
CaptHindsightmost other consumer inkjets are thermal11:36
xentracI imagine piezo is more versatile11:36
CaptHindsightmost piezo heads have internal drivers11:36
xentracI had no idea11:36
xentracso the waveform is generated internally and you don't have to worry about the patent? ;)11:37
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CaptHindsightxentrac: but the head needs to be programmed11:38
CaptHindsightso you'd need to find a head that already has the waveform stored in flash11:38
CaptHindsightand the waveform will vary slightly based on the fluid being jetted11:39
CaptHindsightEpson doesn't store a waveform11:39
CaptHindsightyou send it nozzle on/off for each row and analog firing pulse11:40
CautiousNarwhalWhat chu guys talking about?11:40
CaptHindsightinkjet printheads11:41
chris_99do you know what voltage range epson heads use out of interest, for the analog signal?11:42
CaptHindsightthe printhead vendors also have licensing deals with printer makers...11:42
CaptHindsightso they want to know how the printhead is going to be used11:42
CaptHindsightthey may get a million (or few) a year to corner a certain market like wide format graphics or labels11:43
CaptHindsightchris_99: I forget off the top my head but ~90V comes to mind11:44
chris_99ah interesting, fairly high then11:44
CaptHindsightchris_99: the older Epson head in the POSAM was ~30V11:48
CaptHindsight"The clocking frequency used here is 500 kHz, though 3 MHz is possible. Digital signals are TTL- compatible and active high. The piezoelectric drive signal resembles a trapezoidal waveform, rising from 0V to 28V in 5μs, holding at 28V for 5μs, stepping up to 30V for 10μs, and falling back to 0V linearly over 20μs."11:49
CaptHindsightwe drive some piezos up to 200V11:50
CaptHindsightand at high speeds >100khz11:51
CaptHindsightso you get into some fancy high voltage opamp drivers11:51
chris_99ah, do the piezos themselves not draw that much current i guess?11:52
xentracpiezos are basically capacitive devices11:53
xentracthe leakage current through a piezoelectric crystal is very small indeed11:53
CaptHindsightyeah you're driving capacitive loads at high frequency and voltage11:54
CaptHindsightso it's high instantaneous currents11:54
xentracnatural macroscopic electrical phenomena mostly fall into the categories of electromagnetic (<100V, >100 millicoulombs) and electrostatic (>1000V, <1 microcoulomb) with the occasional spectacular exception like lightning11:55
xentracpiezoelectricity is on the electrostatic side11:55
xentrac(consequently electromagnetic phenomena tend to happen at <1kHz and electrostatic at >1MHz)11:56
xentracbridging the gap has involved a lot of human effort over the last couple of centuries11:56
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=229ee226 Bryan Bishop: include link about transaction fee estimation >> http://diyhpl.us/diyhpluswiki/transcripts/scalingbitcoin/transaction-fee-estimation/11:57
CaptHindsightlets say you have 1nF per piezo and 1200 nozzles12:00
CaptHindsightyou can easily require 12A per head at 40V12:01
chris_99wow, are there m(any) op-amps that give that?12:01
CaptHindsight480W op-amp12:02
kanzurei think you mean (m)any12:03
chris_99i do heh12:04
kanzuretrue :-)12:04
xentracso I see why they have internal drivers12:04
xentracpresumably internally they have a big capacitor so you don't have to feed them a big spiky current12:05
CaptHindsightno, you do12:05
xentracreally? 12 amps average but more like 120 amps at peak?12:05
CaptHindsightthe big capacitance is from 1200 nozzles firing at once12:06
CaptHindsightor it could be just one nozzle...12:06
xentracsure, but I mean I would expect a big bypass cap on the power pins of the driver chip12:06
CaptHindsightor any combo from line to line12:06
CaptHindsightthe heads with lots of nozzles won't have an internal driver12:07
xentracjust 1200 pins you have to feed the full-current waveform into?  doesn't that result in a lot of crosstalk?12:10
CaptHindsightdepends on the head design. most of the crosstalk is in shared wall designs like Xaar12:12
CaptHindsightyou won't see much with Dimatix, Kyocera or RPSA12:12
FourFirekanzure, thoughts on http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1200/RR1231/RAND_RR1231.pdf ?12:25
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kanzureFourFire: major red flag is the document does not contain a mention of "sybil resistance" or "sybil attack"12:28
kanzurei also don't see a mention of selfish mining12:28
AdrianGso are you saying they didnt do their homework?12:29
kanzurei see coinjoin mentioned but not coinswap or any of the other schemes12:29
kanzurethey do however mention SNARKs, that's kinda nice i guess, but they don't mention the vntinyram vulnerability12:29
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kanzurethey mention hashrate cartel formation, so at least they are aware of that....12:31
kanzureand denial-of-service stuff......12:31
kanzure51% is sorta overstating it12:33
kanzuremeh. i think better vulnerabilities are more well-known already.12:33
kanzureokay that is my assessment.12:33
FourFire> however, a lot of this is moot because of (undisclosed reasons that would make everyone smile so hard they would die)12:33
FourFire>i highly encourage everyone to always grab the logs12:33
FourFireI'm smiling pretty hard12:33
FourFire> andares> Fortunately, all the malicious lone wolves have been stupid or not technically inclined12:37
FourFire> "The minimum IQ required to destroy the world falls by one per year"12:37
kanzurethe earth does not ask you what your iq is just before you destroy it12:40
FourFireDeku-shrub, Hi, your chart is missing fans of Artifical biology (should be inside self modificationists)12:41
Deku-shrubthe outer most section?12:42
Deku-shrubalso I don't really know what it means to be fan of artificial biology, could you fill me in?12:42
FourFire> <AdrianG> i am convinced that everyone who self-medicates in hopes of improving one self in some way - is transcending their current condition.12:45
FourFire> anyone who wears shoes12:45
Deku-shrubmy collegue who wears glasses happily calls himself a cyborg :)12:45
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JayDuggerFourFire, skip most of the RAND report and read  pages 67-70. Then look at the price tag on the back cover.12:52
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CautiousNarwhalHave any of you successfully built a god helmet?13:02
kanzuresuperkuh was working on an reptitive transcranial magnetic stimulation device at some point, but i don't recall anything abou a helmet.13:03
CautiousNarwhalSame thing you just put it on a helmet so it can be a long lasting effect13:04
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CautiousNarwhalI want to build a transcranial magnetic stimulation device but have no idea where to start13:04
superkuhDo you have experience with high voltage?13:04
chris_99ben krasnow built one13:04
kanzureyou should also consider ultrasound instead of magnetism13:05
superkuhI second kanzure's suggestion.13:05
CautiousNarwhalUltrasound stimulation? Never heard of that being used13:05
FourFireCautiousNarwhal, if you aren't going to start immediately, look into OpenBCI's tDCS shield13:06
FourFireshould be purchaseable about 8 months into 2016...13:06
FourFireI don't know anything about TMS.13:07
CautiousNarwhalRadical! thanks guys13:10
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CautiousNarwhalSo whats the benefits of using ultrasound over magnetics?13:18
kanzureno high voltage13:18
CautiousNarwhalMakes sense13:19
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superkuhYou're more likely to kill yourself building a TMS device and more likely to damage your brain with ultrasound.13:36
superkuhUltrasound can also be used far easier in arrays for deep brain stimulation.13:36
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superkuhWith TMS you're always going to get peak induced field right on the outside.13:37
superkuhNo matter what you do array wise.13:37
CautiousNarwhalLol choices killing myself or damaging my brain13:38
chris_99CautiousNarwhal, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUW7dQ92yDU13:40
chris_99(apparently his day job was working with TMS though)13:41
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yoleauxTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation project - part 1 - YouTube13:42
kanzureultrasound brain damage can be prevented by not ultrasounding your own brain- just use chunks of grocery store meat or something.13:43
kanzurenot all brain damage is bad13:43
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CautiousNarwhalJust noticed this iirc doesnt have a subreddit14:28
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eudoxiapeople here are philosophically opposed to reddit14:56
kanzurethank you.14:57
eudoxia>tfw the hpluspedia and my/colin's h+ wiki project didn't pan out14:58
kanzuremost redditors get banned, they tend to have broken ideas and i don't have time to fix that14:58
Deku-shrubyou made the first humanity plus wiki did you? I was wondering about that14:58
eudoxianot the first14:58
eudoxiathe first *good* one14:59
eudoxiahttp://wiki.transhumani.com/ those were the days14:59
kanzurehplusroadmap wiki was better than all the rest14:59
Deku-shrubcan you contribute this h+pedia? :)14:59
eudoxiasure why not14:59
eudoxiai was really proud of the whole brain emulation article, god damn, that was quality14:59
eudoxiatoo bad you can't see it because the pages don't render anymore14:59
kanzurethis one was okay http://diyhpl.us/wiki/nanotech/molecular-manufacturing/14:59
eudoxiai think i never finished converting it from wiki markup15:00
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Deku-shrubis there a history of that H+ logo? I have not seen it before15:01
eudoxiaDeku-shrub: roughly, I was on IRC with Aurelius_Home and he said 'we ought to have a logo'15:01
eudoxiaI nodded, wisely15:01
eudoxiaand put that crap together in Inkscape15:01
eudoxiait's the hbar character (ħ) but stretched or something, I don't know where I left the .svg15:02
eudoxiahe put it in a hexagon because hexagons=future15:02
Deku-shrubTPUK has a hexagon15:03
Deku-shrubhere is a list of H+logos http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Category:Transhumanist_iconography15:03
Deku-shruband extended jargon! http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/H%2B15:03
* Deku-shrub likes documented things15:04
eudoxiaI like this wiki15:04
eudoxiait has far more content than our old wiki15:04
Deku-shrubthere are actually a couple of futurist wikis with more general content, I am in touch with both of their owners to steal them, their users and their content15:05
Deku-shrubgood response so far15:05
eudoxiathat is a good approach15:05
eudoxiaI believe we didn't really push the pedal to the metal on the advertising department15:05
Deku-shrubwell the transhumanist community literally won't build itself15:06
eudoxiawhat do you mean15:06
Deku-shrubneed lots of people using it as a read-only resource before people will edit and contribute too15:06
eudoxiaah yes15:06
Deku-shrubI mean transhumanists are very disorganised with only small pockets of activity and large alliances of vapour15:07
eudoxiai saw people link to it a couple of times in the googlies15:07
eudoxiawith ye olde "example.com" -site:example.com trick15:07
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Deku-shrubwhat's the difference between eudoxia and http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Eudoxa ?15:09
eudoxiai'm a person and that's a swedish think thank that Anders Sandberg was/is a member of15:09
eudoxiaI assure you I am not an AGI created by said think-tank15:10
pompolicnice try AGI15:10
eudoxiayou didn't see nothing15:11
eudoxiaso anyways15:11
Deku-shrubapparently it's still a thing depite having no working website so I am confused on that point15:11
eudoxiathere's lots of stuff to rescue from the transhumani.com wiki15:11
eudoxiaI had a lot of good QuteMol renderings of mechanosynthetic tooltips I want to grab15:12
Deku-shruboh I see it's there in the view-source15:12
eudoxiabut I can't find the files ;_;15:12
Deku-shrublooking at http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Special:AllPages15:12
eudoxiaa number of these were basically just titles15:12
eudoxiaI never wrote the dyson sphere article15:12
Deku-shrubI prefer red links over empty pages15:13
eudoxiaI wrote the officially authorized kanzure bio ):3 http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Bryan_Bishop&action=edit15:13
Deku-shrubbecause that way you can work out what pages are worth writing because they have lots of incoming red links15:13
eudoxiathat is probably better approach that 'make a one-sentence stub'15:13
eudoxia'just pretend we have content'15:13
Deku-shrubI am willing to import/merge all the content right now, may I?15:14
kanzureeudoxia: btw i dropped out of university at some point. probably 2010 or earlier.15:14
kanzurealso i worked in three labs for some reason, not one.15:14
Deku-shrubis 'Diy transhumanism' synonymous with 'Biohacking'?15:15
kanzurethe people over at https://groups.google.com/group/diybio would probably disagree15:15
eudoxiaDeku-shrub: sure go ahead, mind you there are some templates i made15:15
eudoxiakanzure: I will correct it when Deku-shrub imports it to hpluspedia15:16
CautiousNarwhalOpposed to voat too?15:18
Deku-shrubCautiousNarwhal - I am trying to get a decent handle on transhumanists on Reddit and get them organised, some info here http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Reddit15:19
kanzurewhy are you trying to do that15:20
Deku-shrubif you are going to tell me it's a waste of time I won't explain :p15:20
CautiousNarwhalVoat is cool too15:21
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AdrianGare most transhumanists total individualists?15:24
eudoxiaDeku-shrub: thanks for doing this btw. I tried to set up a local MediaWiki and import the content manually to update some things, but I failed miserably. This is going to be a great help15:25
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Deku-shrubyou can watch recent changes as I import things http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges15:26
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eudoxiaah yes there's an article on furries15:27
eudoxiait's good to be well-rounded15:27
Deku-shrubwe have a furry editor so...15:27
Deku-shrubapparently there is posthumanist furries15:27
eudoxiai think the h+ fiction article was pretty good15:28
eudoxiahad a good collection of books and short stories15:28
eudoxialots of cover images that probably violated copyright law15:28
eudoxiaactually most of that wiki probably violated copyright law15:28
Deku-shrubfair use covers reviews :)15:28
eudoxianot so sure about e.g. literally all the other pictures that weren't reviews15:29
eudoxiawe had a really cavalier copyright policy, partying like it has 192915:30
Deku-shrubbtw I don't allow subheadings without content or 'write me' placeholders, they will be removed and maybe placed on the talk pages as notes15:30
eudoxiayes sure that's fine15:30
atomicalcan we ban |node? he's annoying the fuck out of me with his private messages.15:30
Deku-shrubI have been involved in pirate party uk for 6 years now, you might imagine my perspective :)15:30
eudoxiaDeku-shrub: keep on keeping on man15:30
atomicalisn't that called digital hoarding?15:31
Deku-shrubI used to hoard data, e.g. downloaded films, but I realised I could download it again faster than I could search a physical collection15:31
kanzuremaybe you suck at search?15:32
Deku-shrublabeling is where I can't be bothered15:32
Deku-shrubthen I need to keep a digital index of the lables and map it to the physical media15:32
atomicalphysical collections are for professional hoarders with bad taste15:32
eudoxiaafter autistically organizing my ~/images/ directory i realized hierarchical filesystems suck and we should all use tagging filesystems15:32
atomicalyou never find good movies, just a bunch of jackie chan and arnold movies15:32
Deku-shrubI hope to make a fake book case with textured curved book spines in the future15:32
eudoxiaalso maintaining symbolic links is trrible15:33
* kanzure looks at the channel15:37
kanzurehplusroadmap is at 99 seconds per second15:37
Deku-shrubwhere do you think AI reseachers and relevent neurologists fit on my diagram? futurists? http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_futurist_related_ideologies15:37
eudoxianot reaaaaly15:38
eudoxiaadjacent experts15:39
Deku-shrubcan place them on edges or multiple zones15:39
eudoxia>Mailer returned: Unknown error in PHP's mail() function.15:39
eudoxiathanks MediaWiki15:39
doclwhere does wanting to make self replicating factories to get the dyson sphere thing rolling put me?15:39
Deku-shrubedging post humanist15:39
kanzurei think your classification attempt is evil15:39
Deku-shrubmost likely a flavour of transhumanist15:39
eudoxiathat's a weird ontology15:40
* Deku-shrub is unstoppable15:40
kanzurewell i can certainly ban you15:40
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eudoxiae.g. Eugen Leitl is a transhumanist but he's a pessimist peak-oilist15:40
* Deku-shrub is almost unstoppable15:40
docleugen is great, other than that15:40
kanzureideology is retarded15:40
eudoxiayou can want to do the dyson sphere thing and still think collapse and hyperinflation are right around the corner15:40
AdrianGpeak oil is indeed a big problem.15:41
AdrianGif we run out of carbon to burn, how can we stave off ice age, and green fertilizer, CO2 for trees/etc/biota?15:42
kanzurean ice age isn't really that bad15:42
eudoxia>mfw MediaWiki can't send email and i can't edit pages without confirming email15:42
AdrianGkanzure: it sucks. you should visit canada in winter.15:42
kanzureyou are talking to a bunch of people who would shrug about existing as uploads around a neutron star or something, an ice age is not the end of the world15:42
AdrianGthat neutron star upload will take some time.15:43
kanzureeudoxia: that version of mediawiki is old enough for you to go find a working exploit against it.15:43
AdrianGuntil then, i much prefer not to freeze to death, if possible.15:43
kanzureeudoxia: use an exploit and do what you need to do15:43
doclby my calculations, a dyson sphere takes about 75 years.15:43
eudoxiaoh my god kanz, i'm not gonna use an exploit, that's rude15:43
kanzurethen i am the rudest of them all15:44
eudoxiahey Deku-shrub can you use your God-like powers of MediaWiki administration to bump me into confirmed users somehow15:44
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eudoxiadis me http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/User:Eudoxia15:44
AdrianGdocl: so in the city where I live, a central station has been recently sort of refurbished15:44
AdrianGtook 5 years and 2 billion dollars15:44
Deku-shrubautoconfirming not working?15:45
eudoxiait's fucked15:45
eudoxiait can't send me my confirmation email15:45
Deku-shrubI will have to look into that15:45
Deku-shrubI didn't set up the back end of the site btw, it needs some general tech stuff still15:46
eudoxiayeah neither did we, it was some cpanel crap15:46
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eudoxiaturned out that was a bad idea :^)15:47
kanzurethe guy's a pirate, he's not going to too thoroughly revenge hack you15:47
doclAdrianG: they should have invested that money in self replicating robots instead, obviously :P15:48
AdrianGyou could probably launch that entire station into the orbit on that budget.15:52
docl2.54 x 10^22 square meters is the surface area of a sphere at 0.3 AU. that's a little under 2^75. so you can in principle get there by starting with a rinkydink square meter (10kW of power at that distance) and doubling it once per year.15:54
doclfunny thing is, the moon is only 20 doublings less expensive, at 2^55 square meters15:55
eudoxiai've been thinking about replicators15:56
eudoxiashame you would need to use macroscale manufacturing15:56
eudoxiasince hydrocarbon mechanosynthesis obviously doesnt work on a world that's a sphere of iron15:56
docl(er, I remembered that wrong. it's more like 2^45.)15:59
doclmacroscale should be enough for year-long doubling times though, shouldn't it?15:59
eudoxiayeah, i think so, but still it's a fairly heavy industry you have to replicate, as opposed to a hydrocarbon assembler where you can literally turn the smell of putrefaction into diamonds16:00
docleither way you do it, the first step is likely to be a good quality vacuum chamber I think.16:01
eudoxiai think for DMS you an get by in a shitty vacuum chamber by, as Freitas described, walling off a micro-wide work area (this only works when bootstrapping), and once you have full-blown MNT perfect vacuum chambers are cheap16:02
doclI think MNT is too complicated and little understood. macro machines are all over the place already, with lots of detailed literature about how they work. we can optimize our way to MNT after we secure sufficient resources for this purpose.16:05
eudoxiayeah probably16:05
eudoxiaone think I think Merkle and Freitas should work on is: once you have the minimal toolset hanging from your AFM tooltips, where do you go next? ie, step one is build better tips, step two is build a wall around the work area, step three more reactive tips, etc.16:06
eudoxialike a roadmap from the minimal toolset to a computer-controlled hydrocarbon assembler16:07
doclno need to jump straight to Mercury, or even lunar -- could start with c-type asteroids (some fragments of which are probably in near earth orbits, so realtime teleoperation is possible)16:07
Deku-shrubwhat are the thoughts on Musk being nominated for luddite of the year?16:09
Deku-shrubI'm wondering whether to write attack articles at the org who did this16:10
Deku-shrubtrying to get a more coherant position on AI from transhumanists in general16:10
doclsilly imo, he's just repeating what bostrom and so on have been warning about for decades. it's not even new -- IJ Good mentioned the intelligence explosion in 1965.16:10
Deku-shrubhe, Gates and Hawking coordinated their message though, they clearly wanted to be heard16:11
eudoxiaAI going FOOM is pretty low on my list of worries16:11
eudoxiai'm more worried about piranhas16:11
Deku-shrubI worry a lot about transhumanist PR, mainly this means Zoltan control16:11
Deku-shrubbut occasionally things like this16:11
eudoxiahaha i know what you mean16:12
doclyudkowsky's whole deal at lesswrong (the reason he wanted to train up rationalists urgently) was mostly about this topic. the new publicity is mostly inspired by bostrom's new book, I think.16:12
Deku-shrubeudoxia - some of those wiki pages are ridiculously long you know16:13
eudoxiabut specifically which16:13
Deku-shrubsometimes combining research resources with an overview is not the way to go16:14
doclbut partly caused by MIRI's rise as an organization, which was related to lesswrong's growth as a community.16:14
Deku-shrubI'll write up an action plan for wikification and copy-editing when I'm done with the raw import16:14
eudoxiawhen people talk about UFAI and the singularity I just think of this picture https://i.warosu.org/data/lit/img/0062/57/1426207376639.png16:14
eudoxia>metabolic disprivilege16:15
Deku-shrubwhen H+Pedia has its shit sufficiently together I will spam Less Wrong with it16:17
Deku-shrubtoday is not that day16:17
Deku-shrubmy theory about Dale Carrico is that he thinks all transhumanists are libertarians16:20
eudoxiahe is an idiot16:21
eudoxiaI was too charitable in that article16:21
eudoxiadon't bother porting it16:21
Deku-shrubno I want to get all the critics16:21
Deku-shrubbecause the are nearly all critcising straw men16:21
eudoxiayes i would expect more from a PhD in rhetoric16:22
Deku-shrubeven if I had to stuff and mount the straw men myself to illustrate it16:22
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docleudoxia: speaking of diamond synthesis, I was discussing this with xentrac a few days ago and it's apparently possible to do CVD diamonds with a relatively moderate vacuum (a sprengel pump can do it). I think it might be possible to design a vacuum chamber based 3d printer that makes microscale stuff out of diamond, if not nanoscale already.16:30
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eudoxiadocl: i read the part of the logs, i think16:35
eudoxiathat would certainly be an interesting project16:35
eudoxiai wonder if you can do diamond CVD on a germanium surface, and then etch it away16:36
eudoxiaso you can get a floating component like a rotor or a bearing16:36
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eudoxia_docl: have you looked into patterned atomic layer epitaxy? this is what zyvex was or is doing and is more or less what you suggest but with an STM16:39
eudoxia_you sweep a diamond surface with an STM tip to pull out the terminating hydrogens, then will the chamber with sylylene gas and it deposits into a new layer. repeat infinitely and you have a machine part, and that's where i heard about using germanium as a base layer for free-floating parts16:40
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doclhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_vapor_deposition links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_layer_epitaxy16:44
doclhere we go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epitaxy16:45
eudoxia_last i heard (2015?) they were having problems with STM imprecision and weird side reactions around the edges of the shapes16:47
eudoxia_i think they're working at room temperature16:47
doclwonder if lower temperatures are needed? of course, the CVD process for diamond growing is a high temperature one.16:48
eudoxia_now that you mention it i'm not sure it's possible at low temperature16:48
eudoxia_i suppose it depends on how the hydrogen abstraction changes the temperature of the material and what the temperature change associated with the deposition process is like16:49
eudoxia_their latest thing is a video in this """"""""journal"""""""" where they use videos instead of papers #web2.0 #kidz #teen http://www.jove.com/video/52900/atomically-traceable-nanostructure-fabrication16:50
doclcould you maybe burst a laser pulse at it to warm up the surface just in time? or use a particle beam to deliver the carbon at high "temperature" to a cold substrate?16:51
eudoxia_i don't know enough about light to answer the first part of that question16:51
eudoxia_though i have often wondered if you could use lasers and electric fields to guide atoms into place, like mechanosynthesis but you don't need to move a million-atom robot arm to deposit one atom16:52
doclmaybe use phased array optics to achieve the needed precision?16:54
eudoxia_i am completely ignorant on this so sure, why not16:56
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docloh, you need to read bryan wowk's article on that.16:57
yoleauxPhased Array Optics16:57
kanzureoptical traps are a thing that exists and they do things16:58
eudoxia_i vaguely remember phased-array optics being this old Drexlerian "can only be built with MNT" concept that sort of became mainstream through regular manufacturing16:58
kanzure.wik optical trap16:58
yoleaux"Optical tweezers (originally called "single-beam gradient force trap") are scientific instruments that use a highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force (typically on the order of piconewtons), depending on the refractive index mismatch to physically hold and move microscopic dielectric objects similar to tweezers." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_trap16:58
kanzureunfortunately this subfield of science is dominated by formidable thor catalogs16:58
eudoxia_>The year is 2020.16:59
eudoxia_yeah I wish buddy16:59
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doclso his speculations about the future *must* have already come true by now, right?17:00
doclI'm kidding17:00
eudoxia_the hundred-micron box of rod logic is a cute anachronism17:01
eudoxia_sort-of retrofuturist17:01
kanzurei think xentrac has one of those17:01
eudoxia_must be hard to wire it up17:02
Deku-shrubImport report: http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/H%2BPedia:Transhumani_merger17:05
docloptical fibers are a really interesting thing from a bootstrap perspective. you start out with these big thick preforms (which can be printed now), then draw them out mechanically, and they get narrowed down to precise diameters measured in nanometers.17:09
eudoxia_Deku-shrub: yey it's up17:10
eudoxia_i'm gonna have to see if i can pull the files17:10
eudoxia_i don't recognize this girl http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Whole_Brain_Emulation#Virtual_Worlds17:12
Deku-shrubI think it pulled from wikipedia commons some how17:13
eudoxia_oh no17:13
eudoxia_i used the filename SL.jpg17:13
eudoxia_for Second Life17:13
Deku-shrubI have a page on Second life :) http://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Second_Life17:18
Deku-shrubI installed Second life just to make the page17:18
eudoxia_for the screenshot?17:18
eudoxia_i just pulled something from google17:18
Deku-shrubright, time to sleep17:19
Deku-shrubthis is the H+Peida facebook group if you want to join for updates17:19
eudoxia_good night17:19
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eudoxia_the GRACE video is interesting thanks docl17:25
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doclhere's a more general overview of phased arrays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtPPAnvJS6c17:34
eudoxia_problem is most photons are pretty big17:35
eudoxia_tiny photons are more expensive to make17:35
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yoleauxPhased Array Antennas - YouTube17:59
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kanzure.wik gosplan18:30
yoleaux"The State Planning Committee, commonly known as Gosplan (Russian: Госпла́н, pronounced [ɡɐsˈplan]), was the agency responsible for central economic planning in the Soviet Union." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosplan18:30
kanzurewhy can't i find any links to any of the actual plans?18:30
kanzurethe soviet union was around when the web was invented, come on18:30
kanzureand at least usenet18:31
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kanzure.title http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cne.21974/abstract19:31
yoleauxEqual numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled-up primate brain - Azevedo - 2009 - Journal of Comparative Neurology - Wiley Online Library19:31
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kanzure"Adults of these species retain multipotent (see cell potency) neural stem cells in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles and subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus.[319][320]"19:39
kanzurefrom http://www.cell.com/cell/abstract/S0092-8674(08)00134-7 i guess19:39
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kanzuregasp someone bothered to document inputs/outputs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locus_coeruleus#Inputs19:44
kanzurefrom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_regions_in_the_human_brain#Neural_pathways or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_pathway#Major_neural_pathways19:44
kanzurebrain slice images with actual labels and annotation http://brainmaps.org/ajax-viewer.php?datid=2&sname=0400&hname=lateral%20tuberal%20nucleus&hlabel=TU19:47
kanzurewhat was the paper with the manually-created connection diagram from anatomical knowledge?19:54
kanzureit wasn't this one http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Imaging%20human%20connectomes%20at%20the%20macroscale.pdf19:54
kanzureah here we go,19:55
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kanzurewha? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Studying%20cerebellar%20circuits%20by%20remote%20control%20of%20selected%20neuronal%20types%20with%20GABA.pdf19:57
kanzure(zolpidem == ambien)19:58
kanzurethe only interesting paper that cites the "cognitive consilience" paper is... adam marblestone's thesis -_-.19:59
kanzurethe author got a patent on... intelligence?20:01
kanzure.title https://www.google.com/patents/US2014006774020:01
yoleauxPatent US20140067740 - Computer-implemented simulated intelligence capabilities by ... - Google Patents20:01
kanzure"We introduce a data-driven prediction for laminar projections between any two cortical areas in the human brain. Today, no safe experimental technique is capable of verifying laminar projections in the human. Yet by connecting and integrating previously unconnected research we arrive at very precise hypothesis with significant functional consequences in the human brain."20:03
kanzure"A unified anatomical theory and computational model of cognitive information processing in the mammalian brain and the introduction of DNA reco codes"20:08
kanzurehmm he hired this person https://github.com/AndrewTSmith20:09
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kanzurethe description of his phd thesis for some reason references this totally other thing called "confabulation"20:16
kanzure"Movement relies on the deliberate, smooth, properly sequenced and coordinated, graded, contractions of selected ensembles of discrete muscles. Therefore, the neural circuitry of movement was specialized for this purpose. Soon, a new design possibility emerged: the elaborate neuronal machinery of movement control could be applied to brain tissue itself. In particular, discrete brain structures, modules, emerged that could be controlled ...20:16
kanzure... exactly like individual muscles.  By manipulating these modules in properly coordinated 'movements' (thought processes), valuable information processing (cognition) could be carried out – thereby further enhancing animal competitive success and diversity."20:16
kanzurewhy on earth would anyone use this terminology (symbols? really?)20:17
kanzure"Reviewed by: Dr. Soren Solari, University of California, San Diego, CA" isn't that cheating20:22
kanzurethis movement stuff sounds more likely to be an explanation why he keeps falling out of his chair when he tries to think20:24
kanzuredid oreilly give any reason for not extending his ocr simulator?20:32
kanzure"The Swartz Foundation for Computational Neuroscience" http://www.theswartzfoundation.org/20:48
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kanzurehaha steve jurvetson http://cognitivecomputing2007.berkeley.edu/CognitiveComputing2007Video.htm20:51
kanzureweird how we don't hear so much about the third one (draper2 is running around doing bitcoin things because he wants to be iron man or something)20:51
kanzureiirc fenn's criticism was something like "reviewing existing neuroanatomy literature is going to be pointless because only high-resolution connectomics stuff will show the actual relevant connections" (when i first showed him that "cognitive consilience" paper).21:36
kanzurethis does not seem entirely defensible21:36
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