
--- Log opened Sat Jan 02 00:00:53 2016
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doclI feel smarter when I take modafinil, fwiw01:08
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Jawmaregood nootropic for a first timer?01:33
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Diablo-D3I wish they'd further that research01:48
Diablo-D3Damnit, I'm doing that thing where I read all of wikipedia01:51
Diablo-D3"Orexin-producing cells have recently been shown to be inhibited by leptin (through the leptin receptor pathway), but are activated by ghrelin and hypoglycemia (glucose inhibits orexin production). Orexin, as of 2007, is claimed to be a very important link between metabolism and sleep regulation."01:51
Diablo-D3see, I didn't know leptin could do that01:51
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juulkanzure: ?02:02
Jawmareso just ordered some noopept and a-GPC02:04
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pbunnyplz any decent studies on reasons for slowing reaction time in aging people08:27
pbunnye.g. in video games08:27
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kanzure"‘Advances in understanding mechanisms of thalamic relays in cognition and behavior" https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anna_Mitchell3/publication/268233389_Advances_in_understanding_mechanisms_of_thalamic_relays_in_cognition_and_behavior/links/546df3530cf2b5fc176024f8.pdf09:14
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flubromazepamturns out nefiracetam sorts out a coke comedown09:37
pbunnynever had it09:38
flubromazepamthen how could you know?09:38
pbunnydid you check whether you took coke with it?09:39
flubromazepami took nefi after my last line to east the comedown09:39
flubromazepamalong with picamilon09:40
pbunnysry, misread as "causes coke comedown"09:40
flubromazepamfair one bro09:40
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kanzurescihub is back up at http://sci-hub.cc/11:16
kanzurehttps://vk.com/sci_hub https://www.facebook.com/sci.hub.org https://twitter.com/Sci_Hub11:18
superkuhYay? But was it ever really down? sci-hub.io worked for me over the interim.11:18
superkuhWell, worked as long as I was going over Tor.11:19
kanzure.title http://444.hu/2015/12/03/kutatok-gerillaforradalma-zajlik-a-szabadon-hozzaferheto-tudasert11:21
yoleauxKutatók gerillaforradalma zajlik a szabadon hozzáférhető tudásért - 44411:21
kanzuresci-hub.cc/dns suggests using as a dns server, and sci-hub.club11:25
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superkuhgigapedia -(replace)-> library.nu -(replace)-> libgen -(split)-> sci-hub ?11:28
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qwzzzkfemlaquxvg] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:29
kanzure"current city: Kuala Lumpur"11:34
kanzurewat? "Самая крупная и опасная научная секта на пост-советском пространстве"11:39
kanzure"biggest and most dangerous ? science in after soviet ??"11:40
kanzuresome sort of paper recommendation engine thingy https://www.pubchase.com/11:43
kanzureprotocols.io only has 345 protocols? next..11:44
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kanzuremore libgen http://serious.freeonsciencelibraryguide.com/11:48
kanzureouch there is broken php on this page11:48
kanzure.title http://www.nature.com/news/pirate-research-paper-sites-play-hide-and-seek-with-publishers-1.1887611:51
yoleauxPirate research-paper sites play hide-and-seek with publishers : Nature News & Comment11:51
kanzurehttp://online.golibgen.com/ is a useful redirecter11:51
kanzurehttp://cyberleninka.ru/ http://expaper.cn/ (although i could never figure out how to use expaper... so far.)11:54
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kanzure.title http://custodians.online/12:24
yoleauxIn Solidarity with Library Genesis and Sci-hub12:24
kanzureweird that they are motivating this with complaints about profit margins. i think there are much better reasons to use.12:25
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kanzurebuncha translations of that page... http://monoskop.org/log/?p=15700 etc.12:26
kanzure1K4t2vSBSS2xFjZ6PofYnbgZewjeqbG1TM (scihub)12:28
poppingtonicthe fact that they charge at all is the problem?12:29
kanzureyeah i am kinda surprised to see this so poorly argued12:31
poppingtoniclet's make a better one, then.12:32
kanzurenah faster to just write good code12:32
kanzurewhy did it take her that long to bother with tor? http://vk.com/sci_hub?w=wall-36928352_589612:38
kanzurethat was november 201512:38
-!- CautiousNarwhal [6426b21d@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:56
kanzurewow marcin emailed me for once12:58
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AdrianGso sci hub is like an elsevier dump or something?13:14
kanzurenah they just have ezproxy passwords13:15
kanzureand then scihub proxies over ezproxy proxies13:15
kanzureproxies all the way down13:15
AdrianGbless russia and their refusal to enforce copyright13:16
kanzurekuala lumpur is not russia13:16
AdrianGvk.com is a russian website?13:16
AdrianGthey are actually in kuala lumpur..?13:16
kanzurealexandra is in kuala lumpur13:16
AdrianGwho's alexandra? sry i just re-connected.13:18
kanzurego away and fuck off13:19
AdrianGwhy u so rude, srsly?13:19
kanzureif you can't even be bothered to read then why the fuck should i believe that you are going to spontaneously read new messages from me?13:20
kanzureit's a completely fucking unjustifiable position for you to have and i hope you die13:20
AdrianGi will be honest.13:20
AdrianGi dont know how to grep the previous log, actually lol13:20
AdrianGnever learned for this client.13:20
AdrianGoic. its sci hub's founder.13:24
AdrianGyou could've just said that.13:24
kanzureshe already got upset about me doxxing her the first time13:25
kanzureit's a legitimate concern in my opinion.13:25
AdrianGwhy would you doxx her?13:26
kanzure(although ultimately it wasn't my uncovering that lead them to discovering its operator)13:26
kanzurewell at the time i thought it was obvious that she was the only person on the internet with a 90 degree rotated profile pic of her13:26
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AdrianGshe is either very naive, or has very rich/well connected parents.13:29
kanzuremore likely she was unaware that i would recognize her profile pic again, or that i would remember her from harvard13:30
kanzureor unaware of reverse image search13:30
AdrianGits not about that.13:31
AdrianGthat she publically would write letters to a judge about the elsevier lawsuit, etc etc etc13:31
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CautiousNarwhalis there a way to highlight messages on the logs page of the channel? like a java script or something like that?13:45
maakuYes but Then it wouldn't be text13:46
kanzurei have not found an irc log to html converter that i like..13:47
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kanzurethis is a surprisingly stupid and bad idea https://github.com/mgedmin/irclog2html/blob/cfefff0d191a17cbdab4bab4c99a638ce9d15105/src/irclog2html/irclog2html.py#L63113:53
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pompolicoh wow13:57
kanzuremakes anchor links useless when there are multiple messages in a single time period14:00
kanzureshould be using a counter instead14:00
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pompolicor... a library to generate html14:05
pompolicfor that matter14:05
pompolicinstead of printf14:05
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xentrackanzure: the profit margins thing makes sense --- the money that universities are obliged to pay to Elsevier is money that they could have paid to adjunct faculty or simply not charged in tuition in the first place15:53
xentracI mean monopoly power is not bad in itself; it's bad because it has bad effects, which are things like adjunct faculty living in poverty and graduates struggling under student loan debt15:54
xentracand the causal link there runs through the large profits (and large payrolls!) of the publishing companies that are abusing the monopoly power15:56
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kanzurexentrac: i think a stronger argument would be "yo this is tax payer dollars doing research and intellectual property doesn't seem to make sense, has anyone noticed how the patent system was not designed for any of this"16:00
kanzureand then insert some more complaints about copyright law16:00
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xentracmost people will want to see that intellectual property law causes bad outcomes in order to reject it16:01
kanzurethere was a study about this, i mean not about their expectations but rather about the patent system16:03
poppingtonickanzure: I think they already made that argument, except the detail about patents.16:03
kanzureugh they changed their site16:03
kanzureaaaa not available http://web.archive.org/web/*/https://mises.org/blog/18812/andrew-torrance-patents-and-the-regress-of-useful-arts16:03
kanzurei hate everyone16:03
xentracalso patents are not really relevant to sci-hub16:04
kanzureit's relevant to complaining about tax dollars and research16:04
kanzureand closed-access stuff16:05
kanzurei think we have to start manually archiving all linked content in here :|16:07
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streetywhy manually?16:19
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poppingtonicmaking sure stuff we link to here is also on the Internet Archive, by requesting that they archive a specific link. Easier on storage costs.17:10
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kanzuremanually as in "ourselves"17:35
kanzureinternet archive also doesn't do recursion when you request them to save a link17:35
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kanzurewhat algorithm or method does boston dynamics use?17:54
kanzurealso, what is the actual difficulty in bipedalism? calculating centers of mass ?17:54
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1007681718:10
yoleauxAsk HN: If deep learning is so effective why dont Boston Dynamics robots use it? | Hacker News18:10
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AdrianGkanzure: i think the difficulty is not so much the center of mass, but detecting slippage/sensors, rebalancing quick enough18:51
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kanzure"A minute analysis (experimental) of the various movements produced by stimulating in the monkey different regions of the cortical centre for the upper limb" (1887)20:04
kanzureapparently there were early motor cortex mapping efforts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_cortex#History20:04
kanzure"The clearest example of the coordination of muscles into complex movement in the motor cortex comes from the work of Graziano and colleagues on the monkey brain.[11][24] They used electrical stimulation on a behavioral time scale, such as for half a second instead of the more typical hundredth of a second. They found that this type of stimulation of the monkey motor cortex often evoked complex, meaningful actions. For example, ...20:07
kanzure... stimulation of one site in cortex would cause the hand to close, move to the mouth, and the mouth to open. Stimulation of another site would cause the hand to open, rotate until the grip faced outward, and the arm to project out as if the animal were reaching."20:07
kanzure[24] Complex movements evoked by microstimulation of precentral cortex http://www.cell.com/neuron/abstract/S0896-6273(02)00698-020:07
kanzure"According to the principle of proper mass, “the mass of neural tissue controlling a particular function is appropriate to the amount of information processing involved in performing the function.[63]”" (Jerison, Harry (1973). Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence)20:09
kanzurebut.. shouldn't information processing amounts have a unit of measurement?20:09
kanzure"Enhancements to the motor cortex (and the presence of opposable thumbs and stereoscopic vision) were evolutionarily selected to prevent primates from making mistakes in the dangerous motor skill of leaping between tree branches (Cartmill, 1974; Silcox, 2007). As a result of this pressure, the motor system of arboreal primates has a disproportionate degree of somatotopic representation of the hands and feet, which is essential for ...20:10
kanzure... grasping (Nambu, 2011; Pons et al., 1985; Gentilucci et al., 1988)."20:10
kanzurecool there is a book called "Textbook of therapeutic cortical stimulation"20:11
AdrianGnow we can all learn to swing from tree to tree, just like the gibbons.20:27
kanzurei think librusec is "ЛИБРУСЕК"20:27
kanzuresomething something opds tinyopds http://lib.rus.ec/opds20:27
AdrianGlol hosted in equador, NICE20:28
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AdrianGvery nice jurisdiction arbitrage.20:28
AdrianGkanzure: isnt this chat publically logged20:32
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AdrianGkanzure: you will find this interesting.20:47
AdrianG.title http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2015/814068.pdf20:47
yoleauxAdrianG: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.20:47
AdrianGdoesnt extract from PDFs i guess.20:47
AdrianGPhytochemicals That Regulate Neurodegenerative Disease byTargeting Neurotrophins: A Comprehensive Review20:48
AdrianGvery nice review of currently available neurotrophins.20:48
kanzure"Dissociation between mental fatigue and motivational state during prolonged mental activity" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4499755/20:49
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kanzure"The motor cortex communicates with the kidney" http://www.jneurosci.org/content/32/19/6726.long20:51
CautiousNarwhalnice find20:51
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AdrianGkanzure: very nice find on mental fatigue.20:58
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kanzure"Cerebellar networks with the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia" http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3645327/21:06
kanzure"The dominant view of cerebellar function has been that it is exclusively concerned with motor control and coordination. Recent results from neuroanatomical, behavioral and imaging studies have profoundly changed this view. Neuroanatomical studies using virus transneuronal tracers have demonstrated that the output from the cerebellum reaches vast areas of the neocortex, including regions of prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex. ...21:07
kanzure... Furthermore, it has recently become clear that the cerebellum is reciprocally connected with the basal ganglia, indicating that the two subcortical structures are part of a densely interconnected network. Altogether, these results provide the neuroanatomical substrate for cerebellar involvement in non-motor functions mediated by the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex, as well as in processes traditionally associated with the ...21:07
kanzure... basal ganglia."21:07
Jawmareso I ordered some noopept and a-GPC.. should I run a GC/MS analysis on it?21:07
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Jawmarebefore consuming it21:08
kanzure"Prior neuroanatomical approaches for examining cerebro-cerebellar and cerebello-basal ganglia circuits have been hindered by a number of technical limitations. Chief among these limitations is the multisynaptic nature of these pathways and the inability of conventional tracers to label more than the direct inputs or outputs of an area. To overcome these and other problems, neurotropic viruses have been used as transneuronal tracers in ...21:08
AdrianGJawmare: you have access to mass spec?21:08
kanzure... the central nervous system of primates (for references and a review, see [10, 138]. Selected strains of virus move transneuronally in either the retrograde or anterograde direction [10]. Thus, one can examine either the inputs to or the outputs from a site. The viruses used as tracers move from neuron to neuron exclusively at synapses, and the transneuronal transport occurs in a time dependent fashion. Careful adjustment of the ...21:08
kanzure... survival time after a virus injection allows for the study of neural circuits composed of two (2nd order), three (3rd order), or four (4th order) synaptically connected neurons [139]."21:08
kanzure[10] Cerebellar loops with motor cortex and prefrontal cortex of a nonhuman primate.21:08
kanzure[138] Rabies as a transneuronal tracer of circuits in the central nervous system.21:08
JawmareAdrianG, my uni have a characterization service21:08
kanzure[139] Transneuronal tracing with neurotropic viruses reveals network macroarchitecture. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3920982/21:09
Jawmareor just take an NMR21:09
AdrianGJawmare: pls do that and tell me your result21:10
AdrianGi am interested in reliability testing of nootropic suppliers.21:10
kanzuregwern might have done this already21:11
Alcyiusthis is interesting http://arstechnica.co.uk/science/2016/01/reusable-sugar-based-polymer-purifies-water-fast/21:13
JawmareAdrianG, just a lowly undergrad... when I am doing my Master/PhD I can use an NMR without supervision21:14
Jawmarewhen I will*21:15
kanzure"Cerebellar networks with basal ganglia: feasibility for tracking cerebello-pallidal and subthalamo-cerebellar projections in the human brain" https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marc_Tittgemeyer/publication/251567953_Cerebellar_networks_with_basal_ganglia_feasibility_for_tracking_cerebello-pallidal_and_subthalamo-cerebellar_projections_in_the_human_brain/links/54e376290cf2b2314f5d2ece.pdf21:17
AdrianGkanzure: idk about gwern. but after seeing the mass spec/nmr some of the post21:17
AdrianGquite a few of them sell dirty batches, its obvious.21:18
AdrianGsome of the suppliers*21:18
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AdrianGkanzure: how did you develop your interest in modifying neural circuits with viruses/etc?21:24
AdrianGit sounds very much like something vernor vinge wrote in his novels.21:24
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kanzure"The extensive functional coupling of the cerebellar cortex with association neocortical areas likely reflects an expanded role for the human cerebellum in non-motor function. This notion is supported by the finding that the non-motor domain in the cerebellar cortex of great apes and humans has expanded to mirror the enlargement of the prefrontal cortex [54]. Difussion tractography MRI results also provide evidence for corresponding ...21:27
kanzure... increases in prefrontal contributions to the cortico-ponto-cerebellar system in humans [55]. Interestingly, some association cortical regions that have limited or no known projections to the cerebellum in the monkey (such as ventral area 46 and regions in orbitofrontal cortex, see [1] and Figure 1) show functional coupling to cerebellar cortex in the human. Thus, an expanded array of neocortical areas may interact with the cerebellum ...21:27
kanzure... in humans."21:27
kanzure[54] Evolution of the cerebellar cortex: the selective expansion of prefrontal-projecting cerebellar lobules. http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs379c/archive/2012/suggested_reading_list/supplements/documents/BalstersetalNEUROIMAGE-09.pdf21:27
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