
--- Log opened Tue Feb 02 00:00:21 2016
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/laser_etcher/commit/?id=e77d847e Nathan McCorkle: Added pinout image, added settings, added link to how to possibly use ISP for whole operation >> http://diyhpl.us/laser_etcher/NEJE_Laser_Etcher/atmega_pinout.png00:07
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@kanzurebeep boop06:32
@kanzurensh: in my sleep last night i was recruited into an organization called "the universal bottleneck reduction agency" but i don't know how to get in contact with them06:33
@kanzurewould you happen to know how to get in touch?06:34
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cpopell6Anyone have a word on Magic Leap?07:01
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kanzurehelo CoolerVoid07:39
CoolerVoidHello sir07:41
kanzurewhat brings you here07:42
CoolerVoidSOmeone like anti-aging recipes ? https://github.com/CoolerVoid/anti-aging_studies07:42
kanzurehmm i think you should spend more time reading http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/longevity/ http://fightaging.org/07:42
kanzurealso, do you know about return-oriented gadget stuff?07:43
CoolerVoidkansure humn nice stuff07:44
CoolerVoidI don't know... but i guess this interesting, i write some codes to AVR and ARM... but i dont work with this...07:45
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kanzureArvinJA: welcome.08:31
ArvinJAkanzure: Thank you! :)08:32
ArvinJASo do you guys have a plan or are you also stuck at "Where do I start? I should be studying!"08:33
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kanzureArvinJA: we have a lot of the pieces figured out08:35
kanzureArvinJA: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/hplusroadmap08:35
kanzurewe have some plans for cryonics/immortality/better-than-traditional nootropics, but lately i have been wondering whether to skip cryonics for brain scanning (except the scanning part isn't the difficulty.....)08:36
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ArvinJAkanzure: But you can already freeze people though, I'd want to be frozen so you could scan me later, if I were to get hit by a bus tomorrow08:37
kanzurewe freeze people but we don't do it well; i'm talking about a process that has a confirmed thawing procedure that works.08:38
kanzurehigh-resolution brain scanning and plastination is going to be coming online soon08:41
ArvinJAHas anyone thought of automating brain surgery?08:41
ArvinJAYou can do it remotely now right?08:41
kanzurethis will be capable of getting far more detail than is preserved in current cryonics vitrification procedures08:41
kanzuremost forms of surgery through a hole have been automated at this point08:42
ArvinJAThe more advanced forms of BCI's rely on actually having surgically place things in the brain right?08:43
ArvinJARather than reading EEG08:44
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kanzureyes there are physical brain-computer interfaces08:45
kanzureArvinJA: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Soft%20materials%20in%20neuroengineering%20for%20hard%20problems%20in%20neuroscience%20-%202015.pdf08:45
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kanzureArvinJA: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Neural%20dust:%20an%20ultrasonic,%20low%20power%20solution%20for%20chronic%20brain-machine%20interfaces.pdf08:45
ArvinJACool, so DIY brain augmentation might not be so sci-fi08:46
kanzuretrepanation has been performed for thousands of years08:46
ArvinJAkanzure: Yeah sure, but I mean, actually being able to control certain receptors and so on through electrical impulses08:47
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kanzurenah they use light for that not electricity08:47
kanzureread this one, http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/Designing%20scalable%20biological%20interfaces%20-%20Marblestone.pdf08:48
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nshthe universal bottleneck reduction agency is ironically best contactable by creating a large bottleneck and being in a position to reduce it11:01
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nshsome speculate that the inherent tensegrity of this dialectic is the driving force behind the elaboration of all complexity within the great bottle11:02
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kanzure08:14 <+ArvinJA> Uh, guys, I've been wanting to Immanentize the Eschaton for quite some time now, but I don't know where to start. Help?11:06
kanzure08:14 <+xentrac_> heh11:06
kanzure08:14 <+xentrac_> in ##hplusroadmap, ArvinJA11:06
kanzure08:15 <+dpk> immanentizing in Swhack of eschatons is forbidden by long-standing order11:06
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FourFirecpopell6, ArvinJA have you tried > Gettingoutofthecar!11:20
superkuhI get that reference.11:21
FourFireNo response from Bioviva, I presume they just ignore randoms who email them.11:22
ArvinJAFourFire: I still don't know how to get out of the car, sadly :(11:23
FourFireNow to email SENS, and ask what systems they make use of to design novel biological mechanisms...11:23
ArvinJADid you guys see Aubrey's comments?11:24
ArvinJAhe made a video response11:24
ArvinJAsince he's cited as an advisor to BioViva11:24
FourFireArvinJA, no I've been a fan of Aubrey since before I knew Bioviva existed11:26
ArvinJAyeah foc11:26
ArvinJAjust interesting to see his assessments on current attempts at life extension, as they pop up11:27
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cpopell6>reading E_D11:58
cpopell6>end up on discussion of Wiki folks11:58
cpopell6>mindspillage 'I recognize that name!' -- Married to gmaxwell 'I also recognize that name!'11:59
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FourFiresent SENS an email12:58
FourFirerooted my new smartphone12:58
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kanzure"reaction mechanism generator" http://rmg.mit.edu/13:04
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delinquentmeOK so the chat on the mechanoligation pointed out something significant13:07
delinquentmeit IS plausible13:07
delinquentmebut the complexity of the structures are *quite* different13:07
delinquentmeall of the mechanical bond forming has been done on planar surfaces13:07
kanzurehmm i think they don't have many reaction mechanisms http://rmg.mit.edu/database/kinetics/libraries/combustion_core/version5/13:07
delinquentmeso one of my questions is: Are there ways of simplifying the constraining of the DNA13:08
delinquentmeis there some fixture which can be applied to the DNA facilitating this13:08
kanzurenanopores can constrain dna13:12
kanzurehalcyon molecular developed a water miniscuses method of isolating and stretching dna13:12
delinquentmeyeap nanopores was one of the thoughts13:15
chris_99delinquentme, you mentioned you had STMs the other day, did you build them out of interest?13:37
delinquentmechris_99: partially13:39
delinquentmeand partially for mechanoligation13:39
chris_99cool, is there any particular 'guide' you followed out of curiosity - i'm really impressed by the images on this guys site http://dberard.com/home-built-stm/13:41
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delinquentmechris_99: thats basically our STM13:44
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delinquentmewe had a few small modifications to it but were using all of his electronics13:44
chris_99aha cool :)13:44
delinquentmeyeah its a solid instrument13:45
delinquentmeim waiting on a few pieces to be finished maching so I can scan HOPG13:45
delinquentmebut we've got beautiful scans of 1um 400nm and 100nm gold surfaces13:45
chris_99cool :) did you acid etch the tips?13:46
delinquentmePurely mechanical shear forces13:46
delinquentme80/20 Platinum/iridium13:46
delinquentmebeauitful material to work with13:46
delinquentmetakes incredibly well to really fine manipulation and is SUPER ductile13:46
chris_99interesting, but how do you create the point on it?13:47
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delinquentmeits literally that easy13:48
delinquentmeno etching13:49
chris_99haha, crazy13:49
delinquentmesimply positioning the cutting instrument at a sufficient angle and exploiting the ductility of the material13:49
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delinquentmesometimes nature gives us really elegant hacks :P13:50
chris_99that's very cool13:50
chris_99how much did all the electronics / hardware cost out of interest, if you don't mind me asking13:51
delinquentmeit was really fucking cheap im wanting to say we make the first for under $1k13:52
chris_99that's impressive13:52
delinquentmeand thats buying tools , multimeteres .. essentially all the equipment that we didnt have13:52
delinquentmei'd say iterations would be about $350 ?13:52
delinquentmeehh no maybe 50013:53
chris_99that's amazing13:53
delinquentmebut yeah13:53
chris_99ah, are you using a nano-ammeter or something fancy?13:54
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delinquentmecurrent is heald constant by a few cheap opamps14:19
chris_99sorry, i meant to measure the current from the tip for imaging14:21
kanzureoriginal tor paper cites wei dai's earlier pipenet stuff. he sure does get around. (although this is not particularly surprising considering his early involvement in tor....)14:23
delinquentmeso the tunneling current is maintained and as the tip rasterizes across the surface we're measuring the voltages input into the piezo as the imaging source14:24
delinquentmevoltages are set to maintain specfic tunneling current14:24
chris_99oh i assumed the current changed14:24
delinquentmethen recorded in a ADC and thats where we get our z-values from :D14:25
delinquentmebrb stuffing greasy fodd into face14:25
chris_99heh, bon appetit14:25
nmz787_ihuh, well that's an interesting way to control and image... as well as ensure the tip doesn't crash14:28
nmz787_iand you keep all the feedback pretty close in the opamp package14:28
chris_99am i reading wiki wrongly "If the tip is moved across the sample in the x-y plane, the changes in surface height and density of states cause changes in current. These changes are mapped in images" isn't that saying the current flucuates which is what you measure14:29
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nmz787_ichris_99: if you keep Z constant14:35
nmz787_ichris_99: what happens if your tip hits a mountain though, at constant tip-Z14:35
chris_99heh good point14:35
nmz787_ialternatively, let the opamp keep constant distance, and measure the (relatively larger) voltage on the piezo14:35
nmz787_i(i'm guessing it is relatively larger)14:36
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nmz787_i(and the opamp will be doing the feedback on the piezos, so you can sit back and control the XY withouth thinking more about the tip itself)14:37
nmz787_i(i'm guessing)14:37
chris_99would i be right in thinking you could use the same x,y system as used by STM for AFM, and just use a cantilever + laser instead of the STM tip14:38
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delinquentmechris_99: nmz787 this is an interesting bit though.  The whole control system for the movement isn't analog15:03
delinquentmetheres a digital portion where the height is determined based off the + / - of the current feeback loop15:04
delinquentmeone of the questions we were asking is if its run as constant current and all of the positioning circuitry is analog15:04
delinquentmecould one do away with the large mechanical portions of the dampening system ?15:05
delinquentmethe mechanical dampening is like 60% of the instruments envelope15:05
chris_99interesting, i didn't look too much how the Z axis worked actually, i noticed there seems to be a piezo cut into quadrants for the x,y iirc15:07
chris_99wait does the piezo also control the Z?15:08
delinquentmeby simply applying a voltage to all quadrants15:10
chris_99would i be right in thinking that the higher the voltage you apply, the closer the head moves to the sample15:11
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delinquentmechris_99: depends on how the piezo is mounted but in the standard arrangement higher voltage causes the piezo to "swell" and push the needle towards teh sample15:16
delinquentmeTOWARDS TEH SAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!15:16
delinquentme^ the electrons15:16
chris_99that makes sense, but how does the X,Y work, how does the metal platform actually move due to the piezos15:17
delinquentmenope the metal is strictly for macro approach15:17
delinquentmeideally you get a light source positioned perfectly on the surface of the sample, so that you can see the reflection of the tip15:18
delinquentmeand use that to get it into close-ish proximity15:18
delinquentmethen we've got a lil shit-cheap stepper which increments the rear screw bit by bit until tunneling happens15:18
delinquentmethen anything related to surface scanning is handled at the piezo15:19
delinquentmeand the ADC / DAC feedback loop15:19
chris_99yeah i'm confused how the piezo actually performs x,y motion, is it just 'tilting' the tip, by differing ammounts15:20
chris_99because you have quadrants15:20
delinquentmebut like nmz787 sed ... theres still possibility to slam into high peaks15:21
delinquentmeyeah the total tip movement envelope is definitely spherical / ellipsoidal15:21
delinquentmeas it its most certainly pivoting around a central axis15:22
delinquentmebut that central axis has some linear thrust-type actuation per the piezo expansion15:22
chris_99do you know how much travel you get in each axis?15:22
delinquentmedepends on the piezo size15:23
delinquentmecurrent working proto  have a 12mm diameter piezo15:23
delinquentmeand we've got 20mm15:23
delinquentmeand since we're working with materials here the resolution of that is really only limited by the DAC / ADCs15:23
chris_99you mean the tip can move 20mm in x,y,z?15:24
delinquentmenah the diameter of the piezo15:24
chris_99oh i thought it was high heh15:24
chris_99could it be <1mm movement in each axis15:24
delinquentmethe travel is ~1um cubed15:24
delinquentmethe z-axis has the most travel for obvious reasons of the X/Y movements are distorting antagonistically15:25
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chris_99after you've explained it, the actual principle of the movement seems fairly simple, it's amazing the piezo gives such high resolution15:27
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delinquentmechris_99: just like I said w the platinum iridium15:42
delinquentmeits the properties of the material which allow this :D15:42
chris_99mmm :)15:42
chris_99have you looked into AFM at all? i'm assuming you can't easily DIY a probe for that15:45
delinquentmenope ... i mean i understand the operating principle15:48
delinquentmebut thats also not running atmospheric temp / pressure15:48
delinquentmethe STM is like ... sitting on my desk surrounded by a coffee can lol15:48
chris_99oh, i thought you could run an AFM under normal pressure, is that not the case15:49
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chris_99http://www.budgetsensors.com/index.html seem like they're reasonably cheap, assuming they're ok16:08
fenn.wik https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Ara16:14
yoleaux"Project Ara is the codename for an initiative that aims to develop an open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones. The platform will include a structural frame or endoskeleton that holds smartphone modules of the owner's choice, such as a display, camera or an extra battery." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Ara16:14
fennsome familiar names here, paul eremenko, ara knaian16:14
fennelectropermanent magnets are such an amazingly simple idea that one wonders why it's "new"16:14
fenn.wik electropermanent magnet16:15
yoleaux"An electropermanent magnet is a type of magnet which consists of both an electromagnet and a dual material permanent magnet, in which the magnetic field produced by the electromagnet is used to change the magnetization of the permanent magnet." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electropermanent_magnet16:15
fenn"The permanent magnet consists of magnetically hard and soft materials, of which only the soft material (low coercivity) can have its magnetization changed. When the magnetically soft and hard materials have opposite magnetizations the magnet has no net field, and when they are aligned the magnet displays magnetic behavior."16:15
fennthey used this concept to make a small and simple gearless high-torque low-power electric motor, for making reconfigurable modular robots16:17
delinquentmechris_99: i would expect that molecules of air which are flying around would be pretty interacting with the probe tip16:17
fenn.title youtu.be/EN_KkGdxqog16:17
yoleauxMIT News at Noon with Neil Gershenfeld and Ara Knaian - YouTube16:17
kanzurehow high is high torque?16:17
fennenough to lift another motor of the same type16:17
fennwith a lever arm of about 2x the diameter of the motor16:17
chris_99delinquentme, the principle is similar to an STM though isn't it, are you saying your STM is in a vacuum?16:18
delinquentmechris_99: nope16:18
delinquentmethey're 2 different operating principles ... though both fall within " probe microscopy "16:19
delinquentmeSTMs can be in vacuum ... but not required... where im pretty sure AFM is strictly in vacuos16:19
chris_99yeah, but the main difference is it uses a laser to 'read' the probe 'height', why should it need to be in a vacuum16:19
delinquentmebecause the probe height is determined by the particle interactions16:20
delinquentmeif you're running it through air , air has lots of moving particles16:20
delinquentmethe "signal" ie the surface16:20
chris_99"most AFM modes can work perfectly well in ambient air or even a liquid environment. This makes it possible to study biological macromolecules and even living organisms"16:21
chris_99https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic-force_microscopy assuming that's to believed ;)16:21
delinquentmei wonder if the deflection / force applied is tuned to match the van der waals16:21
delinquentmeits possible16:21
delinquentmei mean ... id trust that t16:21
kanzuredon't need a vacuum16:26
fennhttp://www.modularphonesforum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/project_ara_phone_medium.jpg  image of actual hardware "spiral 1 prototype"16:28
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delinquentmekanzure: I suppose the latent air molecules arent viscious enough to interact substantially w the tip ?16:39
delinquentmeso then ywah its purely vanderwaals off of the solid being scanned16:40
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