
--- Log opened Wed Feb 10 00:00:22 2016
--- Day changed Wed Feb 10 2016
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nshwhat's a few V between besties00:45
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archelsswitching 60A? that's a beefy load01:44
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kanzureugh https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600774/top-us-intelligence-official-calls-gene-editing-a-wmd-threat/06:57
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archelsthat box on the top left makes me feel like this is a game of Cards Against Humanity07:12
archelsthe headline probably contributes, too07:12
yoleaux06:35Z <nmz787_i> chris_99: Vc would seem to be Voltage-at-collector, which would be 12, not 3.307:14
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archelsoh, yeah, the transistor circuit07:15
archelschris_99: so you're switching a 60A @ 12V load? that's pretty whopping07:15
chris_99sorry i may have poorly explained it, the 12V is wrong actually.  I only need to output 5A across a PCB trace, i've done some more calculations on the bottom of https://github.com/anfractuosity/pcbdisplay it's 5A @ ~1.21V I posted on reddit yesterday, and from what they mention the MCU wouldn't actually provide the current needed to get 5A from the transistor i was looking at (they mentioned something like a darlington pair).07:18
chris_99But someone else mentioned a MOSFET you can drive from a logic level of 3.3V07:18
archelsthat's possible, but logic-level MOSFETs are considerably more expensive and generally have worse performance07:19
chris_99http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/136097.pdf is the one they suggested07:19
archelsit's easy to make a little buffer circuit to switch the FET with 12V, then you can get cheapo IRFZ44 or so07:19
chris_99http://uk.farnell.com/international-rectifier/irf3708pbf/mosfet-n-30v-62a-to-220/dp/8648158 is only £0.63 in the quantities i need though.  What would be the advantage of a buffer over a logic level one?07:20
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archelsah, well if you can get away with using a logic-level FET then run with it. greater simplicity07:21
chris_99yeah that's the thing i was thinking, it would save on extra components.   The thing i'm slightly unsure about is the resistors, as from what i understand, as they're voltage rather than current dependant, maybe i could get away without one? although i read something about 'ringing' - http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/68748/question-about-mosfet-gate-resistor07:23
archelsyeah, put a 33 to 100 Ohm resistor in series with the gate07:24
chris_99what do you think about the pull-down resistor?07:24
archelsand a pulldown resistor (don't rely on your MCU to keep the gate lines low)07:25
chris_99aha ok, cheers!07:25
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.08:16
kanzureeveryone hates on weapons of mass destruction; i think there should be a support group.08:17
kanzurewithout a support group, who are you going to call when you run into a wmd?08:17
JayDuggerI'm all for it. Weekend shoots just to stay in practice.08:17
kanzureright, an untested process is a broken process, and all that08:17
JayDuggerLet's see...we could do theme detonations, or just save it all for July 4th, and do the 1812 Overture with Davy Crockett rounds vice cannon.08:18
JayDuggerBut that's unfair to WMDs other than atomic explosives.08:19
JayDuggerWe'd need a SIG or two for chemcial and biological.08:19
JayDugger(I can say that here, right? We're on speaking terms with the FBI this week?)08:20
kanzureyea it's cool08:20
JayDugger(Hi Feds!)08:20
kanzuremy deal with them was only re: reporting people with unhealthy chickenshit/egg kinks coming on to irc08:20
JayDuggerI'll just misspell them on purpose in case they don't use a more sophisticated monitor.08:20
kanzurewell it was because eggs are a wmd or something08:21
kanzurei forget the details08:21
JayDuggerThere's a pun somewhere in this about a NEST knocking at my door, but I am too tired to make the joke work.08:21
kanzurei think that nectome would be better off focusing on brain simulation and emulation, rather than promising high-fidelity human brain uploading08:22
kanzurethere is more money in replacing large chunks of the labor force compared to the money in rescuing people from old age healthcare costs08:22
JayDuggerNectome? The group from the winner of the Small Mammal prize?08:22
kanzureplus on the way to working human brain uploading and emulation you're going to have working human brain "prototype" software anyway, which is essentially ai or agi or whatever08:23
JayDuggerI feel more sympathy for the latter than the former, but you're probably right.08:23
kanzurethe resolution or fidelity of initial uploading is going to be somewhat pathetic compared to what everyone is hoping08:23
kanzureso you're basically going to end up with not-quite-human agi anyway08:23
kanzurebetter to spin it like that rather than overpromise about human uploading08:24
JayDuggerYeah, the whole "Is an emulation me?" is oversold compared to "is an emulation a draft animal?"08:24
kanzureotherwise you will get all sorts of boring cultural artifacts resulting from that, like "frankenstein's zombie" but even more boring and more mundane08:24
cluckjlike "should an AI pay taxes?"08:24
JayDuggerThat went past me. Let me think about it for a bit.08:24
kanzurecluckj: if not, the company running the agi would definitely have to pay taxes08:25
JayDuggerMore likely the latter.08:25
JayDuggerHorses drawing carts didn't pay taxes. Their owners did.08:25
cluckjwould the agi need to get healthcare under the ACA or face a penalty?08:25
kanzureJayDugger: "frankenstein's monster" was a story about reanimation and it was boring and obvious in a bunch of places. they will say the same thing about uploads ("omg it's only 1% of a preson~~~~") and we will have to endure the cringe for 20-40 years and it will be awful.08:25
JayDuggerWe will probably have machines smart as horses before machines as smart as men.08:25
JayDuggerThe speculation about horse-smart isn't as much fun.08:26
kanzurecluckj: thankfully human history has shown that we're perfectly willing to classify unique things as non-human, so my guess would be no :)08:26
kanzurecluckj: although you could ask the same question about autonomous self-driving cars :D08:26
cluckjand actual humans as non-humans too08:26
kanzure"do autonomous cars have to join organ donation programs?"08:26
cluckjwe don't have a good track record at this08:26
JayDuggerYes! and they should be scored and rewarded for how many organ donors each automonous car delivers to the hospital.08:27
cluckjdo autonomous cars need to pay for their own insurance?08:27
JayDuggerYes! out of the finder's fees for delivering organs ready for donation.08:27
kanzurewell i was more thinking along the lines of autonomous cars donating their own parts in the event of an accident, but deliverance of organs to hospitals sounds like it could work too08:27
cluckjwill autonomous cars be considered employees, property, or "independent contractors" under labor laws?08:28
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JayDuggerI was thinking more along the lines of encouraging the right kinds of accidents to arrange organ donations. But I think y'all are treated the subject with more seriousness.08:28
JayDuggerI'm to bed. I can't even type straight. Good night.08:29
cluckjI have literally asked zero serious questions08:29
cluckjor rather I have asked literally zero serious questions08:30
JayDuggerFun project for later...08:36
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caternhey, kanzure, you're a cool cypherpunk, do you know any papers or articles about the use of digital currencies in accounting for network resources at a per-packet level?09:22
kanzurecatern: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bitcoin/09:24
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caternoh boy09:24
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caterni don't know if any of these actually are what i'm looking for but i guess i should use grep09:39
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kanzurebsm117532: welcome.10:06
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bsm117532Hahaa there's a lot of overlap between the people here and #bitcoin-wizards ;-)10:07
kanzureyea all of the bitcoiners are immortalists10:08
adlai"Strangely, sorting by log size per day returns relatively high-signal content" << why 'strangely'?10:08
kanzureit's one of those "open secrets"10:08
kanzureadlai: because size shouldn't have anything to do with signal-noise ratio10:09
kanzureadlai: it's a ridiculous correlation10:09
bsm117532kanzure: Huh?  large log size means discussion, and presumably, signal, no?10:09
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adlaiit makes sense if people pitch in when they see high-signal discussion, and opt out rather than enflame trolls or just idle chatter10:09
kanzureyou're welcome to remove the statement, it's a wiki after all10:10
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* adlai doesn't think he has an account? and either the correlation is strange, or the strangeness, so the statement should remain10:10
adlaibuh: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/bitcoin/big-pile/10:11
adlaithat needs a few man-years of constructive mania curation10:11
kanzurejgarzik asked me to release that content somewhere "release early release often"10:12
kanzureactually that file was the result of me spending a week before scalingbitcoin montreal reading all forum posts and all bitcoin-dev email traffic10:12
adlaiwhat's the first token in the links?10:12
* bsm117532 raids his mail archives for the Transhumanism mailing list...10:12
kanzurejotmuch slug https://github.com/davidlazar/jotmuch10:13
kanzurebsm117532: i have the mailing list archives over here http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/extropians/ and http://extropians.weidai.com/10:13
adlaikanzure: thank you. somebody linked me to this thing before but i never paid much attention... will leave tab open ^_^10:14
* adlai meanwhile goes teach humans go, before it becomes another worthless pastime10:14
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caternwhat would have seemed more likely in retrospect to me is not a digital currency eventually being used for paying for packets, but rather network resource accounting methods eventually being used as a digital currency10:20
caternkanzure: is there a better channel than this for discussion of cypherpunk-ish-things10:20
kanzurebitcoin-wizards is better for cryptocurrency theoretical speculation, this channel is pretty good for extropian content10:24
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caternwhat exactly is "extropian content", then?10:29
caterndoes what i've brought up fall into the case of extropian content or cryptocurrency theoretical speculation?10:29
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kanzurecatern: that's a good question; in my experience, the -wizards folks are much better at privacy tech than the folks in here.11:22
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kanzurebrain connectivity matrices http://umcd.humanconnectomeproject.org/11:32
kanzure.wik DLG411:33
yoleaux"PSD-95 (postsynaptic density protein 95) also known as SAP-90 (synapse-associated protein 90) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the DLG4 (disks large homolog 4) gene." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLG411:33
kanzure"PSD-95 is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) family. With PSD-93 it is recruited into the same NMDA receptor and potassium channel clusters. These two MAGUK proteins may interact at postsynaptic sites to form a multimeric scaffold for the clustering of receptors, ion channels, and associated signaling proteins.[1] PSD-95 is the best studied member of the MAGUK-family of PDZ domain-containing proteins. Like all ...11:34
kanzure... MAGUK-family proteins, its basic structure includes three PDZ domains, an SH3 domain, and a guanylate kinase-like domain (GK) connected by disordered linker regions. It is almost exclusively located in the post synaptic density of neurons,[4] and is involved in anchoring synaptic proteins. Its direct and indirect binding partners include neuroligin, NMDA receptors, AMPA receptors, and potassium channels.[5] It plays an important role ...11:34
kanzure... in synaptic plasticity and the stabilization of synaptic changes during long-term potentiation.[6]"11:34
kanzure"[gephyrin] is a neuronal assembly protein that anchors inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors to the postsynaptic cytoskeleton via high affinity binding to a receptor subunit domain and tubulin dimers."11:35
kanzure"Recently, a novel approach based on recombinant fibronectin intrabodies generated by mRNA display (FingRs) has been introduced for use in tissue culture and in mouse brain slices7. FingRs are antibody-like proteins that have been selected to target endogenous synaptic proteins including postsynaptic density 95 (PSD-95) and Gephyrin (GPHN). PSD-95 is a scaffolding protein localized to the postsynaptic density of excitatory synapses8, and ...11:37
kanzure... GPHN is a component of the postsynaptic protein network of inhibitory synapses9. FingRs have several advantages over current methods: they are recombinant and can be expressed in cell types of interest; they can be fused to a fluorophore to permit visualization of synapses in vivo; and finally, they have an auto-feedback mechanism to limit overexpression that could affect synapse properties as well as obscure precise imaging. "11:37
kanzurefrom http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4700522/11:37
kanzureoptogenetic fusion proteins ("luminopsins") (something about fusing channelrhodopsins with luciferase?) http://www.pnas.org/content/113/3/E358.full11:40
kanzurenot really sure what to do with that one11:40
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kanzurealdehyde vitrification on hacker news too https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1107052812:01
kanzurescihub and libgen stuff too https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1107019212:02
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archelsany good comments?12:56
archelsalso why is everybody always so down on capitalism12:56
archelsoh wait the comments section isn't actually longer than the article.12:57
kanzureit's because capitalism doesn't have a PR team, duh13:10
archelsso given that the cell membranes stay perfectly intact, how about cell-bound proteins and vesicles?13:26
archelspost-synaptic densities?13:27
kanzurei think that vacuoles and vesicles might be intact13:28
kanzureor definitely in some of the variants of the CLARITY method13:28
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archelssequencing DNA/RNA is probably out13:30
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fenn"The current explosive Zika virus epidemic in the Americas is, however, causing great concern because of what looks to be a sudden, dramatic increase in the incidence of microcephaly (small brain/head size) in newborns."19:17
fenni guess a sudden dramatic increase in microcephaly isn't newsworthy on its own?19:17
kanzureanother article said that there is no microcephaly from zika virus :(19:18
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xentrac_fenn: yes, it was, before Zika was identified as a candidate19:21
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