
--- Log opened Thu Feb 25 00:00:42 2016
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archelsElizabeth Parrish, CEO of BioViva, may be the first case of self-experimentation gene therapy. She03:06
archelsclaims to have inserted extra genes for producing the proteins follistatin (causes muscle growth) and03:06
archelstelomerase (involved in regulating ageing) at a clinic outside the US (Regalado 2015).03:06
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kanzure"How is it that some can charge $20 (or even less) and some go up to $48 or even more?" ""Then what do you think of the "American Scientific Publishers" with 113 USD + tax?" "or the books of them: example: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 25-Volume Set, Price: $16,999.00"06:00
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kanzurere: pdfparanoia performance testing, https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/issues/4906:13
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:26
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pompolicsorry if it's nitpicking: you have a typo in the readme, in the first russian paragraph06:42
pompolicit's written "pdfparania" instead of "pdfparanoia"06:42
kanzurethank you, fixed06:45
pompolicnp :D06:45
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yoleaux00:56Z <nmz787_i> chris_99: huh, I don't think I remember hearing about quorn before... I am not sure how this escaped me... maybe they don't import the stuff into the states?08:11
chris_99haha nmz787, i thought you could get it in the states too actually, but maybe not08:12
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JayDuggerquorn is an ingredient in some frozen foods.09:04
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kanzure"I'm imagining a 10 acre array of NAND ssd memory"09:18
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maakuarchels: haha extra genes for muscle growth. that's brilliant11:17
maakuhow long until that's the standard for the MLB11:17
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nmz787_i1gene enhanced players/competitors should just have their own 'class' rather than being disqualified11:35
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maakubah we should get rid of this stupid concept of policiing performance enhancement12:22
kanzurethen we should celebrate it12:23
kanzurethrow parties etc12:23
kanzure"lance found to be drugged up; great let's throw a pizza party"12:23
maakunot as crazy as kids taking adderall being disqualified from e.g. chess and math tournaments12:25
chris_99some people are prescribed that anyway though surely12:26
kanzurenormies vs adderall junkies would be an interesting chess tournament12:27
kanzurewith an instant death round where the adderall junkies have no more adderall12:28
kanzure"I conclude there are next to no reliable ways to protect against major calamities with AI. All existing systems are already openly conspiring against such a mechanism or infrastructure." http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/suntzu2016022512:28
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kanzurehooray perhaps they will stop trying to impose a moratorium on transhumanism12:29
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FourFirearchels,  Still haven't gotten a response from her...13:36
FourFirekanzure, if you want to make an acre of NAND, first reduce the production environment requirements for a viable nand array: http://memory.oyhus.no/13:41
kanzure/win 9713:44
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chris_99nmz787_i1, i found videos of the venus fly trap electrostimulation thing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_65wxWTocw i was reading that appaerntly theres a plant called 'waterwheel plant' that you can open/close with electricity14:21
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chris_99just watching a bbc documentary were they're talking about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_block-face_scanning_electron_microscopy looks really interesting14:27
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nmz787_i1chris_99: yeah its pretty sweet stuff, I've seen some talks locally (since they manufacture/design dual-beam SEM/FIBs in my neighborhood)15:03
chris_99nice :)15:03
nmz787_i1chris_99: there has been some really really cool infomation produced of things like geometry of brain cells... which needs much finer resolution than just connectome stuff15:04
chris_99it mentions they do it for small samples right, is there soemthing similar for human sized brains15:05
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nmz787_i1the problem is mostly just logistics... getting a sample chamber (vacuum, and beams usually have pretty short working distance)15:07
nmz787_i1getting a sample chamber that is big enough *15:07
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chris_99i'm just wondering neurons rely on things like the flow of say potassium ions right? a SEM wouldn't be able to pick up different atoms/ions though would it?15:11
nmz787_i1so yeah, you'd need a really nice XYZ gantry (which they have) but for a brain you'd need to have long travel in all directions too15:11
nmz787_i1yeah you can do elemental mapping15:11
chris_99you can?15:11
chris_99with a SEM?15:11
nmz787_i1EDS or EDX15:11
nmz787_i1.wik EDX15:11
yoleaux"Disambiguation: EDX" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDX15:11
nmz787_i1.wik EDS15:11
yoleaux"Disambiguation: EDS" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDS15:11
chris_99oh spectroscopy15:11
nmz787_i1yeah electrons in, photons out15:12
nmz787_i1(in xray region)15:12
nmz787_i1you can also do EELS15:12
nmz787_i1.wik EELS15:12
yoleaux"In electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) a material is exposed to a beam of electrons with a known, narrow range of kinetic energies. Some of the electrons will undergo inelastic scattering, which means that they lose energy and have their paths slightly and randomly deflected." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EELS15:12
nmz787_i1.wik pixe15:12
yoleaux"Particle-induced X-ray emission or proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is a technique used in the determining of the elemental make-up of a material or sample. When a material is exposed to an ion beam, atomic interactions occur that give off EM radiation of wavelengths in the x-ray part of the electromagnetic spectrum specific to an element." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PIXE15:12
nmz787_i1(using a FIB)15:12
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chris_99so dumb question, after you die, theoretically would your memories still be stored in the form of ions etc. and potentially readable?15:13
nmz787_i1i'd guess within some time limit15:14
nmz787_i1like that princeton cold boot ram attack15:14
chris_99why not?15:14
nmz787_i1long term memories are likely more connectome related than short term would be15:15
kanzuredeath is not really well defined15:15
nmz787_i1though there is likely lots and lots of interplay15:15
kanzureinformation-theoretic death is what you need to get rid of memory15:15
nmz787_i1who knows if mRNAs also count15:15
chris_99kanzure, aha good point15:15
Proteuswell, death can be defined as a loss of coherency15:15
nmz787_i1or other non-metal molecules15:15
chris_99kanzure, i guess i mean no EEG emission maybe15:16
Proteuswhy do you think 'memories' are stored as 'ions'15:16
Proteuswhat does that even mean?15:16
nmz787_i1Proteus: the organization matters15:16
kanzurei think there are a number of monks that screw around with EEG readouts, does that count?15:16
nmz787_i1just like bits don't store information alone15:16
nmz787_i1or rather a voltage15:17
kanzurechris_99: at the moment we don't know how to extract memory at all, other than motor output15:17
kanzureso even if someone is living we still don't know how to extract memory15:17
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Proteusthere's been some progress on how memories are stored, however15:17
chris_99aha kanzure15:18
Proteushas anyone here played with tensorflow?15:22
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fenni didn't realize tensorflow was open source15:30
kanzure.title https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/760115:32
yoleaux[WIP] HTLC implementation in the wallet by ebfull · Pull Request #7601 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub15:32
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Proteusfenn: https://github.com/tensorflow/skflow16:25
Proteusnot just open source, easy to use16:25
Proteusthough, I'm told, not as optimized as torch and theano16:26
nmz787_i1good song16:32
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fennpretty forceful legal brief from apple rejecting fbi's proposed iphone encryption backdoor http://brokeandbroker.com/PDF/AppleMotVac190225.pdf16:44
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nmz787_i1ugh, engineering change orders of partially laid out PCBs is a headscratcher16:54
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Proteusfenn: thanks for this link17:28
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fenn"Tor users clearly lack a reasonable expectation of privacy in their IP addresses while using the Tor network."  sounds like an onion article19:20
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kanzuredo you mean a tor onion?19:24
fennha ha.19:25
kanzure"computer users lack a reasonable expectation of computing" - the judge19:27
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1117795719:38
yoleauxSci-Hub as necessary, effective civil disobedience | Hacker News19:38
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