
--- Log opened Thu Mar 24 00:00:08 2016
-!- ArturShaik [~ArturShai@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:34
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mcleodxIs anyone there??04:54
archelsyes, hello04:56
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mcleodxHi Archels, this is the first time I've used IRC, just checking I'd connected properly04:57
archelseverything seems to be working04:58
archelswhat client are you using?04:58
mcleodxGood News, Freenode04:58
archelsno, that's the IRC network that you are connected to04:58
mcleodxOh the client, Limechat04:58
archelsalright, I don't know it04:58
archelslogs for this channel are in the topic by the way—if you were to use a shell account to connect you would always get backlogs of past conversation04:59
mcleodxNo worries seems good.04:59
archelskanzure: what did you mean by this? < kanzure> it doesn't make sense to directly work with your main processes05:00
mcleodx@archels I'd actually been directed here from a guy in a slack.com group for Transhumanism chat05:01
mcleodxI was looking for a group that are a bit more pragmatic in their approach to h+05:03
mcleodxThere's a lot of chat that happens there which is very random/trivial05:03
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kanzure"low-cost android devices for industrial equipment"06:32
kanzure"histowiz - send tissue by mail and then view microscopy results online"06:34
kanzurei don't understand why "loop genomics" has a deal with twist biosciences06:36
kanzure"iron ox - robotic greenhouses"06:37
kanzure"lygos - yeast making industrial chemicals" wasn't there another ycombinator startup doing this...06:42
kanzurealright well that was a waste of time06:49
kanzure"mov is Turing-complete" http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~sd601/papers/mov.pdf06:49
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kanzurearchels: i mean that if you were a working software emulation of human brain matter, there's no reason to have a "single threaded" persona that is interacting with virtual environments. "location" isn't an entirely relevant concept (although caching and load times and processing times are relevant concepts).08:54
archelsyou're always going to be interacting with *some* simulated environment08:56
archelsI don't think it's such a clear-cut case08:56
archelsif I'm Bob's mindclone from 2 minutes ago, having solved some problem and having committed my results, maybe I wouldn't like to be terminated08:57
kanzureright, so about that.... "mindclones" are going to be computationally infeasible due to resource requirements at first. i mean, we are still taking multiple days to run simulations of a few microseconds of neural firing.08:58
kanzureall of this is going to be extremely resource constrained08:58
kanzurei also suspect there will be lots of competition for computing resources, probably going to the highest payers08:59
kanzureoops i shouldn't say "computationally infeasible" i should say "economically infeasible"09:00
kanzureeven with continued reductions in computing prices, i think that there is almost always going to be high demand to run certain more economically profitable algorithms.09:02
kanzurei'm not entirely convinced that people are going to spin up entire auditory cortex simulations to appreciate millions of hours of robo-mozart or whatever.09:02
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maakukanzure: while you speak the truth, it is a hard sell. what do we appreciate in mozart in the first place? other than abstract respect, the enjoyment itself is a result of our inefficient, bizarre sensory apparatus09:34
maakuwe'll have to emulate those sense to appreciate historical human works of art, or to engage in the still-living subculture of retro art09:36
maakubut i'm sure that most people and artists wlil have moved on to using and appreciating less wasteful senses09:36
maakupeople will see that as losing humanity though, hence the hard sell09:37
maakukanzure: also I 100% support and encourage the MIT media lab harassment plan09:39
-!- nmz787_i [ntmccork@nat/intel/x-aocyuyakpbwexwhn] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:41
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kanzuremaaku: they invited me under the pretense of bitcoin stuff but they seem OK with me using the opportunity to let fenn harass neil gershenfeld and ed boyden and the other nutjobs there09:45
nmz787_iis there a artificial general intelligence thing on the internet that I could ask something like: what is a unique descriptive word for each of the following wordlists [ohm, farad, volt] [kilo, mega, pico, nano]09:45
kanzureuh... wordnet? but it's not agi.09:45
nmz787_i(I called the former scientific units, the latter SI units... but I'm not sure that's right)09:45
nmz787_ihow does wordnet work?09:47
nmz787_iI searched kilo and it gave some uninteresting result09:47
nmz787_ioh, wrong search page09:48
kanzurewordnet works by converting thousands of hours of grad student life force into finely grinded pellets of language knowledge for general consumption09:48
maakunmz787_i: google had something similar http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2011/08/google-sets-will-be-shut-down.html09:48
maakuthat's not an agi problem09:48
archelskanzure: I'm really glad to hear you say that, everyone seems to think that resources (and in particular, computation) will just come for free09:51
kanzureperhaps if emulation algorithm stuff turns out to be costless to implement....... but i see no evidence to believe tihs.09:51
kanzure*to run09:51
maakukanzure: it would be much less costly with quantum computaiton09:52
archelsapparently if you're running on a reversible computer, you cost almost no power to run09:53
maakuarchels: as long as you're not doing anything interesting09:53
archelsaren't reversible computers Turing complete though?09:55
maakuopentrons demoed at YC yesterday http://opentrons.com/09:55
archels"The biosynthesis of messenger RNA is discussed as a physical example of reversible computation."09:56
maakuarchels: memory isn't infintie. if you're doing anything adaptive or responsive to different environments then you need to be doing memory erasure, which is not reversible09:57
archelsit might tradeoff storage complexity for reversibility though09:57
archels.title http://opentrons.com/09:57
yoleauxarchels: Sorry, that command (.title) crashed.09:58
maakuit's a $3k liquid handler09:58
maakugreat for doing your own micro-transcriptic09:58
kanzureyep they have been around for a while now... delinquentme did his own version a few years ago.09:58
kanzureand before that, jcline did some silly reverse engineering work to get some tecan equipment to work09:59
kanzureactually you guys might have used jcline's work if it hadn't been perl (it was perl)09:59
maakualso loop genomics : http://www.loopgenomics.com/10:04
maakuand boom, albeit a little OT : http://boom.aero/10:04
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-inkxrbwwcflotktc] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:05
maakuit's insane how big the YC batches have become10:05
nmz787_i..title https://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/36/17/e107.full10:08
nmz787_i.title https://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/36/17/e107.full10:08
yoleauxDe novo DNA synthesis using single molecule PCR10:08
yoleauxDe novo DNA synthesis using single molecule PCR10:08
nmz787_ikanzure: have you heard of that? I can't quote tell much from the abstract other than something about recursion10:10
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kanzurenmz787_i: there's no way that "cloning and sequencing" is the bottleneck of dna synthesis :)10:59
kanzureanyway, having an alternative to yeast-based cloning is nice11:00
kanzure"Divide and Conquer (D&C), the quintessential recursive problem solving technique, is used in silico to divide the target DNA sequence to be constructed into fragments short enough to be synthesized by conventional oligo synthesis, albeit with errors (15); these oligos are synthesized and are recursively combined in vitro, forming target DNA molecules with roughly the same error rate as the source oligos; error-free parts of these ...11:00
kanzure... molecules identified by cloning and sequencing are extracted and used as new, typically longer and more accurate inputs to another iteration of the recursive synthesis procedure"11:01
kanzureso... they are just using traditional oligonucleotide synthesis. yawn.11:01
kanzurei'm not convinced that biologists know what a bottleneck is supposed to be :)11:01
nmz787_iah, hmm, thanks... when the abstract didn't sound interesting, and scanning briefly didn't yield anything seemingly interesting... I had my doubts there was anything interesting there11:13
nmz787_i(especially because I am thinking about coding stuff at the moment)11:13
kanzurenmz787_i: here, have some coding music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddtkszic4II&t=4m30s11:14
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maaku.title http://www.nature.com/news/minimal-cell-raises-stakes-in-race-to-harness-synthetic-life-1.1963314:23
yoleaux‘Minimal’ cell raises stakes in race to harness synthetic life : Nature News & Comment14:23
maakusomeone leak that genome plz14:24
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kanzure"Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome" http://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/351/6280/aad6253.full.pdf (2016)14:30
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nmz787_ihmm, so the small cells are about 200nm diameter... so 100nm radius... plugging that into volume of sphere, I get 4.19 million cubic nanometers14:59
nmz787_iso 473 genes, that's 8858 nm^3 per gene14:59
nmz787_iwhich isn't really that useful14:59
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kanzureeasy to select for cells with larger cell membrane volume15:00
nmz787_ii guess you could start peel a nanometer or two from the cell diameter, if you assume the membrane is 1nm thick15:01
kanzureand it is plausible that minor amounts of mutation over 473 genes can cause larger cell bodies to be constructed15:01
kanzureoh you wanted smaller?15:01
nmz787_iwell just thinking about how many molecules would be inside15:02
nmz787_ihow many would be non-water15:02
nmz787_iwhat would the crowding be like... but I guess we'd need to know relative expression numbers or something15:02
nmz787_ior an image of a dessicated cell.. to at least know the water factor15:02
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archelsgrm, neuromorpho has so many entries now that their site freezes my browser17:22
kanzureit's well known that browsers are the cause of the fermi paradox / fermi silence, any sufficiently stupid civilization to invent web browsers all suffer the same fate17:23
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fenni'm surprised nobody's doing semiballistic passenger glide-rockets17:50
fenni guess rocketry knowhow isn't widespread enough17:51
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fenni applied to the MIT media lab for grad school in 2011 but they only accept 10 applicants out of 300 so i didn't get in18:16
fennhow is a "residency" different?18:16
fennthey probably only want you because so few people understand bitcoin at all18:17
fenni don't see how bitcoin fits in really18:18
kanzuremit digital currency initiative is joi ito18:18
kanzureand media lab is joi ito18:18
kanzuretherefore, secret backdoor18:19
kanzuretell me, how quickly can you say "merkle tree"?18:19
kanzureand can you say it in a pretentious german accent or anything special18:19
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kanzurethe near-term MIT media lab trip is not their residency thingy, it's something slightly lighter- like a one or two week forced comingling18:22
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kanzurelots of potential victims:18:26
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kanzure.tw https://twitter.com/AdamMarblestone/status/71287520976267673618:39
yoleauxLooking for a research scientist candidate to barcode the connectome at MIT: http://www.media.mit.edu/about/opportunities/research-scientist-neuronal-barcoding-connectomics cc @eboyden3 (@AdamMarblestone)18:39
kanzure"Hybrid Microscopy: Enabling Inexpensive High-Performance Imaging through Combined Physical and Optical Magnifications" http://www.nature.com/articles/srep2269118:41
kanzure"Assembly and operation of the autopatcher for automated intracellular neural recording in vivo" http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v11/n4/full/nprot.2016.007.html18:41
kanzure"Whole-cell patch clamping in vivo is an important neuroscience technique that uniquely provides access to both suprathreshold spiking and subthreshold synaptic events of single neurons in the brain. This article describes how to set up and use the autopatcher, which is a robot for automatically obtaining high-yield and high-quality whole-cell patch clamp recordings in vivo. By following this protocol, a functional experimental rig for ...18:42
kanzure... automated whole-cell patch clamping can be set up in 1 week. High-quality surgical preparation of mice takes ~1 h, and each autopatching experiment can be carried out over periods lasting several hours. Autopatching should enable in vivo intracellular investigations to be accessible by a substantial number of neuroscience laboratories, and it enables labs that are already doing in vivo patch clamping to scale up their efforts by ...18:42
kanzure... reducing training time for new lab members and increasing experimental durations by handling mentally intensive tasks automatically."18:42
kanzure"Functional and topological diversity of LOV domain photoreceptors" http://www.pnas.org/content/113/11/E1442.abstract18:42
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kanzure"A Whole-Cell Computational Model Predicts Phenotype from Genotype" http://www.cell.com/abstract/S0092-8674(12)00776-318:52
kanzure"Reconstruction of Natural Scenes from Ensemble Responses in the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus" http://www.jneurosci.org/content/19/18/8036.long (yes i know this is cliche by now)18:53
kanzurealso, i support the trend of microscopy techniques getting their own marketing sites http://expansionmicroscopy.org/18:53
kanzure"... Arigos Biomedical, a firm working on high-pressure vitrification. New firms abound: Tissue Testing Technologies is working on ways of warming organs uniformly; Sylvatica Biotech is perfecting recipes for cryoprotectants; X-therma is attempting to mimic cryoprotective proteins."18:56
kanzurefrom http://www.economist.com/news/science-and-technology/21690025-after-decades-piecemeal-progress-science-cryogenically-storing-human18:56
kanzurefruit fly brain image scans for connectomics algorithm development reasons https://github.com/BigNeuron/Data/releases/tag/data_v1.0_first200018:57
kanzurewhich is data from this paper apparently? "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Brain-wide Wiring Networks in Drosophila at Single-Cell Resolution" (2011? but why was this data posted last month?) http://www.cell.com/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822(10)01522-818:57
kanzureabove data set is from http://alleninstitute.org/bigneuron/about/18:58
kanzurethat is a cool thing.18:58
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kanzure"Real time selective sequencing using nanopore technology" (2016) http://biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2016/02/03/038760.full.pdf19:11
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kanzure"Coordinated activation of distinct Ca2+ sources and metabotropic glutamate receptors encodes Hebbian synaptic plasticity" http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2016/160113/ncomms10289/full/ncomms10289.html19:13
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kanzure"Nanoscale Architecture of the Axon Initial Segment Reveals an Organized and Robust Scaffold" http://www.cell.com/cell-reports/abstract/S2211-1247(15)01382-019:16
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kanzure"Generating Sentences from a Continuous Space" http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.0634919:19
kanzure"The standard unsupervised recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM) generates sentences one word at a time and does not work from an explicit global distributed sentence representation. In this work, we present an RNN-based variational autoencoder language model that incorporates distributed latent representations of entire sentences. This factorization allows it to explicitly model holistic properties of sentences such as style, ...19:19
kanzure... topic, and high-level syntactic features. Samples from the prior over these sentence representations remarkably produce diverse and well-formed sentences through simple deterministic decoding. By examining paths through this latent space, we are able to generate coherent novel sentences that interpolate between known sentences. We present techniques for solving the difficult learning problem presented by this model, demonstrate ...19:19
kanzure... strong performance in the imputation of missing tokens, and explore many interesting properties of the latent sentence space."19:19
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kanzure(music) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmEvB2BVnYc&t=45s19:28
fenn"Expansion Microscopy (ExM) is a sample preparation tool for biological samples that allows investigators to identify small structures by expanding them using a polymer system.[1] The premise is to introduce a polymer network into cellular or tissue samples, and then physically expand that polymer network using chemical reactions to increase the size of the biological structures."19:32
fennlike those tiny gel dinosaurs19:33
kanzurein a video somewhere on youtube, ed boyden was mentioning the idea might have originated from diapers? or he was just making an analogy.19:34
kanzurebut seeing as how he is a recent father i'm pretty sure his inspiration was diapers19:34
fenndiapers contain sodium polymethacrylate granules to absorb the pee19:35
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kanzure"While we're talking about the Google Cloud Vision API I'll take the opportunity to plug the Chrome extension I wrote that adds a right-click menu item to detect text, labels and faces in images in your browser: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cloud-vision/nblmokgbialjjgfhfofbgfcghhbkejac " https://cloud.google.com/vision/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1135445419:58
fenn"In nature, the optimum is almost always in the middle somewhere. Distrust assertions that the optimum is at an extreme point."  i wonder how well this holds up in practice20:03
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fennecho bind ^F whereis main >> ~/.nanorc20:21
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fennfourfire i think the trick is disguising your helmet as a hat23:07
fennyou could put an oversized baseball cap on the top part and then cover the bottom with shaggy hair, then it will just look like you have a huge fluffy mullet23:08
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maakuI think a bad ass motorcycle helmet would be more fashionable than a fluffy mullet23:46
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