
--- Log opened Mon Apr 11 00:00:25 2016
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kanzurearchels: if emulation time is expensive (because of computational resources and such), and if sleep is actually necessary,05:42
kanzurearchels: then a bunch of the cost of emulation is going to be for sleeping :)05:42
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kanzurewhich is not efficient at all. and not cost effective. it's basically a sleep tax...05:46
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cluckjwhat about naps05:47
cluckjare they taxed at the same rate?05:47
kanzurewell i guess you could move yourself to lower-end hardware, but i dunno why that would be cheaper-- it would probably take even longer to emulate the same nap05:48
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cluckjyou probably don06:35
cluckjt need the same amount of cycles for emulating sleep that you would for being "awake"06:35
kanzureunfortunately we don't know that yet06:36
cluckjmaybe we need sleep because the alien smartphone our universe is running on only has so much computing power06:37
kanzureexcept there are things happening to the brain during sleep :\06:39
kanzurethe brain is doing things06:39
kanzure... brain things.06:39
cluckjyeah but there's body stuff that isn't happening06:40
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JayDuggerkanzure, cluckj, did either of you get a draft copy of Hanson's Age of Em?07:06
cluckjno, sorry07:08
JayDuggerAh, nor did I. His presentations and excerpts hint at him discussing this point.07:10
JayDuggerI wondered if you two had started from there.07:11
JayDuggerTwo hours of him outlining the book.07:15
JayDuggerPlus some slides.07:15
JayDuggerSkip the first 9 minutes07:16
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JayDuggerWhoa, when did YouTube get a "Skip to Presentation" button. That's new to me.07:19
JayDuggerAnyway, about the 53 minute mark, if skipping and my memory serve.07:20
cluckjreproducing a class system in Em, sounds like a plan07:23
cluckjI gotta rewind man, it sounds like he's endorsing that (fictional) bullshit07:26
JayDuggerYeah, bear in mind that predictions aren't necessarily endorsements.07:28
JayDuggerI predict that I'll someday die, and everything I love will end. A very good prediction, but not an endorsement.07:29
cluckjyeah I know :P07:29
JayDuggerFair enough. Just thought it deserved a mention.07:29
cluckjhence the rewinding to contextualize :)07:30
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cluckjI'm not really familiar with his stuff to begin with07:31
cluckjoh he's an economist07:32
JayDuggerNow-a-days, yes.07:34
JayDuggerYou can find the earlier papers that led to the book on his site.07:34
kanzureif there's a class system then i want to be a pope wizard07:36
cluckjyikes, time to turn that off07:38
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cluckjJayDugger, ~48 minutes is where the part you were suggesting starts07:41
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JayDuggerThank you, cluckj.08:16
kanzureno wait, i mean *laser* pope wizard08:18
fennyes, what is it?08:18
fennsomeone called for a laser pope wizard08:19
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fennnmz787: you shouldn't use vegetable oils on bearings because eventually they oxidize and get gunky, only use mineral oil08:21
fennthough i guess jojoba oil isn't the worst08:22
cluckjpope of the lasers?08:24
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JayDuggerHow will you reconcile the difference between the traditional miter and the traditional conical hat?08:27
cluckjhead-mounted laser, duh08:27
cluckjhats are overrated08:28
fenntoday i learned jojoba nuts were used for lubricant in world war 208:30
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nmz787_ifenn: years ago I learned jojoba is supposedly the second-best industrial oil compared to whale oil09:16
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archelskanzure: agreed, although we might be able to play with the speed of emulation09:48
archelsrun the emulation at a quickened pace during sleep with respect to the common, shared timeframe09:49
kanzurethat's some mighty strong computational magic you gots there09:50
archelsit's mostly legislatory magic, or societal maybe09:51
archelsto have everyone eventually sync at the same pace09:51
kanzureif you had that computational power available in the first place, why were you running at 50%?09:52
archelsthe only reason I can think of right now is so you can interact with others at the same rate09:52
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archels"-is Dave going to be in the meeting? -yeah, why? -his hardware is so old, this meeting is going to take up so much of my objective time..."09:53
kanzurei think everything is going to be slow (for everything) and the costs of computation so high that sleep will be expensive09:53
kanzureif you can just double your speed or whatever, you would have done it already. cpu power doesn't just magically fall out of the sky- and when it does, software isn't guaranteed to run much faster on more hardware anyway.09:54
kanzure(if we figure out all the ingredients of sleep we could stop emulating it, and prefer an analytical solution, of course. but we haven't done this yet, and it might take longer than figuring out emulations.)09:55
archelsyeah, it doesn't fall out of the sky, so there's a good chance there are going to be class differences between people who can afford fancier hardware09:59
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kanzureoh, i don't care about that.10:03
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archels"we have decent estimates on the file size for brains" what? no11:05
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kanzurewell we know some upper physical limits, like total energy of the known galaxies11:27
kanzureshould be reasonably good approximation for an upper limit11:27
archelswe have no idea of the level of description we need though11:28
archelspower consumed is a good universal, but does it convert into computational complexity?11:28
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nmz787_iwhat is a good way to do error/warning message IDs in Python?13:47
nmz787_iI feel like I could enumerate all the warnings/error log calls in my code, and assign arbitrary but unique integers to them... so for certain messages I can have a document with longer explanations for some of the error/warning ID codes13:48
kanzureexception types and their subtypes can be defined in a single file or module, then use the exception type name as the identifier (or assign as a class variable)13:50
nmz787_ihmm, I was also looking for some recommendations on semantics... something like a this, but for error/warning message ID construction: semver.org13:51
nmz787_ithis is definitely work related research: http://httpstatusdogs.com/13:55
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kanzurehrm https://deepspaceindustries.com/19:24
justanotheruserIs this the kind of thing an overly optimistic 23 year old attempts with $10k in funding?19:57
kanzurethis is the kind of thing peter diamandis attempts with negative funding19:57
kanzureoops wait, that's planetary resources inc19:57
kanzure"brain upload" http://xkcd.com/1666/20:02
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maakuAsteroid mining is plausible21:17
maakuI was briefly working on a disrupter in that industry21:17
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esmereldaAn asteroid disruptor? Like a bomb?21:29
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nmz787_ijustanotheruser: when I was 23 I think I could've done wonders with $10k... I had a lot more energy to do tedious hacky shit (and no day job, and wanted a reason to take a quarter or two off of school)... but back then all the rage was people <20 years :/22:03
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