
--- Log opened Wed May 04 00:00:05 2016
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drethelinwhat did you do to your old one00:32
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nmz787_iwell, I never had one01:00
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-!- QuadIgni is now known as FourFire02:14
FourFirehmm, reddit really sucks.02:15
nighttell me about it02:16
FourFireI got upvoted for a post where I ridicule a (joking) solution to "the population problem" caused by successful indefinite lifespan research by spending 0.6% of world GDP launching naked humans into space atop SpaceX Launch vehicles02:40
FourFireI got downvoted for a post where I suggest that The AI control problem is a big unknown, and that our social constucts are specific to our neural architecture.02:44
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juulhm, still haven't found that UI/UX person for biobricks foundation. If anyone knows anyone who's interested: https://www.noisebridge.net/pipermail/noisebridge-jobs/2016-April/000380.html04:21
juulyou can contact me at bbf@juul.io04:22
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chris_99Anyone ever made a digital refractometer out of interest, was just looking at http://www.gpsil.com/our-products/refractometers/measuring-pri/# seems the main expense is probably the interference filter05:32
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JayDuggernmz787, when you said "size of some text on a PDF page," you meant what--dimensions on screen?09:12
maakuFourFire: why do you want to enslave machine intelligence?09:13
FourFiremaaku, actually, I wan to *be* machine intelligence, but the prerequisites are probably not going to be developed in time09:14
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maakuFourFire: I don't think that is so unlikely an outcome09:15
FourFiremaaku, to answer your question: I don't want to truncated by Other intelligencs put into plac by insufficietly imaginative and cautious people09:15
maakuit is strange to me that the "control problem" is about building perfect enslavement devices, and yet no one calls them out on it09:16
FourFireideally there will be a multitude of non general but very powerful AIs09:16
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FourFireplenty of people call people out on it, but that's due to what I consider a different problem entirely.09:16
FourFireI'm wary of people's empathy for "things which look like faces" being hijacked and leading to a stupid early en09:17
maakustupid early en...?09:19
maakuthe machine cut you off it seems09:19
maakugeneral intelligence is not complicated09:20
maakuthankfully it's also not very useful most of the time09:20
JayDuggerObviously an act of sabotage by the machine. Fetch the tools of eliminating reluctance and inducing penitence.09:21
maaku.title https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/05/03/preparing-future-artificial-intelligence09:29
yoleauxPreparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence | whitehouse.gov09:29
maakuFourFire: with the right tools transitioning from biological to machine intelligence is not that hard09:29
maakuit's probably easier than fixing all the things that are wrong with our failing bodies09:30
FourFireyes, in the long run09:30
maakubut then again I have this problem where I consider anything doable within 30 years "easy"09:30
maakusupplant the world's financial system? easy!09:30
FourFireI don't think bio to digital transition at acceptable fidelity to be a 30 year problem09:31
FourFiremore like 50+ years...09:31
maakuFourFire: it just needs decent neural interfacing tech09:32
FourFireI'm pursuing biology enhancements first because I consider it a necessary "first bridge" for anyone born befoe next decade next decade09:32
maakudoesn't even need to replace the whole brain, just the intercranial connection09:32
FourFirebrain is biology09:33
FourFireif you claim you don't want to bother to fix biology issues, you have to go full synth09:33
maakuFourFire: No I do. I don't like putting my eggs in one basket.09:34
maakuBut what I'm saying is there's a relatively short pathway to machine intelligence: reverse engineer the intracranial communication at the physical level09:35
maakuThen lobotomize a brain, connecting the left and the right hemispheres to separate supercomputers with blank, learnable cortex simulations09:36
maakuand boom, you've fissioned into two individuals.09:37
maakuafter sufficient imprinting of the machine part (years of retraining), the biological part can die and the individual survives09:37
maakuToo much risk imho, so I pursue many other means, but conceptually quite simple09:38
maakuFourFire: btw were you the one I was speaking to about writing a living AGI roadmap document?09:39
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maakuguess not10:03
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nmz787_i.tell chris_99 seems like you could do away with those interference filters if you just used a decent laser10:35
yoleauxnmz787_i: I'll pass your message to chris_99.10:35
nmz787_iJayDugger: to be honest I'm really not sure what units things would be in... since I am dealing with a CAD program that has some units for things like a page border and you can draw text in the CAD too using some kind of Font and Font size... for now I'm just continuing on and if that causes me issues I'll have to come back and visit this later10:37
nmz787_ifor now I have some rough approximation stuff happening, using some Windows system API to check formatted text size.... but I have a feeling the windows default DPI might be different than what the CAD tool is rendering into the PDF... so maybe the numbers I am using in my script are too small or something... I'll find out soon enough once I finish my code and try running10:38
-!- Quashie [~boingredd@CPEbc4dfb5bf733-CMbc4dfb5bf730.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]10:43
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nmz787_ihi chris_9911:57
yoleaux17:35Z <nmz787_i> chris_99: seems like you could do away with those interference filters if you just used a decent laser11:57
chris_99oh, yeah heh, i looked on aliexpress for one11:58
chris_99but it seemed really expensive11:58
chris_99for 589nm anyway11:58
chris_99i'm not sure the significance of that wavelength11:58
chris_99"The refractive index is normally measured at a temperature of 20°C using light with the wavelength of the sodium D line (589.29 nm) and is therefore expressed as nD20.", maybe you could use alternative wavelengths? i've no idea though12:04
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kfpduxdusveayskk] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]12:31
nmz787_ichris_99: probably used the sodium line of a HPS lamp... since they didn't have a laser?13:17
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chris_99you mean theres no particular significance with 589nm?13:23
chris_99i'm also confused by this "To guarantee a high quality measurement with an accuracy of up to 0.00002 in the refractive index the wavelength has to be determined correctly. Therefore, in modern refractometers the wavelength is tuned to a bandwidth of +/-0.2 nm to ensure correct results for samples with different dispersions."13:24
chris_99the interference filters i've seen13:24
chris_99say FWHM of 10nm13:26
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nmz787_ichris_99: I don't think that wavelength is significant, as long as the source is narrow-bandwidth13:39
nmz787_ichris_99: the accuracy statement could be talking about instability of the peak frequency, that the shift is within 0.2nm +-13:41
chris_99yeah that'd make sense i guess, as you'd be calibrating it anyway13:41
chris_99ahh didn't think about that13:41
nmz787_isince even with a laser the freq can shift, I think heat dependent13:41
nmz787_iso maybe the same with other light sources?13:41
chris_99hmm, i'm not sure about things like sodium lights13:42
nmz787_iI know with space telescopes they measure doppler shifts of spectral lines, but that has to do with the emitter/detector moving with respect to each other (i.e. earth and some star/planet with some oscillating orbit)13:42
nmz787_ibut there's nothing moving in the refractometer13:43
chris_99if you can use any laser, that would make it really cheap :)13:43
nmz787_ii guess optical cavity imperfections can add harmonics, which add apparent jitter13:43
nmz787_ibut I think consistency is probably more important13:44
nmz787_iso if you're looking to measure beer, I think you'll have no issues with a cheap laser13:44
nmz787_iI'd just check on what the most stable cheap lasers are13:44
chris_99yeah that sounds a good plan13:44
nmz787_iI feel like I've heard closer to IR is more stable (i.e. a red laser)13:45
chris_99ah interesting13:45
nmz787_isomething about they aren't IR pumped or something13:45
nmz787_iwhile the green lasers are freq doubled from IR13:45
Aurelius_Work2not any more13:46
Aurelius_Work2well, not all13:46
Aurelius_Work2green lasers diodes were figured out in the last 5 or so years, but they're still expensive13:46
Aurelius_Work2there's no particularly good use for them13:46
chris_99yellow lasers sound interesting in how they work - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_pointer#Yellow13:47
chris_99i thought i'd heard of something to do with green lasers being used for something to do with astronomy (other than pointing out stars)13:49
nmz787_ilaser guide star13:50
nmz787_ibasically they use the laser spot as a brightness calibration, as I recall13:50
nmz787_ior maybe for aberration detection (and then correction) of the atmosphere13:51
nmz787_isince it varies with time13:51
chris_99just found this "If you fire a sodium laser into the air, it will excite those sodium atoms found at that particular altitude, which then spontaneously de-excite, creating an artificial light source to be used as a guide star."13:52
chris_99could of sworn i'd seen a photo of an observatory with a green laser13:52
chris_99it seems you can get laser refractometers btw nmz787_i, so you were right :)13:55
nmz787_ihonestly seems like something simple enough that could be on ebay or aliexpress13:56
nmz787_ilaser, prism, webcam or linear array, some optical glue, some plastic molding/housing13:57
chris_99i've looked on aliexpress, couldn't find any, the cheapest i've seen is £90 iirc13:57
nmz787_iI bet you could get the prism for $5 or 1013:58
chris_99yeah, definitely13:58
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kanzureeliezer ponders things https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4hflr3/craig_wrights_signature_is_worthless/d2q997f17:27
drethelindidn't the bitcoin price experience a huge fluctuation17:32
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c0rw1n... huh. depends where17:37
maakudepends on you definition of "huge17:40
c0rw1nyeah that too17:42
c0rw1nabout 10% is not much for bitcoin17:42
c0rw1njust that i first checked the chart for bitcoin.de (the one i use) and that was completely flat :)17:42
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kanzurevarious weirdness, http://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2016-May/029323.html18:13
maakukanzure: it's crazy.18:33
maakui've known iang. he's not a loony. but i have no explanation for this18:39
kanzurelet's chalk this up to "when in wonderand" or something18:50
maakuIs there any wearable bio monitor that can detect early onset of heart attacks?19:00
drethelinhttp://www.bbc.com/news/technology-29802581 not yet? though this article is pretty out of date19:32
streetywould a polar chest strap be able to detect a change in the ECG?19:40
drethelinI think otc heart monitors could already do it given the right firmware19:46
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maakuThat seems like the super easiest save lives tool.20:07
kanzureyes but the most fun one is the epinephrine pens20:07
drethelinpeople are pretty reluctant to take meds and stuff so wearing a chest strap every day might not be popular20:11
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maakuYeah I was thinking more like fitbit / smartwatch20:27
maakuThose things have a pulse monitor. I wonder what the resolution is? I wonder if there are signs in the microstructure of a pulse to detect heart attacks20:34
drethelinthey're not really designed to monitor "microstructure''20:37
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maakuThey aren't, but what's the quality of the underlying data feed?23:33
maakuWhat frequency do they sample with what sensory noise threshold?23:34
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--- Log closed Thu May 05 00:00:06 2016

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