
--- Log opened Thu May 26 00:00:12 2016
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nmz787_icomma8: what do you think might be the problem with the soil? heavy metals or petroleum waste/00:40
nmz787_iJoshchamp: channel has been active for years as far as I know00:40
Joshchampah maybe I'm thinking of something else00:41
nmz787_ikanzure: jrayhawk has gnusha switched to GMT timestamps for (good) some reason?00:41
jrayhawkthat sounds odd00:41
nmz787_iusing a m3d printer now... seems decent so far (as in low hassles)... we'll see if this print turns out OK or not00:42
nmz787_ijrayhawk: yes we have logs for tomorrow http://gnusha.org/logs/2016-05-26.log00:42
nmz787_iit is 12:42 GMT now, so correllates00:43
comma8nmz787_i, mostly I would expect heavy metals; lead. But this land has been inhabited for a long time, so it could have anything in it.00:47
comma8I know there is radon here, but I don't think that can affect plants. I do need to read up on that though00:49
jrayhawkoh, fenn stated it and his environment has an invalid TZ00:50
jrayhawkfenn: you probably want to use PST8PDT00:51
jrayhawknot sure if i care enough to fix that00:52
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maakuandytoshi: Paul Christiano is now on the OpenAI team : https://openai.com/blog/team-update/01:41
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andytoshimaaku: nice. I don't know the other names there and I'm not familiar with the project, what do you think about them?04:21
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nmz787comma8: http://www.voltammetry.net/_media/pine/pine/drl10008_anodic_stripping_analysis_of_lead_in_water_laboratory_.pdf05:32
Jawmarenmz787, had to do a presentation on stripping voltametry05:35
Jawmareworst experience in my life05:35
abetusknmz787, clipper lib basically implements Vatti's algorithm for arbitrary polygon boolean operations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatti_clipping_algorithm).  It sounds like you maybe want to convert to some sort of bitmap, then 'smooth' the edges from being stepped to being straight...like some sort of reverse bresenham's line algorithm.  Maybe clipperlib could help you clean up after the fact, I don't know.05:56
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abetuskwhat exactly are you trying to do?05:56
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comma8I'm gonna do you a solid right now.06:39
comma8Take this advice: Sit up with good posture. Look straight forward, your face should be at a right angle with your neck, and a straight back. Now, raise your computer screen to be level with your face.06:39
comma8I've got my laptop sitting on a big tub on top of a table. It feels really good. And when I get a bit tired of sitting with good posture, I can lean forward and rest my chin on the tub, and still see the screen. It's the most ergonomic setup I've ever felt.06:39
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maakuandytoshi: OpenAI is the new hip thing. it's the paypal mafia plus a few other well known VCs investing in AI to save the world07:40
maaku.title https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai/07:41
yoleauxIntroducing OpenAI07:41
maakumore cynically it's a couple of well known machine learning researchers who scored big getting some billionaires to fund their research team07:52
maakuit's an all-star founding team and they've been picking up anybody with talent07:52
maakumy cynicism is more sour grapes because they claim to be creating real strong AGI in the open to save the world, but the founders don't seem to care about any work that has actually been done on AGI08:01
maakuit's your standard machine learning research shop, except with really really good AAA+ talent and infinite funding.08:01
maakuso good for Paul08:02
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fennare bubble boys generally ok mentally?10:36
fennpeople with no gut microbiome10:37
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--- Log opened Thu May 26 03:52:12 2016
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@unaffiliated/kanzure/bot/gnusha] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:52
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church03:52
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]03:52
[Users ##hplusroadmap]03:52
[ a7b9d6e6 ] [ Douhet ] [ juul ] [ Reventlov ] 03:52
[ abetusk ] [ drewbot ] [ kanzure ] [ rhaps0dy ] 03:52
[ aedla ] [ duper ] [ maaku ] [ sandeepkr ] 03:52
[ amiller ] [ dustinm ] [ Madars ] [ saturn2 ] 03:52
[ andares ] [ EnabrinTain ] [ Malvolio ] [ saurik ] 03:52
[ andytoshi ] [ espes__ ] [ mf1008 ] [ sh ] 03:52
[ anoncicada ] [ fenn ] [ midnightmagic ] [ sivoais ] 03:52
[ archels_ ] [ FourFire ] [ mz_o__ ] [ souljack ] 03:52
[ ArturSha1 ] [ gnusha ] [ namespace ] [ strages ] 03:52
[ ArvinJA ] [ gwillen ] [ nanotube ] [ strangewarp] 03:52
[ Aurelius_Home ] [ harold ] [ nickjohnson ] [ streety ] 03:52
[ Aurelius_Work2] [ helleshin ] [ nildicit_ ] [ Stskeeps ] 03:52
[ Bakkot ] [ HEx1 ] [ nmz787 ] [ superkuh ] 03:52
[ balrog ] [ hylleddin ] [ nnnn20430 ] [ Taek ] 03:52
[ berndj ] [ Jawmare ] [ nsh ] [ tariq786 ] 03:52
[ bkero ] [ JayDugger ] [ panax ] [ TeMPOraL ] 03:52
[ BobaMa ] [ jcorgan ] [ pasky ] [ thundara ] 03:52
[ Burninate ] [ Jenda`_ ] [ PatrickRobotham] [ TMA ] 03:52
[ c0rw1n ] [ Joshchamp ] [ pompolic ] [ vikraman ] 03:52
[ catern ] [ jrayhawk ] [ poohbear ] [ xentrac_ ] 03:52
[ comma8 ] [ jron ] [ proofoflogic ] [ ybit ] 03:52
[ crescendo ] [ jtimon ] [ rancyd ] [ yoleaux ] 03:52
[ Diablo-D3 ] [ juri_ ] [ rancyd_ ] [ yorick ] 03:52
[ docl_ ] [ justanotheruser] [ redlegion ] [ zeysmo ] 03:52
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201003:52
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fennjrayhawk: thanks, i thought the clock mismatch was because of some virtualization cockup03:53
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FourFirefenn not sure how you'd control for the environmental factors of isolation05:41
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FourFireI'm pretty sure there's some amount of mental not fucked upness which results from physical contact with other people; maybe even including pheremone signals sent from mother to child during breastfeeding05:43
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maakuFourFire you have a control group raised by wolves, obviously06:33
FourFiremaaku, then you just introduce more confounding factors; Incdentally do I seem to be more socially retarded just because I usually pretend joke responses are serious and respond a if they were?06:35
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fennyou have a control group raised by bubble parents, obviously07:26
JayDuggerGood morning.07:31
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maakua fun project for those who want to learn about high vacuum or high voltage setups : http://shia.wsyntax.com/stuff/fusion/fusor_book_web.pdf10:47
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maaku(a tabletop Farnswoth fusion device)10:47
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nmz787_iJawmare: I've done anodic stripping voltammetry and had to write a report on it... for a top-level undergrad analytical chemistry course that focused heavily on report writing (not just good experimental results... the idea being if you can't effectively communicate the results, why waste time on experiments that can't be shared)10:50
nmz787_iJawmare: I remember it going alright... but also that it all made really good sense in my head... all the chemistry and analog electronics concepts connected up well for me10:51
nmz787_iabetusk: I want to take a 3D model, grab a slice, and machine (laser) that slice on my CNC10:51
fennthat "fun project" will likely cost thousands of dollars and a year of weekends10:52
nmz787_iabetusk: I've got some notes from a BRLCAD developer on shooting rays to detect intersection... so I can raster over the model's area from top-down view... shooting rays, finding where the model intersects10:52
nmz787_ifenn: which?10:53
fennthe fusor10:53
maakufenn: as all fun projects should10:53
nmz787_imaaku: do you follow fusor.net/board at all?10:53
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maakunah, just came upon this in a HN comment10:53
nmz787_iI've learned to appreciate that place more and more10:53
maaku"oh I built a fusion device. it's not too hard. here's some pictures..."10:54
nmz787_imight help to get my SEM up and running10:54
maakuyeah actually I was thinking the same thing w.r.t high vacuum10:55
nmz787_ifenn: actually there were two kid brothers in Berkeley that seemed to achieve fusion in under a year... though it seems they must have had reasonably wealthy parents who were also keen on buying them weird shit10:55
maakuis there some way I can switch parents?10:56
fennwas it enginuitor? (greg courville)10:57
nmz787_ijust few weeks ago I was visiting some friends who live at a place which rents out an apartment online... and the guest was some old couple... the guy started talking my ear off after I mentioned being an engineer/scientist10:57
nmz787_ihe started telling me about some kind of 'free energy' thing... which seemed more like nuclear reaction type stuff10:57
nmz787_imentioned something about http://radiopaedia.org/articles/larmor-frequency10:58
nmz787_ifenn: looks like internet-name is 'Kuba Anglin' http://www.fusor.net/board/viewtopic.php?t=9880&p=6641710:59
fennhttps://plus.google.com/+GregCourville his page makes me feel relatively less awesome somehow11:00
maakunmz787_i: sadly those two boys are going to end up on some t- watch list11:01
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maakunmz787_i: you are actually working on a SEM?11:02
nmz787_it meaning trans?11:02
fennwell nuclear resonance seems like the sort of thing that might result in nuclear reactions at low energies, if anything...11:02
maakunmz787_i: i was trying to avoid saying terrorist on the interwebs, damnit11:02
fennbut then the anti-terrorists will have won11:03
nmz787_imaaku: yeah I haven't spent much time on it.... still haven't even powered it on since purchasing a year ago... though I did bring it into my house from storage about a month ago https://www.takeitapart.com/guide/13611:03
maakui got to play with one of those in university. 'play' is the right word -- those things are fun11:04
fenn<- second class web citizen11:04
* fenn imagines what the web page might look like11:05
nmz787_iit shouldn't be too bandwidth heavy11:05
maakuwe were growing silicon nanowires and measuring their properties11:05
nmz787_iunless it loads via ajax11:05
fennit doesn't display without javascript11:05
nmz787_iah, yeah we were too lazy to think about a nice way to do fallback11:06
fenno wait maybe it's a SSL error11:06
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fenn"SSL handshake failed"11:07
nmz787_imaaku: cool!11:07
nmz787_ifenn: not cool!11:08
nmz787_iI am pretty sure we only allow the most recent SSL11:08
nmz787_ithe one that hasn't been exploited yet11:08
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nmz787_imaybe the only backdoor they can get you with, not having javascript enabled, is an SSL backdoor!11:08
fennwell dillo and surf and elinks don't like it, w3m works, and chrome is still swapping in11:10
fennhave you considered not using SSL?11:10
fennalso did you end up getting a jeep rubicon?11:12
kanzurefenn you should really go meet maaku since you are awake11:18
fennum, no11:19
fennnot today at least11:19
maakulol yeah not today11:19
kanzurealso, i think i have figured out how to schedule things for you....11:19
maakuwe did meet at the sidechains alpha release11:20
kanzureit seems like fenn needs to schedule things with two points, separated by 9 or 12 hours i think, such that if his sleep schedule interferes with the first one, then the second one is an available option11:20
kanzureand then he can just cancel the first one when he's relatively close on the calendar and can tell if it will be conflicting with sleep11:20
kanzureand then just schedule two weeks out with everyone so that they have enough room to schedule two different things11:21
fenndo other people have 12 hours of wiggle room for making appointments?11:21
kanzurewell, they probably have more "wiggle room" if it's more than a week out11:21
kanzureand also it's not really wiggle room-- it's just two different times11:22
maakudoes fenn have a non-24hr clock?11:22
fenn24.5 or so11:22
kanzurehe has a very stable multi-decade non-24 hour clock11:22
fennbeagle time11:23
maakuah. interesting.11:23
maakuyou martian you.11:23
fennbeagle being the mars lander timezone yep11:23
maakuthey actually tried that for the MER rovers in the early days, but the science team couldn't keep it up11:23
nmz787_ifenn: I didn't get a jeep... I am not that rich (yet, hopefully)... i ended up getting a car trailer to haul large materials/etc11:24
maakufenn: does it have some variance for you?11:24
fennyeah lots of variance11:24
fennsometimes i get out of sync with myself even11:24
fennthere are several circadian clocks11:25
maakuyou should have kids. that'll fix it.11:25
maakudefinately with no side effects.11:25
nmz787_ioverloaded the trailer 3X the recommended weight in the Jetta TDI car's manual11:25
fennsure the kid has some chance of having a normal brain and then i'm just obsolete, that'll fix it11:25
nmz787_i(3000lbs instead of the recommended 1000lbs... trailer was rated to 1900lbs)11:25
maaku(sorry I am seriously interested, but I'm on 36 hrs no sleep myself and a little loopy)11:26
nmz787_iit felt fine though, that TDI engine is pretty nice11:26
fennheh well you can see the graphs at fennetic.net/sleep later if you're still interested11:26
maakuoh awesome thanks11:26
maakuI seem to recall there were studies done that showed a natural 24.5 hr cycle in the absence of natural cues11:28
maakupeople in drab buildings with no windows and electric lights and all that11:28
maakuunfortunately i have no citation11:29
fenni read some nasa studies on sleep cycles in the absence of cues11:33
fennbasically the same thing11:33
maakui think that's what it was11:34
maakuit would make sense that some people are wired to be more or less fixed to that schedule than others11:35
fennif the wiring (the suprachiasmatic nucleus) is damaged, you lose sync with light cues11:36
fennaccording to medical literature, people like me don't exist, but i've met lots of them, one stopped over last night11:36
maakuyou tried melatonin?11:37
fennyeah and it does have an effect but it's too hard to absorb it at the right time every day11:38
fenni really should try to do more experiments with 5-HTP11:39
kanzurepfft clearly we need to do mainline melatonin11:39
fennor insufflation11:39
fennhard to get pure melatonin powder11:39
fennhttp://purebulk.com/melatonin-powder/ ok i lied11:40
maakufenn: i think you are now required to start snorting it. For Science.11:40
fenn"servings per container: about 3333"11:41
fenni also find it hard to convince myself to drug myself to sleep even though i am currently doing stuff and interested and want to continue doing whatever it is11:44
fennlike theoretically in the long term over the span of years it's probably better for my life in general, but at any given moment it's a loss11:45
kanzurehave you considered killing your sense of childhood wonder? that might work.11:46
fennno, i haven't11:46
fennHTP definitely adds to the sense of childhood wonder though11:46
fenn"More likely if you take a Melatonin overdose, you may experience hallucinations, delusions, disorientation, confusion and paranoia. These are side effects not to be taken lightly as they can be very disturbing."11:47
fennpar for the course11:47
maakumelatonin is about as safe as it gets -- i use superdoses for jetlag recovery.11:53
maakubut still if it ain't broke don't fix it11:54
maakuwould probably be useful to experiment with if you need to keep a fixed schedule for some period of time though11:54
fennyeah i predictable go insane at a day job in 2 months11:54
maakuor have you tried migrating westward 520 miles each day?11:55
fennthat's on my list for sure11:55
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fennstupid panama canal suez canal11:56
fennalso i'd probably need a nuclear reactor11:57
maakuget one of those russian nuclear subs they mothballed a few years back11:57
maakuif the cartels haven't bought them up already11:57
kanzureif we tell thiel that gawker took one from us then i'm sure he'll foot the bill just to spite 'em11:59
kanzurezurich meeting notes https://bitcoincore.org/logs/2016-05-zurich-meeting-notes.txt12:09
xentrac_nmz787_i: I thought it was established that geophagy was driven by the need to detoxify food by adsorbing toxins?12:10
xentrac_either that or stopping diarrhea12:10
xentrac_(although I'm not sure kaopectate is still made of dirt)12:10
fennprobably limiting free iron was more important in societies with inadequate dieteary protein12:13
fennhence all the bloodletting etc12:13
xentrac_comma8: radon will not poison plants.  it has a half-life of 3.8 days, decaying into an isotope of polonium, and then a highly radioactive isotope of lead, then a highly radioactive isotope of bismuth, then an unbelievably radioactive isotope of polonium, then a very slightly radioactive isotope of lead, which lasts for a few years12:17
xentrac_none of this sequence, which happens within a matter of days, is abundant enough to care about its chemical toxicity; it's all just radioactive12:17
fenn"geophagia among southerners may have been caused by the high prevalence of hookworm disease, in which the desire to consume soil is a symptom."12:17
xentrac_a couple more decays and it's become an isotope of lead so stable it's never been observed to decay12:18
xentrac_maaku: Moravec's paradox suggests to me that machine-learning research might actually be the important missing piece for AGI12:20
xentrac_the latest piece of evidence along those lines is Radford, Metz, and Chintala's DCGAN (http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.06434)12:21
xentrac_maaku: thanks for the fusor book!  that's awesome!12:21
fenn"parrots regularly eat seeds and unripe fruits containing alkaloids and other toxins that render them bitter and even lethal. Because many of these chemicals become positively charged in the acidic stomach, they bind to clay minerals which have negatively charged cation-exchange sites, and are thereby rendered safe."12:22
comma8Thanks xentrac_, that's helpful. The top search results on the topic said radon is not a problem, but didn't give any detail. And the technically detailed results I found were too complicated for me to truly understand at a glance. You sound knowledgable so I trust you.12:23
fennradon is a gas, it can travel hundreds of miles before collecting in a low spot and reaching high concentrations, so unless you're growing plants in your basement it's unlikely they will be exposed to high levels of radon12:24
xentrac_fenn: you think that it might be feasible to stimulate emission from metastable hafnium excited states with nuclear magnetic resonance?  that seems doubtful to me but what I don't understand is why normal stimulated emission with X-rays doesn't just work12:24
fenni thought it did work12:25
fennif it did work you can be sure there is a lot of disinformation about it12:25
comma8I'm a big fan of DIY projects, but I am probably going to hire professionals to install a radon mitigation system12:25
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xentrac_huh, I didn't know about the hookworm disease thing.  what are the symptoms of hookworm?  I'd think you'd need to absorb more iron in that case rather than less12:28
xentrac_comma8: I'm not actually knowledgeable; I just looked all that stuff up in Wikipedia12:28
fenn"The most significant risk of hookworm infection is anemia, secondary to loss of iron (and protein) in the gut."12:28
xentrac_so you'd think that geophagy, if it was related to hookworm, would be as a way to get more iron12:29
xentrac_which seems pretty plausible12:29
comma8xentrac_, whatever, my life is in your hands now12:29
xentrac_but contradicts where we started12:29
xentrac_comma8: oh awesome!  how can I use that fact to profit myself?12:29
fenni'll admit i didnt read the first paper about geophagy not having nutritional value12:29
xentrac_neither did I12:30
comma8You should probably start by taking out a life insurance policy on me12:30
xentrac_does that actually work? I thought insurance companies wereh ip to that kind of thing12:30
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kanzured/win 812:31
xentrac_comma8: I think the usual radon mitigation system is, like, a grille in the wall so that air can pass in and out12:31
xentrac_or, in extreme cases, a fan12:31
fennthere's a special paint they use to seal the wall12:32
maakuSadly Life Insurance exempts all the ways you guys are likely to kill each other12:34
fennhafnium nanoparticle explosion?12:34
maakuProbably falls under the overly Broad Clause that is meant to capture nuclear warfare12:35
fenndo insurance companies pay out in the case of nuclear armageddon?12:35
fenni guess it's like one of those "one hand clapping" things12:36
maakuNo, they don't.12:36
maakuIf nothing else there are exemptions related to Warfare12:37
kanzurewhat about only mild nuclear annihilation, perhaps an insurance policy could be crafted for that12:38
kanzurei think i have figured it out--- here's how we solve The Problem12:38
kanzurewe're going to sign a $100 billion insurance policy against the moon's destruction12:38
kanzurenext we'll blow up the fucking moon12:38
fennpretty sure the moon's worth more than that12:39
kanzurethat's not how negotiation works12:39
kanzurewait, maybe it is12:39
fennyou could just sell the moon back to the UN after taking it12:39
kanzureunited nations? aren't they broke?12:39
fenneverything's broke12:39
kanzurewe'll send the invoice to john galt12:40
maakukanzure: pretty sure it's easier to short whatever market is considered stable and then destroy the wold economy again12:40
maakuthat seems to have worked the last time12:40
fenn"As with 180mTa, there are disputed reports that 178m2Hf can be stimulated into releasing its energy, and as a result the substance is being studied as a possible source for gamma ray lasers. These reports also indicate that the energy is released very quickly, so that 178m2Hf can produce extremely high powers (on the order of exawatts)."  citations go nowhere, 404, not mentioning hafnium etc12:40
fenni bet my dad knows12:41
fenn"there was a disturbing absence of a reality check in this proposal" lol12:43
fennsomeone please write a bot to automatically archive every wikipedia citation12:46
fennxentrac_: http://www.hafniumisomer.org/Hafnium_isomer_triggering.htm12:49
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fennxentrac_: http://www.hafniumisomer.org/cqeseg3.htm12:53
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fennobviously it's a lot to read12:55
xentrac_fenn: I don't feel like I understand stimulated and induced emission in general12:57
xentrac_but the little that I do understand makes me think that it should totally be possible to trigger gamma emission12:58
xentrac_and it should be pretty easy, relatively speaking12:59
fennyeah there's a lot of physics jargon i don't understand12:59
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xentrac_on the other hand, I feel like there's enough open literature about this, and enough potential exciting uses, that if it worked, it would have been widely replicated12:59
fennit has been replicated, in russia and texas at least13:00
fennnot many people have huge linacs to play with13:00
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fennxentrac_: you realize the weaponization potential, right?13:01
fenndarpa had an obsession over the "nuclear hand grenade" for a couple decades (late 80s to 90s)13:03
xentrac_the little that I understand of stimulated and induced emission is in section 4–4 of Volume III of Feynman Lectures on Physics13:03
xentrac_although it's full of bras and kets that I can manipulate but don't feel like I really understand13:03
fennif you bump a table with dominoes on it just a little bit they won't fall over, but if you shake it at their resonance frequency they will13:04
xentrac_I don't think that's a good analogy13:05
xentrac_I mean it suggests causal relationships that don't hold13:05
fennplease elaborate13:05
xentrac_there's substantial weaponization potential, but also really substantial non-weapon potential13:05
xentrac_there is no resonator involved in stimulated boson emission13:06
xentrac_consequently there's no Q factor, no damping factor, and no time lag between the time you start the stimulation and the time that the photon gets emitted13:07
xentrac_the biggest potential application, I think, is space travel13:09
fennhigh power density miniature reactors have a lot of uses13:09
xentrac_sure.  airplanes, submarines, cars13:10
xentrac_maybe not wind-up toys, but maybe cellphones13:10
xentrac_but it's not a thing that you need in order to make airplanes, submarines, and cars13:10
fennwe could get pretty far along in solar system development with just a tether momentum exchange network13:11
fenn.g MERITT tether13:12
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.g) crashed.13:12
xentrac_yeah, and metastable hafnium triggering wouldn't allow you to omit propellant entirely except for photon rockets13:13
xentrac_(would it?)13:13
fennreferring again to doctor forward... yes virginia, you can reflect gamma rays, with grazing optics made from nanometer thick layers of elements going up the periodic table one element at a time13:15
fennbut who needs infinite ISP really13:16
xentrac_you don't need to reflect them, although it helps13:16
fennoh, instead of shooting gamma rays out the back you could just make electricity with the heat and use an ion engine13:16
xentrac_I was thinking you'd just absorb the ones that went the wrong way13:16
xentrac_right, what I was saying about omitting propellant is, where do you get the ions?13:17
fennyou take them with you13:17
fennxenon is a popular ion13:17
fennyou could go door to door offering radon reduction services, but secretly you're making a killing reselling it to the aerospace industry13:18
xentrac_the point is that that doesn't solve the Tsiolkovskii problem13:19
fennwell there's the bussard ramjet but i'm not convinced13:19
xentrac_you still have to devote an absurd fraction of your space probe to propellant mass if you want to go fast by taking xenon ions with you13:20
fennanother option is beamed power and beamed reaction mass13:20
fennand just hope nothing goes wrong13:20
xentrac_being able to accelerate the ions to a higher exhaust velocity with hafnium-stored energy would be a bonus, but only a linear one, not an exponential one13:21
xentrac_you mean like the denizens of Tabby's Star getting nervous about the high-energy particle beam you're pointing at them? :)13:21
fennthey'll never see it coming13:21
fennrelativistic weapons are stealth weapons13:21
fennthe benefit of hafnium isn't higher exhaust velocity, it's reduced reactor mass13:22
xentrac_it's higher exhaust velocity than burning hydrogen or hydrazine!13:23
fenni mean versus thermal fission reactors of the traditional sort13:23
xentrac_I see13:23
xentrac_because you don't need a critical mass?13:23
xentrac_and in space you don't even need shielding as long as you can manage to keep your reactor at the end of a long cable13:24
fennyou probably want a little sheilding13:24
xentrac_I guess I was totally wrong; for large spacecraft, you're better off fissioning uranium or plutonium rather than metastable hafnium13:25
xentrac_oh, related to that, here's another nuclear energy puzzle I've been trying to figure out13:25
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kanzuremaaku has one about near-earth dark matter13:26
xentrac_don't you get substantial excess energy just by pointing a thorium-reactor-style neutron beam at a pipe full of FLiNaK or FliBe coolant?  Because it should cause both lithium-6 and lithium-7 to energetically fission, right?13:26
xentrac_and if that's the case then why are we fooling around trying to dissolve thorium fluoride in the coolant when lithium is so much cheaper and more abundant?13:27
xentrac_I feel like I must be missing something obvious because it's not like nobody has thought about irradiating molten lithium salts with neutrons13:28
fennbecause where do you get the neutrons?13:28
xentrac_in fact it's done constantly in hundreds if not thousands of active reactors around the world13:28
xentrac_from a particle accelerator13:28
fennwell i don't know what to tell you, it sounds like a good idea13:28
xentrac_spalling them off of mercury, multiplying them with beryllium, whatever13:28
fenni asked a nuclear chemist the same question and got a non-answer13:29
xentrac_you did?13:29
fennsomeone at halcyon molecular13:29
xentrac_so it's not even that it's a nonobvious question to ask, if it's occurred to other people who don't even invent nuclear reactors for a living (I assume you don't)13:30
kanzurehe did so in another life13:30
fenni foolishly didn't purchase the "designing nucelar reactors" book at my estate sale13:31
xentrac_according to WP, Castle Bravo had an extra 7 to 11 megatons of yield due to containing less than 400 kilograms of lithium-6 deuteride, giving at least 73 TJ/kg for the energy density of the lithium-613:33
fennhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sailor_Hat_Shot.jpg the origins of minecraft13:37
xentrac_the only possibility that occurs to me is that our available controllable scalable neutron sources are too energy-hungry (i.e. inefficient) to make this a viable energy source13:42
fennneutron sources have improved several orders of magnitude in efficiency and compactness over the last few decades13:44
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fenndon't ask me to cite anything though13:44
xentrac_have they?  can we power our lithium reactor with a farnsworth fusor now? :)13:44
xentrac_that might explain why neutron-induced lithium fission wasn't a practical option when the MSR experiment was carried out and current commercial reactors were designed13:46
fennin the 1950s?13:47
xentrac_yeah, sorry, 1960s13:47
xentrac_it seems like it would be challenging to get a significant fraction of the energy input of a particle accelerator into the accelerated particles13:48
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fennadd to that the problem of getting the energy of the accelerated particles into the generated neutrons13:50
nmz787_icomma8: radon mitigation is usually some smartly placed fans.... in my house I have a room that was probably originally a garage, so the floor is a cement slab.... which could be capping the earth below it and radon is diffusing through (I haven't checked... but compared to the rest of the house which is built on a wooden frame which is raised ~2 feet from ground, with ventilation at the edges of the crawlspace)... anyway the fix would probably13:50
nmz787_ibe to cut a hole through the cement slab in a closet or something, and install an exhaust fan (exhausting the underside of the slab to above the roof of the house)13:50
nmz787_icomma8: so nothing too fancy is what I mean13:50
nmz787_iand I see xentrac_ basically said that too13:51
fenn.title http://world-nuclear.org/information-library/current-and-future-generation/accelerator-driven-nuclear-energy.aspx13:54
yoleauxAccelerator-driven Nuclear Energy | Accelerator Driven Systems | Transmutation - World Nuclear Association13:54
xentrac_also fenn pointed out that painting your basement with nonporous paint helps13:54
xentrac_so that it takes a few weeks for the radon generated in the soil to diffuse through the cement into the air13:55
fennnot sure but i think you need lithium-8 to get neutron emission14:00
xentrac_the Castle Bravo article says lithium-6 fissions to an alpha and tritium, while lithium-7 fissions to an alpha, tritium, and another neutron14:02
xentrac_lithium-7 is 92.7% of all lithium14:02
nmz787_ihttp://www.psikick.com/technology/    "An entirely integrated self-powering wireless sensing solution that uses 1/1,000th the power of equivalent commercial products serves as the cornerstone for the next computing revolution."14:03
nmz787_ifound via http://eecs.umich.edu/eecs/about/articles/2016/googling-the-physical-world.html14:04
xentrac_so you don't get a chain reaction (even a petering-out one as with thorium) from lithium-6, but you do get fission14:04
nmz787_i"Their short term goals are to get their first chip to market by mid-2016, and hire up to 50 employees (they currently employ about 26). Their first chip isn’t a full system – just a wake-up radio and energy harvester – but it’s enough to show off their capabilities and get capital flowing. The production version is in its qualification stage, and will be ready to demonstrate in January."14:05
xentrac_lithium-7 gives you a neutron, but lithium-6 will absorb the majority of the neutrons because its cross-section is twenty thousand times greater14:05
xentrac_nmz787_i: oh, so it's not a fraud?  the statement you quoted sounded like a perpetual-motion machine company14:06
fennhmm so you want extra-depleted lithium or whatever it's called14:07
xentrac_I don't think you're going to get lithium-6 down to less than 0.005%14:07
fenncan you just burn up the li-6 with neutrons until it's gone?14:08
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xentrac_oh, that's, uh, a good point, isn't it?14:09
xentrac_I bet you can14:09
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xentrac_but even if you can't, that's probably okay, because both of them fission quite energetically14:09
fennis the neutron emitted by li-7 enough energy to sustain a chain reaction? or does this only work in nuclear bombs?14:10
fenn[citation needed]14:11
xentrac_yeah, I don't know14:15
xentrac_higher energy isn't always better14:15
fennif it's too high it can be moderated at least14:15
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nmz787_ixentrac_: seems not, likely some base station broadcasts RF energy, these gizmos harvest that and do some work, store enough power to turn on a transmitter... but its all coming ultimately from the base station broadcast coming from the wall outlet power... they mention their first prototype in college was powered solely by heat... so they likely have a bag of tricks for power14:16
fennsounds like RFID14:16
fennwhat does "the chip" do?14:17
nmz787_iseems like other than radio, CPU and ability to support an external sensor14:18
nmz787_iso likely weather station type stuff14:18
nmz787_ipiezo vibration alerts14:19
xentrac_you could probably do a remotely readable (≈1km) thermometer with no electronics at all14:20
nmz787_iI wonder if it could be smart about waiting longer to transmit data over the mesh, to somehow also transfer power via meshing14:20
xentrac_six different colors of laser light for six bits of readout precision, filters, corner reflectors, that kind of thing14:21
nmz787_iyeah but when the target moves...14:22
nmz787_iwhat if you want these on the backs of each of your cows14:22
fennshoot the cow14:22
nmz787_ito detect temp + vibration (mating)14:22
fennwell the psikick website is very breathless and uses lots of large numbers but i read it all and still have no idea what it is14:24
xentrac_then you need twelve colors: six more bits to tell you the orientation of the thermometer ;)14:25
xentrac_I guess you still need to aim your twelve lasers at the cow14:25
* fenn sleeps14:30
xentrac_goodnight, fenn14:34
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maakufenn: of what practical value is a nuclear hand grenade?15:18
xentrac_maaku: are you thinking that it would be useless because you couldn't throw it far enough?15:22
xentrac_because the practical value is that it blows things up, but that's obvious15:22
chris_99was it actually supposed to be a grenade?15:26
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xentrac_yeah, they definitely wanted a hand grenade if they could get one15:29
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xentrac_I mean every military does15:29
xentrac_https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafnium_controversy gives the energy density as 2.5 MeV per nucleus15:31
xentrac_units '25 MeV / 178 amu' 'TJ/kg' says that would be 13 TJ/kg15:32
xentrac_units '(25 MeV / 178 amu) / tnt' says it would be 2.9 million times as powerful as TNT15:33
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xentrac_so a 750g hand grenade would be about 2.2 kilotons if you could get 100% stimulated emission efficiency15:35
xentrac_with no fallout15:35
xentrac_this is 100 times the size of the Davy Crockett nuclear bazooka15:38
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xentrac_nowadays a more useful thing to do would be to go smaller, if you could, down to a gram or so, and blanket an area with a mesh network of remotely triggerable mines15:39
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abetusknmz787, and you can't grab a polygonal slice from the 3d model?  If you have a polygon, then done.  If you have a bitmap and you want to get rid of all of those tiny 'steps', then you have to do something more complicated18:09
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yoleauxCould a neuroscientist understand a microprocessor? | bioRxiv19:01
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kanzure"Automatic discovery of cell types and microcircuitry from neural connectomics" http://elifesciences.org/content/4/e0425021:23
kanzure.title http://www.softmachines.org/wordpress/?p=1558#more-155821:27
yoleauxYour mind will not be uploaded – Soft Machines21:27
kanzure(gross, that person believes in identity!)21:27
* justanotheruser notes that you shamed me for reading soft machines, but now are reading the blog!21:32
kanzureyeah this is pretty shit21:33
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kanzure"A start-up from Boston called Sample6 is using phages in diagnostics, currently only for food but it is start"21:38
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