
--- Log opened Thu Jun 16 00:00:31 2016
-!- Douhet [~Douhet@unaffiliated/douhet] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]00:04
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fenn.g ytong00:56
yoleauxfenn: Sorry, that command (.g) crashed.00:56
fenn.wik ytong00:57
yoleaux"Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), also known as autoclaved cellular concrete (ACC), autoclaved lightweight concrete (ALC), autoclaved concrete, cellular concrete, porous concrete, Aircrete, Hebel Block, and Ytong is a lightweight, precast, Foam concrete building material invented in the mid-1920s that simultaneously provides structure,  …" — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ytong00:57
fenni'd imagine you could get oriented strand basalt by blowing a jet of basalt dust through a solar concentrator focal point00:57
fennwhich seems a lot more useful than yet another aerated refractory block00:58
fennwell, not much of a refractory anyway00:58
-!- QuadIgni is now known as FouFire01:01
-!- FouFire is now known as FourFire01:01
fennnow you can get foamed magnesium oxide and glass fiber sandwich insulation construction panels which just screw together and you have a wall01:04
FourFire> docl> I'm thinking it could rendezvous with a chunk of space junk, converting it into a larger propulsion system and power collector, then keep grabbing more and more chunks to bootstrap.01:12
FourFireI've thought about this and hae concluded that we need to make a land based seed factory first, then miniturize to prodce the prerequiste technology01:13
FourFire> <kanzure> it doesn't matter whta he calls them if he never figured out the details01:16
FourFireThere's a guy at my hackespace working on automating input, work, output, storage of job, next input for shopbots, well he says he is, results remain to be seen.01:17
FourFire> <docl> something that has to function on earth over a long period of time seems to have different design constraints than space01:17
FourFiremost of them less strict01:17
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-!- Gurkenglas [Gurkenglas@dslb-178-005-223-183.178.005.pools.vodafone-ip.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:15
kanzureshopbot doesn't count as a manufacturing process, really..... it's more like: find weird materials and find weird obscure manufacturing processes.05:05
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zdknsyvhujfwnalx] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:22
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kanzure"HGP-write had its genesis last summer, according to Kelly Servick at Science, when futurist Andrew Hessel made what one scientist called “‘this impassioned speech’ for a new human genome project that would capture the public’s imagination and inspire the field around a single goal."07:21
kanzureah it was his idea. figures.07:21
kanzure"From his new post at the MIT Media Lab, Esvelt says in the Nature post that he and others are launching “the Responsive Science Project to enable gene-drive scientists to share their plans and research with one another and with interested communities. We hope that it will become a central repository of ideas and information relevant to gene-drive research that will permit open assessment and critique before experiments begin.”07:22
kanzure"The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given more than $40 million to a project planning to spread sterile mosquitoes in Africa by 2029."07:22
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kanzure"as well as sharing of CRISPR tools from over 80 labs through addgene.org"07:45
kanzurei wonder if venter or church would go for a "minimum brain" project. probably wouldn't be a human brain.07:58
xentracfenn: neat, I didn't know about Ytong08:06
xentracand yeah, if you could get basalt fiber to be cheap, that would be super useful08:07
kanzurewith large-scale dna synthesis or genome synthesis, i don't think human genomes are an interesting target, but there's probably something you could do with molecular nanotechnology (proteins as lego) which would get you pretty far on lots of problems.08:14
kanzureover time you coud replace certain aspects of human genome with rationally-designed alternatives, or just excise it from the genome and use molecular nanotechnology as vitamin parts that get added to the goop.08:14
kanzure(fwiw i have lately been of the opinion that most healthcare problems like longevity aren't going to be solved biologically, it will be through uploading because nobody wants to maintain and fix all of the shit biology shit)08:15
kanzureso far i haven't figured out whether genome synthesis can particularly help brain uploading efforts, except that "hey you can make a million novel fluorescent markers and other signal reporters" which is certainly helpful but i'm not sure receptor scanning is sufficient. you can probably use lots of dna synthesis to create proteins that label and mark any sort of activity you want, and the proteins could stay around for minutes, hours or ...08:17
kanzure... days, so there's lots of different activity in the brain that could be highlighted and then scanned immediately or later.08:18
kanzureiirc the bottleneck on neuronal molecular ticker tape (to record a log of all action potentials) was not protein engineering (was it?)08:18
kanzurere: replacing nondeterministic biology shit with rationally-designed alternatives, i guess the easiest metaphor for this would be an organelle enclosure with basic sensors and internal molecular machinery, analogous to the symbiosis with mitochondria08:29
-!- Orpheon [~Orpheon@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:45
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kanzure.title https://cibolo.us/pipermail/open_electroporator/2016-June/000095.html09:05
yoleaux[Open_electroporator] Culture Shock transformer tests09:05
JayDuggerGood morning.09:09
-!- Urchin[emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:13
mz_o__morning JayDugger09:19
mz_o__rather good afternoon now09:19
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-!- delinquentme [6c4d88e2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:45
delinquentmekanzure: you have data that shows that you code more when you talk to ppl more right?09:45
delinquentmeDoes you have hypothesis on why true?09:45
kanzuremy immense hatred of people09:46
Regex__The cycle of spiiiiiite09:50
Urchin[emacs]well, that's good motivation...09:51
delinquentmedu think its because we're social creatures?09:56
delinquentmeand that stuff does stuff in brain when we socialize and thus we're more closer to natural behavioral state09:56
delinquentmeand stuf works09:56
delinquentme^ my hippocampus09:56
delinquentmegel electrophoresis and anions / cations09:58
delinquentmewhy do we not see bi-directional migration in gel electrophoresis ?09:58
-!- augur [~augur@c-73-202-137-143.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:58
fennyes molecular ticker tape for neural recording is limited by protein engineering skillz10:00
fennalso gene therapy is still kinda wonky10:00
fennalso you need some way of getting the ticker tape out of the body without making a mess10:01
fennautoimmune reactions to the brain would be bad10:01
kanzureoh you wanted to preserve the brain when removing ticker tape? pfffft10:25
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-!- mokstar [36f0c4aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:59
mokstarso, I got drunk and let Amal put a chip in my hand11:00
mokstarand now I can't find any non-root-required app that will let me unlock my phone with it11:01
kanzureare you here to get help to remove it?11:01
xentracmaybe you should root your phone11:01
mokstarnaa, I'm here to idle and watch people talk about stuff11:02
kanzure"a phenomenon called "solvent cavitation under solvo-phobic confinement," which involves liquid spontaneously evaporating after being confined within tiny, water-fearing spaces"11:03
kanzure"Anomalous water expulsion from carbon-based rods at high humidity" http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nnano.2016.91.html11:04
kanzure"we show that carbon-based rods can adsorb water at low humidity and spontaneously expel about half of the adsorbed water when the relative humidity exceeds a 50–80% threshold. The water expulsion is reversible, and is attributed to the interfacial forces between the confined rod surfaces. At wide rod spacings, a monolayer of water can form on the surface of the carbon-based rods, which subsequently leads to condensation in the ...11:05
kanzure... confined space between adjacent rods. As the relative humidity increases, adjacent rods (confining surfaces) in the bundles are drawn closer together via capillary forces. At high relative humidity, and once the size of the confining surfaces has decreased to a critical length, a surface-induced evaporation phenomenon known as solvent cavitation occurs and water that had condensed inside the confined area is released as a vapour."11:05
delinquentmekanzure: so you're bundling this up, deploying on baloons11:09
delinquentmeand making it, actually, rain ?11:09
-!- Orpheon [~Orpheon@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:12
kanzuredunno, i haven't read enough about the interaction of water vapor and confined spaces to say whether that's feasible or more interesting than forced climate engineering things11:13
mokstarI wonder if it works on seawater11:14
kanzuredelinquentme: what is the status of your AFM and nanotube things11:19
delinquentmenanotube joining proposal was denied from the molecular foundry11:20
delinquentmebecause they though i overlooked the complexity of CNT manipulation11:21
delinquentmewhich is thing is bullshit11:21
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delinquentmebecause im PRETTY fucking sure w the right instrument its straightforward.11:21
delinquentmeAFM works and is chilling 4 feet from me11:21
kanzurehave you moved anything with the AFM11:22
kanzureare you doing any STM things? i forget.11:22
kanzureyou should spam us with images taken by AFM11:24
xentracdelinquentme: you built a working AFM? congratulations!11:28
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xentracthat's awesome! are you getting imagery from it?11:31
delinquentmekanzure: xentrac ^^11:39
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delinquentmeeverything is Gold plating on nickel except for the last 3 which are HOPG11:39
chris_99are all those pics STM?11:40
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delinquentmethe first one too11:40
delinquentmesuper high resolution + false coloring11:41
chris_99what design are you use for the AFM stuff?11:41
delinquentmeits nearly the same as that guys11:41
delinquentmewe've got a bit of a different piezo mount though11:42
delinquentmeelectrical contacts to the piezo are a fucking pain to hand mount11:42
chris_99ah cool, so both are ones , are where the sample sits on a quadrant piezo thing?11:43
delinquentmesamples are conductively glued to a metal puck ( punch out from a galvanized conduit box ) then are run to the control circuits11:45
delinquentmepiezo sits above with the pokey stroker combing downward against the sample11:45
chris_99sorry i'm confused, so you're saying the piezo isn't below the sample, to move it?11:46
chris_99oh i see what you mean11:48
chris_99looking at the photo11:48
chris_99in the STM link11:49
chris_99are you saying the AFM setup uses that same principle then, of moving the head?11:51
delinquentmethats a complex question to answer11:52
delinquentmeafm works on vanderwaals  where as this works on tunneling11:52
delinquentmewhile both use piezos ( most likley ) for rasterizing surfaces11:52
chris_99sorry, i just mean are you moving the sample with AFM, or the probe11:53
-!- nmz787_i [~ntmccork@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:55
yoleauxBruce Drinkwater (@sonic_bruce) | Twitter11:55
chris_99nmz787_i, did you see his graph for the ultrasonic power11:56
chris_99to lift humans11:56
nmz787_ihmm, I think it was enormous11:58
nmz787_iif i saw it11:58
delinquentmethe thing i built is an STM.  and the sample is stationary while the probe is mobile11:58
nmz787_idelinquentme: yes we see bidirectional migration... depends on the ion bra11:58
nmz787_idelinquentme: bra as in brother  ;)11:59
delinquentmenmz787_i: so if you setup a gel box with positive and negatively charged proteins, and set the well in the center of the gel11:59
delinquentmeyou'd see migration in both directions ?11:59
nmz787_ithey tweak buffers that way too, to have cross-currents12:00
delinquentmeseems like a way to get better resolution at faster speeds no ?12:00
delinquentmei mean IF you have both negative / positive12:00
nmz787_iI'd say it depends12:00
delinquentmesince they're traveling in different directions ... one could argue that the inter band resolution would be more distinct ?12:01
nmz787_iblanket statement to get me out12:01
nmz787_iinterband of a group with the same-charge?12:01
nmz787_ijust look up 2d gel electrophoresis I guess12:01
delinquentmeno i just mean because they're traveling in different directions you'd get faster separation12:02
delinquentmeagarose is fucking amazing hahaha12:02
nmz787_ilikely most experiments are looking for a certain type of protein where they know the charge, so the other stuff is crap that doesn't matter12:02
xentracdelinquentme: so you're able to position the head with roughly nanometer precision?  that's an STM, not the AFM?12:03
delinquentmenmz787_i: quick: whats the most complex subsystem of a HPLC?12:03
xentrachow cold did you have to get it?12:03
delinquentmexentrac: room temp , standard 1 atmosphere12:04
delinquentmesexy huh.12:04
xentracunbelievably sexy12:04
delinquentmeand its a scanning tunneling microscope12:04
delinquentmeits fucking TINY too dude.12:04
delinquentmelike the head that does the business fits in a 3in cube12:04
xentracusing piezo actuators from speakers, or what?12:04
delinquentmeyap !12:04
delinquentmepiezo buzzer cut into 4ths12:04
xentracand a fractured tungsten wire probe, or what?12:05
xentrachow fast are you scanning?12:05
nmz787_idelinquentme: well the pump is high-pressure, the capillary/tubing/column is small and materials-scienced-up... then there's some sort of detector of your choice (electronic or photonic) and then a spigot basically for taking fractions off.12:07
nmz787_idelinquentme: most complex other than all that is DSP/processing/pattern-recognition-shit12:08
delinquentmematerials-scienced-up ??12:08
nmz787_iyeah dude12:08
nmz787_iyou don't know about matSci?12:08
nmz787_ithey're coated with various hsit12:08
delinquentmeOhhh sure sure12:09
delinquentmeor supre complex rexins w silly high surface areas12:09
delinquentmepump id buy OEM12:09
delinquentmei thought the valves would be the worst part12:09
delinquentmealso were looking specifically @ Ion Chromatography ... so the resins are like supz simple12:10
delinquentmemy water bottle isnt at my desk12:10
delinquentmei need to stand up12:10
xentracthat's terrible12:10
xentracI feel for you12:10
nmz787_ii'd just buy something cheap from ebay to start, and probably wouldn't  make my own column12:10
xentrac(I'm going to feel really bad now if it turns out you have cerebral palsy or something so that standing up is actually a major effort)12:11
delinquentmei do12:11
delinquentmei understand tho12:11
delinquentmeask my friends12:11
nmz787_idelinquentme: if you have a peltier nearby, just condense some moisture into your mouth12:11
delinquentmethey know *something* is wrong here12:11
delinquentmeexcept not within reach distance12:12
delinquentmei have tubes and a 2liter of mountain dew that I can see12:12
nmz787_icompressed air can?12:12
nmz787_iyou can get some ice build up12:12
delinquentmeactually nix that12:12
delinquentmei've started just licking myself12:12
nmz787_ithat will just cause evaporation12:12
nmz787_iyou're dying now12:13
nmz787_i.wik Strained silicon12:14
yoleaux"Strained silicon is a layer of silicon in which the silicon atoms are stretched beyond their normal interatomic distance. This can be accomplished by putting the layer of silicon over a substrate of silicon germanium (SiGe)." — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strained_silicon12:14
nmz787_ithe greek-yogurt of the semiconductor world12:14
delinquentmei dont understand12:15
nmz787_iisn't greek yogurt strained?12:16
delinquentmeisnt all yogurt ?12:16
delinquentme*insert some lewd ref about hunching over and making animal noises *12:16
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xentracdelinquentme: sorry :(12:23
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delinquentmexentrac: call it even if you come clean out my tracheotomy spit catcher12:31
xentracthat sounds like a great deal if I get to learn more about your STM12:33
xentracwhere are you?12:33
delinquentmeSan Fran12:33
delinquentmespecifically oakland12:33
delinquentmebut SF is where the partyz at12:33
xentraccan't make it there this month, maybe soon12:34
delinquentmethats gonna be a lot of drool to clean12:34
delinquentmea month?12:34
delinquentmethats like12:34
delinquentmenot to even consider that its gon be festering @ body temp in moist dark places12:34
xentracyou'll have to find something else to do with it in the meantime12:37
nmz787_icryo-statis should do the triclk13:00
nmz787_imet this guy last week, he gave a talk on resurrecting his SEM: http://hackerfriendly.com/tag/sem/13:03
mokstarwere you at toorcamp?13:05
nmz787_imokstar: you?13:05
mokstarneat, me too, in the milliways camp13:05
nmz787_iah, cool13:05
nmz787_ii was over in dorkbot13:06
mokstarnice, I need to look up how to make those buckets :D13:06
* mokstar wants one for no good reason.13:06
nmz787_ii didn't know MLP got married there until after I saw pics on facebook13:06
mokstarI don't know'm, I'm new13:06
nmz787_iyeah they were pretty cool, esp8266 with some neopixel strips vertically inside on a PVC pipe13:06
nmz787_iI think she was in milliways13:07
Aurelius_Work2nmz787_i : yeah, though I think an island was also involved somehow?13:07
nmz787_ishe is tall and had pink hair13:07
Aurelius_Work2(I was not at camp, but I am friends with mlp)13:07
mokstarshe didn't hang out in the dome much13:07
mokstarprobably busy :p13:07
nmz787_iAurelius_Work2: yea it was on an island13:07
nmz787_iAurelius_Work2: she got married in the lecture dome13:07
Aurelius_Work2ah cool13:07
mokstarI think I was busy saturating my brain with cannabinoids13:08
nmz787_iby the facedancer guy (minister i guess)13:08
nmz787_imokstar: where are you normally based out of?13:08
nmz787_iah nice13:08
mokstaryou're a stumptowner, I'm assuming13:08
nmz787_inot too far then from me in Portland13:08
mokstarI lived there for ~10yrs, then took a job with the local internet retailer last year13:09
Aurelius_Work2mokstar : what part of Seattle? I'm in the process of trying to move to Bellevue (or one of the other burbs)13:09
mokstarCap Hill13:09
nmz787_isome guys were talking about a company up there called 'wave' I think13:09
nmz787_iall wireless for tall buildings13:09
Aurelius_Work2mokstar : ah, k. I'm talking to Apptio in the next few days13:10
mokstarI try not to drive, so I've learned absolutely nothing about the nearby stuf13:11
Aurelius_Work2ah, yeah13:11
Aurelius_Work2I don't like living in cities13:11
mokstarI love being able to just walk anywhere I want13:11
mokstarthough, there's a few more hills in Seattle than in Portland...13:11
nmz787_iyeah I live in the burbs myself13:11
nmz787_ii technically live in a city, but the neighborhood is a nice pocket of 100+ ft tall trees13:12
nmz787_iso it feels pretty rural until you drive to the end of my dead-end street and plop out onto main st 10 mins walk to downtown13:12
nmz787_ii would like to live actually-rural someday13:13
delinquentmecity city city13:13
xentracmokstar: yeah, I think this last couple of weeks have been pretty busy for MLP13:13
nmz787_idelinquentme: you could drool freely out there13:13
delinquentmei do now13:13
delinquentmei jsut sit in a plastic kiddie pool13:14
nmz787_idelinquentme: glistening all over in mucosal goodness13:14
delinquentmetodays fav word13:14
nmz787_iI bet people throw money in the pool at you13:14
delinquentmeimpracticing for a triathlon13:14
delinquentmewhere i just pee13:14
nmz787_i'that poor poor man-child-beast'13:14
nmz787_imokstar: so it sounds like it was your first toorcamp? it was my first, it was a great time... a lot better than Las Vegas as a venue IMO13:18
nmz787_iI was definitely out of my element as far as hacking electronics/computers... cold+rain == me scared of electronics damage13:19
mokstarhehehe, yeah, the sleeping-on-hard-ground thing took a little getting used to13:35
mokstarwhich means I'll be shopping for a better camping mattress next year :p13:35
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mokstarhaha, laaame14:43
mokstarmy old cell phone doesn't support writing to my xNT tag :D14:43
mokstarit'll read it though14:43
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zdknsyvhujfwnalx] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]15:01
kanzurenmz787: andrew suggests the name "pulse"15:33
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-!- delinquentme [6c4d88e2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:30
delinquentmeok so whats intereting at the intersection of weed and hard tech16:31
delinquentmesuggestions include: sorting out if theres some kinda hormone suppliment equivalent for the male plants to turn them into weed growing females16:32
delinquentmepurification of CBD for medical use + selling to pharma ( thought this might already be supplied )16:32
delinquentmemass spec on weed plants for desireable compounds16:34
chris_99isn't there already a way16:35
chris_99to get feminized seeds16:35
chris_99oh interesting, it's done by spraying the plants before they flower with something like colloidal silver16:39
chris_99*after they flower16:40
nmz787_idelinquentme: super/sub critical CO2 extractors are pretty useful for other things16:41
nmz787_isuch as critical point drying for SEM....  making aerogels16:41
nmz787_icoffee decaffination16:42
chris_99oh sorry, you mentioned turning existing plants into female ones16:42
chris_99they use co2 extraction for hop extract too16:42
chris_99Krasnow has a cool DIY versio16:43
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nmz787_idelinquentme: also there is GMO being done on it16:44
delinquentmenmz787_i: should i just hit up anything that mentions cannabis ?17:03
delinquentmealso dude. the fucking videos on uTub ... of people doing extractions. AMAZING. Theres shitloads of people with like stainless steel and pyrex stuff laying around their house.17:04
-!- nmz787_i1 [~ntmccork@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:04
delinquentmeI think Breaking Bad + legal weed has turned it pop to becoming a chemist17:04
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nmz787mokstar: you got the free injection?17:58
mokstarkept the needle to scare my friends17:59
nmz787mokstar: I just have a foam pad from walmart that costs like $5, put a wool blanket on top of that, sheet, then sleeping bag18:00
mokstaryeah, I tried layering blankets18:00
mokstardid not work18:00
nmz787hehe, I guess I've been camping pretty regularly for 10 years or so...18:01
nmz787maybe 1218:02
mokstarI haven't, still a camping newbie18:05
mokstargonna go more often though, now that I've got some gear and it's summer18:05
nmz787yeah I haven't been going as much the last few years... strangely since I moved out here where it is so abundantly available18:07
mokstarI took the kids to a camping spot nearby, it was awful18:09
mokstartrains going by all night18:09
mokstarthat was near Portland though, looking forward to seeing what I can find up this way18:09
mokstarthey were like, "We want to go real camping, where there's not a water faucet and bathrooms and stuff."18:10
nmz787mmm, yeah18:11
mokstarall they really want to do is play with the camp fire and harass slugs18:12
mokstarwhich is fine :)18:12
nmz787I did an overnight above the columbia river gorge in march after hiking about 9 miles up the side of the gorge, and I still heard a train at night...18:12
mokstaryep, the I-84 corridor18:13
* mokstar will plan his next trip far away from any tracks.18:13
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