
--- Log opened Mon Nov 14 00:00:49 2016
-!- BobaMa [bobama@kapsi.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]00:08
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TMAnewbie|2: my estimate is between 1e-6 and 1e-3; I think I am 90% sure03:19
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newbie|2thanks, vicarion and TMA04:02
newbie|2this channel needs more discussion04:02
kanzureread the backlogs instead04:05
newbie|2why there's a channel then?04:08
newbie|2kanzure, you just hate seeng the purity of your irc client being tainted by logs?04:09
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kanzuresee http://gnusha.org/logs/04:13
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fennnewbie|2: a common misunderstanding. there is no corner on an exponential curve, it just keeps going up04:44
fennthere's no such thing as "percentage of progress towards singularity"04:44
newbie|2let's discuss the nature of the singularity?04:44
newbie|2yes, the curve will continue, but the point where nothing is foreseeable is certain04:45
newbie|2the point where things get real mad04:45
fennthat happened in 196904:45
newbie|2your first acid trip?04:45
fennif "the singularity" happened already, how would you know?04:46
newbie|2many singularities have happened on this planet... like the multicellular age, language on humans... I was refering to the tech one, as described by kurzweil04:47
fennwhen you're falling into a black hole, crossing the event horizon doesn't feel particularly special04:47
newbie|2I'm just a poor dumb kurzweilian04:47
fennit was vernor vinge04:47
* newbie|2 is even bumber04:47
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fenni wonder what happens when you get anton-babinski syndrome patients to paint or draw what they see  (a form of blindness where they don't know they're blind)04:50
kanzurethe guy likes kurzweil, let's ban him.04:51
kanzure"let's discuss the nature of the singularity" no04:51
newbie|2my bad, I knew I should go on with myeducation04:52
kanzureyes i think you were already in here talking about medication04:52
fennthat was someone else04:53
newbie|2I am the "endless paradise of asian sex" newbie04:53
kanzurehard to keep all of you classified correctly04:54
newbie|2gonna get into a nick04:54
-!- newbie|2 is now known as anachronick04:54
kanzurethere is no good reason to not force people to use pubkeys for names04:55
anachronickI am always too lazy to get into my freenode nick04:55
anachronickneed to automate my login here in kvirc04:55
fennjosh penn-pierson04:55
* fenn goes to do some real work04:56
chris_99I'm just wondering, i'm reading about zeolite, used as a molecular sieve, which adsorbs water etc, since i'm not a chemist, i'm just wondering how easy such things are to remove h2o from ethanol05:07
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chris_99just doing some more reading, sounds like you can simply add them in a flask with the ethanol & water, and then re-use them by drying them out05:20
anachronicksorry, I am virtually illeterate, can't help you05:25
TMAchris_99: zeolite is usable even for oxygen-nitrogen separation from air05:30
chris_99yeah, i think i just saw something about them being used in oxygen concentrators, how does that work out of interest05:34
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streetyI think the oxygen concentrators work by pressure swing adsorption https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_swing_adsorption05:46
streetyhere is a homemade device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWM3ZImmVWQ05:47
streetythe nitrogen was used for preparing liquid nitrogen05:48
chris_99neat thanks! will take a look05:48
__mz_ochris_99: just began to learn about zeolite molecular sieves as well. I'd found a good article that explains them well05:52
__mz_ogime a sec and ill link it05:52
chris_99streety, that video is awesome :)05:53
__mz_oWas an easy find but i think it explained alot05:53
__mz_onp brotha05:54
streetyyeah, sadly he hasn't posted many other videos. The liquid nitrogen generator is worth watching though. Uses regenerative cooling rather than a cryocooler05:57
chris_99the tanks he's using in the first vid you linked with the bolts, look hardcore, they look like they could take a lot more than 100psi05:59
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kanzuremusics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHoGFB6tsXI&t=18m30s06:37
-!- CheckDavid [uid14990@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ljujxmeiccnvlozd] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:56
fennnot quite a neural network:  http://blog.piekniewski.info/2016/11/04/predictive-vision-in-a-nutshell/06:59
kanzurethese diagrams should have an arrow specifically pointing to where the dark magic occurs06:59
kanzure"Unsupervised Learning from Continuous Video in a Scalable Predictive Recurrent Network" https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.0685406:59
JayDugger"these diagrams should have an arrow specifically pointing to where the dark magic occurs" Heh.07:05
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paskyis convolution a "shady trick" now?07:46
kanzurepasky: a lot of machine learning looks a lot like cargo culting to me07:54
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kanzureif there are climate change deniers, then shouldn't they also be engaged in anti-terraforming machine engineeirng projects, to prevent terraformers?13:35
kanzureif you are a climate change denialist, then i think you would also have to engage in supporting anti-terraforming machine development.13:35
kanzureterraforming machine development and anti-terraforming machine development is almost precisely the same.13:35
kanzurei suppose for the denialists the problem is that they already believe it's impossible, so why would they build a machine to ensure they are right?13:37
chris_99aren't the pumps industrial cutters use really expensive14:01
chris_99if so, how have they made it that cheap?14:02
kanzureperhaps they don't include the pumps :D14:03
chris_99haha quite possibly14:04
vicarionyou gotta get a straw, and blow the water in yourself using your mouth14:51
kanzurenot true14:53
kanzurefalse, even14:53
-!- nmz787_w [~ntmccork@] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:57
nmz787_wI wonder what would happen if you ran CO2 into a pressure-washer instead of water15:00
chris_99it'd come out as a gas though15:05
chris_99wouldnt it15:05
nmz787_wwell I was wondering more if it would get up to the 1650PSI quoted for water15:13
nmz787_wthat is getting close to subcritical I think15:13
nmz787_w(well that would actually depend on the temperature)15:13
nmz787_wso if a cheap $100 ish pressure washer could pump food-grade soda gas into a pipe/chamber, up to max pressure (in the 1000s)... then maybe you could close a valve to seal the chamber, turn off the pump, then raise the chamber temperature, which would raise the pressure15:14
nmz787_wgoing closer into subcritical, and maybe into supercritical15:14
chris_99oh sorry gotcha15:15
nmz787_wthen you could just use the sprayer to spray onto a big hemispherical bowl or something, if you were extracting something from i.e. a bio-mass15:15
chris_99i think my co2 tank is 800psi iirc15:15
nmz787_wor if you were doing critical point drying, then you'd want to slowly bleed off the co2, I thikn15:16
nmz787_w"More specifically, it behaves as a supercritical fluid above its critical temperature (304.25 K, 31.10 °C, 87.98 °F) and critical pressure (72.9 atm, 7.39 MPa, 1,071 psi), expanding to fill its container like a gas but with a density like that of a liquid."15:17
nmz787_wso probably need a container that is safe up to 2000 PSI15:17
nmz787_wmy friend who built co2 extractors for re-refining used engine motor oil said you can just buy threaded pipe that is already rated15:18
chris_99sorry i don't get you, i believe the tank i have has liquid co2 in, but only at around 800psi?15:19
nmz787_walso, coming from Python-heavy development to being thrown into a codebase of C (or SystemC) and SystemVerilog is very challenging15:19
nmz787_wchris_99: yeah, I am wondering if a pressure washer could take that and pump it up to 1650 PSI, which is was it advertised as for water15:20
chris_99but how could you increase the pressure further15:20
chris_99if it's a liquid15:20
chris_99or am i being dumb15:21
nmz787_wit's compressible15:21
chris_99liquids arent though?15:21
nmz787_wwater is said to be incompressible15:21
nmz787_widk if that is all liquids15:21
nmz787_wbut supercritical CO2 is definitely a thing, and getting more common in consumer goods15:21
chris_99i thought you wouldn't be able to compress co2 beyond a certain pressuree15:21
chris_99isn't supercritical co2 just liquid co215:21
nmz787_wmaybe you pressurise then heat up15:21
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chris_99hmm maybe i was wrong about the pressure for it to be a liquid, wiki says '1,071 psi'15:22
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nmz787_w.tell chris_99 well there's a range of pressures https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram.svg15:58
yoleauxnmz787_w: I'll pass your message to chris_99.15:58
nmz787_w.tell chris_99 compare to water, no super-critical phase and weird sharp vertical line (almost) at 0 Celsius https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Phase_diagram_of_water.svg16:03
yoleauxnmz787_w: I'll pass your message to chris_99.16:03
nmz787_w.tell chris_99 also while on that topic: http://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-just-discovered-a-second-state-of-liquid-water16:04
yoleauxnmz787_w: I'll pass your message to chris_99.16:04
yoleauxPhysicists just discovered a second state of liquid water - ScienceAlert16:04
nmz787_w(not open)16:04
nmz787_wjuri_: I began converting that escad into BRLCAD via my Python library... I think with someone who knows Python magic methods better than me, it seems possible to support the escad format for BRLCAD operations16:12
nmz787_wjuri_: mainly the API calls are a bit different in name, args-wise they need Z knowledge, as there is no extrude really (unless you start with a bitmap)... so supporting the syntax exactly might (probably) be incomplete16:13
nmz787_wjuri_: but converting things last night was pretty manual, when I recajigger the rotations, then I might have to think a bit more about what the intention originally was16:14
Solvaringis 20mg sublingual noopept too high of a dose?16:39
Solvaring20mg is the dose for oral consumption16:40
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kanzurevarious comments about waterjet cutters https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1295232918:27
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juri_nmz787_: thanks for keeping me posted. at .5, i'm 180 gigs into swap on top of 128 gigs of ram, and still going.20:06
maakuToday I learned the Inferno movie was entirely stripped of its transhumanist plot. What a wasted opportunity.20:31
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--- Log closed Tue Nov 15 00:00:50 2016

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