
--- Log opened Tue Nov 15 00:00:50 2016
-!- PatrickRobotham [uid18270@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ljmfojofijgntsac] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:15
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--- Log opened Tue Nov 15 01:55:26 2016
-!- gnusha [~gnusha@bryan.fairlystable.org] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:55
-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by lobsters everywhere, banned by the Federal Death Administration (5 times) | this channel is LOGGED: http://gnusha.org/logs | http://diyhpl.us/wiki | "ray kurzweil is a pessimist" - george church01:55
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@unaffiliated/kanzure] [Wed May 20 12:46:25 2015]01:55
[Users ##hplusroadmap]01:55
[ __mz_o ] [ bsm1175321] [ ebowden_ ] [ JenElizabeth ] [ night ] [ strages ] 01:55
[ _hanhart ] [ Burninate ] [ EnabrinTain] [ Joshchamp ] [ nnnn20430 ] [ strangewarp] 01:55
[ abetusk ] [ c0rw1n ] [ ensign ] [ jrayhawk ] [ nsh ] [ streety ] 01:55
[ adlai ] [ catern ] [ espes ] [ juri_ ] [ pasky ] [ superkuh ] 01:55
[ aedla ] [ cluckj ] [ FourFire ] [ justanotheruser] [ PatrickRobotham] [ Taek ] 01:55
[ anachronick ] [ Cory ] [ gnusha ] [ juul ] [ Pent ] [ thundara_ ] 01:55
[ andytoshi ] [ crescendo ] [ gwillen ] [ lexik ] [ pompolic ] [ TMA ] 01:55
[ anoncicada ] [ dbolser ] [ hazirafel ] [ M4l3z ] [ poohbear ] [ vicarion ] 01:55
[ archels_ ] [ dequ ] [ helleshin ] [ maaku ] [ proofoflogic ] [ vikraman ] 01:55
[ augur ] [ docl ] [ HEx1 ] [ Madars ] [ Qfwfq ] [ WizJin ] 01:55
[ Aurelius`zzz] [ Douhet ] [ hylleddin ] [ Malvolio ] [ Regex__ ] [ wrldpcmbl ] 01:55
[ balrog ] [ drewbot ] [ iaglium ] [ mf1008 ] [ sandeepkr ] [ xaft ] 01:55
[ berndj ] [ Dumuzi ] [ indiebio ] [ midnightmagic ] [ saturn2 ] [ y0no ] 01:55
[ bkero ] [ duper ] [ JayDugger ] [ nanotube ] [ saurik_ ] [ yoleaux ] 01:55
[ blueskin ] [ dustinm ] [ Jenda` ] [ nickjohnson ] [ sivoais ] [ yorick_ ] 01:55
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201001:55
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jrayhawkWeb cgis for piny are going to be broken for a while.02:38
jrayhawke.g. all the wikis.02:38
jrayhawkGit should still work fine.02:38
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JayDuggermaaku, what inferno movie?06:10
__mz_o.tell juri_ were you ever able to render at .1?06:14
yoleaux__mz_o: I'll pass your message to juri_.06:14
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fenn"the sequel to The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons"07:08
JayDuggerThank you, fenn.07:09
fenn(Tom Hanks) awakens in a hospital room in Florence, Italy, with no memory of what has transpired over the last few days, but being plagued with visions of a scorched Earth.  a billionaire geneticist who believed that rigorous measures were necessary to reduce the Earth's growing population, and who committed suicide after being chased by armed government agents ... has created a virus he has07:09
fenndubbed "Inferno"07:09
fennet cetera07:10
kanzure"my momma always taught me not to make virus-induced genocides"07:11
fennthe shocking denoument that was not included in the final release of the movie07:11
kanzurewe should have immune system organoid robots that fly around and lick surfaces everywhere that people plan to be, and then report back on illnesses and do ahead-of-time antibody manufacturing stuff07:13
kanzurei guess i just described children. it would be less horrifying if we didn't have to use children for that.07:13
fennchildren are carriers07:14
__mz_osounds like something out of a neal stephenson book07:14
fennwow this movie was made in 2005 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_(film)07:14
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JayDugger"Didn't have to?" Ever tried stopping children from licking, tasting, or inserting things into their mouths?07:22
JayDuggerAnd no, giving a child a pacifier doesn't count as "stopping."07:23
-!- Orpheon [~Orpheon@] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:28
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-!- nmz787_w [~ntmccork@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:31
JayDuggerGreg Egan is popular in Japan?08:49
-!- M4l3z [~M4l3z@LFbn-1-4220-37.w92-169.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:51
fenn"sensors in tractor detect need for a spare part and automatically place order"  uh huh sure, right, i'm sure that works flawlessly08:57
fenn(AWS lambda example scenario)08:58
nmz787_wfenn: I remember years ago a friend telling me about placing piezo sensors all over a vehicle's frame, and basically doing something similar09:31
nmz787_wseems like there could definitely be a lot of noise, but if you could filter it out... seems like you could have reasonable localization for noise signature sources, and could corellate that with a look-up for particular engines/vehicles09:32
kanzureyou'd probably do better with a regular maintenance schedule instead09:39
nmz787_wthere are lots of things in engines that aren't considered for regular maintenance though09:39
nmz787_wlike rubber vacuum hoses09:40
nmz787_wplus with sensors you have a timeline09:40
kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1295776809:42
yoleaux"Radioactive Boy Scout" who tried to build a homemade nuclear reactor dead at 39 | Hacker News09:42
-!- newbie [~kvirc@a81-84-40-93.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:46
__mz_ocomments say suicide? interesting none the less09:46
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fenn"Hahn later served four years in the United States Navy, including service aboard the USS Enterprise, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier."10:00
-!- jtimon [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:04
fenn"Ex-Rad protects cells exposed to radiation against DNA damage, and that the drug's mechanism of action does not involve scavenging free radicals or arresting the cell cycle. Instead, they claim it employs a "novel mechanism" involving "intracellular signaling, damage sensing, and DNA repair pathways". Ex-RAD is a chlorobenzylsulfone derivative that works after free radicals have damaged DNA."10:08
fennwell you probably want to scavenge free radicals in addition to ex-rad10:09
fenn"on the day he died was a very major traffic accident, the worst thing to happen in town in weeks before and after ... I would not be surprised if he died in that specific car accident."10:15
fenn"He is currently on his third degree at Macomb Community College. His first was in Applied Science, his second in Communications and Performing Arts and now he is studying Automotive Engineering.10:24
fennHe feels certain that the combination of his knowledge of science and energy and car engineering might marry together in some way in time."10:24
kanzuremore music https://soundcloud.com/darkarchitectsofficial/dark-architects-pres-blueprints-007-february-2016?in=darkarchitectsofficial/sets/blueprints10:24
newbienick anachronick10:25
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-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:45
nmz787_whi chris_9910:50
yoleaux14 Nov 2016 23:58Z <nmz787_w> chris_99: well there's a range of pressures https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Carbon_dioxide_pressure-temperature_phase_diagram.svg10:52
yoleaux00:03Z <nmz787_w> chris_99: compare to water, no super-critical phase and weird sharp vertical line (almost) at 0 Celsius https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/08/Phase_diagram_of_water.svg10:52
yoleaux00:04Z <nmz787_w> chris_99: also while on that topic: http://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-just-discovered-a-second-state-of-liquid-water10:52
chris_99i think i was misunderstanding what you meant yesterday, as water can be forced through at massive pressures10:52
chris_99oh interesting, i'll look over those links thanks!11:00
chris_99oh weird, so it can be still a liquid at >> 1000psi?11:01
chris_99oh sorry11:01
chris_99that chart is in bar11:01
fennit's usually liquid at that pressure and normal temperatuers11:01
chris_99so if i'm reading that diagram right, at 14500 psi11:02
chris_99it still can be liquid?11:02
fennare you talking about co2 or water?11:03
chris_99as 1000 bar == 14500 psi i think11:03
fennthe transition from liquid to gas is poorly defined11:05
fennor maybe unknowable11:05
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fennyou have to get to much higher pressure to turn it to solid at room temperature though11:05
fennit sure sounds like a liquid if you shake a bottle of it11:06
chris_99now i need to look what's the difference between super-critical fluid and liquid11:07
fenngood luck11:07
chris_99yeah heh, just skimming the wiki article that sounds very weird11:08
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nmz787_wlooks like it can be liquid up to 72000 PSI, with enough heat11:20
fennit's not difficult to get that much pressure with liquids11:20
chris_99nmz787_w, you know you mentioned someone you know does co2 extraction of stuff, is that with super critical co2 you said?11:21
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nmz787_wi was wondering last night if you could get supercritical by feeding co2 gas (or high-pressure almost liquid from a beverage tank) to a pressure washer (stated up to 1650 PSI for water)11:21
nmz787_wchris_99: yeah11:22
nmz787_wchris_99: family friend when I was growing up11:22
nmz787_wre-refining used motor engine oil11:22
nmz787_wto clean it up for re-use11:22
chris_99ah neat11:22
nmz787_wbut its used a lot in bioproducts too11:23
nmz787_wor in critical point drying for electron microscopy preparation11:23
chris_99so the reason you want supercritical co2 rather than just liquid co2, is because "it can effuse through solids like a gas"?11:23
chris_99is there a fuzzy point i wonder11:24
chris_99between liquid and supercritical?11:24
nmz787_wyeah I think its called subcritical11:24
fennthat's the critical point11:25
nmz787_wit's probably a continuous effect, on the low end a sponge will easily soak with liquid... but a cell won't.... I bet there are various cell membranes that will be smeared along this range11:26
yoleauxA close look at supercritical carbon dioxide CO2 - YouTube11:26
nmz787_wsome kind of mixed coefficient made of permeability and solubility11:27
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fennnice bomb11:32
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chris_99thought that was cool11:40
fenn.wik debye effect11:48
yoleaux"The increase in the conductivity of an electrolyte solution when the applied voltage has a very high frequency is known as Debye-Falkenhagen effect. Impedance measurements on water-p-dioxane and the methanol-toluene systems have confirmed Falkenhagen's predictions made in 1929." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debye%E2%80%93Falkenhagen_effect11:48
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chris_99i'm confused about that description11:48
chris_99about how it relates11:48
chris_99to magnetism11:48
fennwrong debye effect11:48
fenn.title http://www.navysbir.com/n10_1/N101-037.htm11:49
yoleaux(SBIR) Navy - Investigation of the Debye Effect for Submarine Detection11:49
fennseems to be pretty standard magnetohydrodynamics11:50
fennthe magic is probably in the signal processing to separate out all the other stuff moving around in the ocean11:50
chris_99wait so the magnetic effect is actually due to acoustics of the sub11:51
fennit's because ions in the seawater are moving around in a circle11:51
chris_99" The effort in this task is to determine the magnitude of the electric and magnetic fields caused by acoustic signals as a function of distance from the source in the ocean." -- thats the bit that i confusing me11:53
nmz787_w.wik debye model11:54
yoleaux"In thermodynamics and solid state physics, the Debye model is a method developed by Peter Debye in 1912 for estimating the phonon contribution to the specific heat (heat capacity) in a solid." -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debye_model11:54
nmz787_wmaybe that?11:54
fenn"the debye effect" seems to be some crap the navy made up11:54
nmz787_wbut phonon/accoustics in this case could be from the rudder, from shear forces on the hull11:54
chris_99thats what i was thinking some kind of noise from the sub11:55
nmz787_wor maybe some multi-source sensor with an integrating filter (I only know the jargon "kalman")11:55
chris_99think i got it11:57
chris_99the latter is the actual effect11:57
fennthat would seem to rely on an acoustic vibration12:00
fenn"no matter how quiet they are, their wake would give them away" doesn't make sense if that were the effect12:01
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chris_99but isn't the wake from their movement, a potential acoustic vibration12:03
fennnot as a pressure wave, no12:03
nmz787_wwhy not?12:03
fennbecause the pressure doesn't change12:03
nmz787_wshear force imparts pressure, no?12:03
chris_99i cant see how it couldn't be that effect, as it has the exact same reference article12:04
nmz787_wwhen I ride on my motorcycle, I feel all kinds of pressure as I slip through the air-fluid12:04
chris_99and date12:04
fennif you stick an object into a moving stream it will make noise, but that doesn't mean the stream itself has pressure fluctuations in it12:04
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nmz787_wnoise is pressure fluctuations though12:05
fenna laminar flow doesn't have pressure fluctuations until you stick something into it, is all i was saying12:06
fennoh hm i should have read the SBIR more closely12:11
fenn"The effect results from the separation of charges due to differences in the masses and mobilities of the ions"12:11
nmz787_wso its a diff of how far ions are in undisturbed seawater vs how far in disturbed12:12
chris_99from the paper '"we should expect potential differences of the period of the sound waves set up between different points of an electrolyte solution by the passing of sound waves"'12:12
nmz787_wvery cool12:14
nmz787_wthe debye huckel equation was quite difficult for me to get through analysing and using during Analytical Chemistry12:14
chris_99they must do some very clever stuff, to remove the effects of their own sub12:14
nmz787_wyeah a simple counter rotating propeller probably wouldn't smooth out the phonons12:16
nmz787_wmaybe some weird phased array electromagnets for smoothing the ions with?12:17
chris_99hmm no idea, i was wondering, they used gravimeters to map the floor of the ocean, whether they could find other subs, but that could be impossible?12:19
fennmass detectors exist since the 80s12:20
fennthey work by rotating crossed laser interferometer pairs12:20
chris_99yeah, they were invented for subs apparently, but could they detect other subs12:20
fennsure why not12:21
fennthe question is whether it's feasible and practical12:21
chris_99theres a good anecote on wiki how the snow on a lab effected the results12:22
chris_99from one12:22
fennthe average density of a sub is the same as seawater so you have to have better resolution than half the size of the sub12:22
chris_99https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravimeter see the relative section12:22
fenn"The first transportable relative gravimeters were, reportedly, a secret military technology developed in the 1950-60s as a navigational aid for nuclear submarines."12:24
fenndidn't know that12:24
chris_99mm tis interesting12:24
fenni figured they were developed by robert forward while working at hughes aircraft on gravity probe B12:25
fenngravity probe A?12:26
chris_99B seems to be around year 2000s12:26
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fenn"1965 - Joseph Weber puts the first Weber bar gravitational wave detector into operation"12:27
chris_99cool, i thought 'gravitational wave detector'y things where a lot more recent?12:27
fenn"he headed electronic countermeasures design for the Navy's Bureau of Ships"12:28
chris_99i'm confused https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_observation_of_gravitational_waves how come that says 2015, is that something else?12:28
chris_99ah ' his experiments were duplicated many times, always with a null result.'12:29
fennmass detectors work by detecting the relative distortion of space, not a traveling wave of distortion12:29
chris_99yeah but the weber bar relates more to ligo doesn't it , that say a gravimeter?12:30
fennyes, a weber bar doesn't rotate afaik12:31
chris_99https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weber_bar the description sounds really interesting12:32
chris_99about massive cylinders12:32
fenn.title http://arxivblog.com/?p=127112:33
yoleauxWere gravitational waves first detected in 1987? << the physics arXiv blog12:33
chris_99be cool if they were12:34
chris_99will have a read12:34
fennwell you cant exactly repeat a supernova12:35
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chris_99awh it sucks he died in 200012:38
fennthe physicists seem pretty down on weber's experimental rigor12:39
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fennalso i dunno where wikipedia gets off claiming secret military gravimeters in 1950's and 60's with no citation  (the provided article talks about geodetic surveys from aircraft and makes no citations that early)12:46
chris_99mm yeah that is a good point12:48
fenni mean i see how it could be possible without lasers but golly12:49
chris_99i think all the relative ones don't use lasers?12:49
fenngrr fucking time portals12:51
fennyou can construct a gravity gradiometer with two contraptions that toss a mass up and down and measure its acceleration by counting the frequency of light fringes due to constructive/destructive interference12:52
chris_99yeah thats the absolute one12:53
fenntwo absolutes make a relative12:53
chris_99it's called an absolute gravimeter i mean, at least on wiki12:54
chris_99i wondered how hard they'd be to make12:54
chris_99but it sounds very?12:54
chris_99to get decent precision12:54
chris_99i found a cylinder vac chamber but it's ?40012:58
nmz787_wsounds like you could use a 32 KHz RTC (de-canned)13:04
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nmz787_w"Cylinder pressures in a stock [diesel] car are around 3000 psi"15:21
nmz787_wput two engines clutch-to-clutch, one acting as a compressor being driven by the other15:22
fennbuy dry ice at the grocery store for $515:27
nmz787_windeer a possibility15:32
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fennlet's keep it civil15:58
nmz787_wsorry, I was just being an ass15:59
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kanzure.title https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1296084418:40
yoleauxCRISPR gene-editing tested in a person for the first time | Hacker News18:40
kanzure"Startups working on this (with credible founders, i.e. inventors of CRISPR) include Editas Medicine, Caribous Biosciences, and CRISPRx. Look out for Doudna, Qi, Charpentier, Elledge, and Church. J. Listgarten for computation approaches to improving CRISPR/CAS9. This isn't ready for in vivo use yet due to off-target effects (CAS9 is a very permissive protein that often binds to the wrong part of the18:41
kanzure DNA). In the US, Carl June's group at ...18:41
kanzure... U Penn is working on editing adoptive, engineered CAR T cells for cancer therapy, going into clinical trials. They're probably bummed to have been scooped, though their work is certainly more clinically relevant than Lu's."18:41
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streetyHas anyone come across http://contentmine.org/ previously? I was at a seminar on it earlier today. Claim to have a tool for extracting content from scientific article pdf's19:35
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anachronickhaving so much fun with this21:11
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