--- Day changed Wed Jul 22 2020 01:25 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@2601:645:c200:f539:c03f:40d9:1aa8:e444] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:50 -!- jonatack [~jon@] has joined ##miniscript 01:56 -!- jonatack [~jon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:26 -!- jonatack [~jon@2a01:e0a:53c:a200:bb54:3be5:c3d0:9ce5] has joined ##miniscript 05:40 -!- Davterra [~Davterra@] has joined ##miniscript 05:40 -!- Davterra [~Davterra@] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 05:41 -!- Davterra [~Davterra@] has joined ##miniscript 06:02 -!- afk11` [~afk11@gateway/tor-sasl/afk11] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:02 -!- afk11` [~afk11@gateway/tor-sasl/afk11] has joined ##miniscript 06:05 -!- Davterra [~Davterra@] has left ##miniscript ["Leaving"] 09:37 -!- jeremyrubin [~jr@2601:645:c200:f539:c03f:40d9:1aa8:e444] has joined ##miniscript 10:39 < darosior> Found something else (Rust implem) while working on that PR: thresh(k, [pubkey; 21]) policy would compile fine to miniscript for k in [4, 21] but not for k in [1, 3] . Will post an issue 10:59 -!- shesek [~shesek@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:01 < sanket1729> Yup, that is indeed a bug. The issue is for k = 1 to 3, we pick sub-compilations for children optimally. All pk() are mapped to pkh() with a likely wrapper and that exceeds the max-opcount for 200 11:03 < sanket1729> The correct compiler logic would pick optimal compilation for children keeping tract of possible op-counts. 11:03 < sanket1729> But that would lead to even slower compiler with high space requirements. 11:04 < sanket1729> For k = 4, the probabilities for leaf are high, so their optimal compilations are mapped correctly under the MAX_OP_COUNT 11:05 < sanket1729> sipa: Do you have any inputs? 11:05 < jeremyrubin> "taproot fixes this" 11:07 < sipa> lol 11:07 < sipa> yes 11:08 < sanket1729> Maybe, if the optimal greedy compiler fails. We should build another version that minimizes the op-counts but still constructs some miniscript. 11:14 < sanket1729> Btw, the script thresh(1, pk_vec[21]) takes forever for C++ compiler because of nesting of or's. Recall that our compiler complexity is exponential to number of nested or's. 11:16 < sipa> i think i may have a limit 11:16 < sipa> or did you actually try? 11:17 < sanket1729> Yes, on the website 11:17 < sanket1729> for k = 2, it gives compile error 11:17 < sanket1729> and gives the same script for k = 3 11:18 < sanket1729> same behaviour for k = 2 and k = 3. 11:19 < sanket1729> tried locally too. 16:22 -!- harrigan [~harrigan@ptr-93-89-242-235.ip.airwire.ie] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 16:25 -!- harrigan [~harrigan@ptr-93-89-242-235.ip.airwire.ie] has joined ##miniscript 18:03 -!- harrigan [~harrigan@ptr-93-89-242-235.ip.airwire.ie] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in] 18:05 -!- harrigan [~harrigan@ptr-93-89-242-235.ip.airwire.ie] has joined ##miniscript 18:18 -!- sipa [~pw@gateway/tor-sasl/sipa1024] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:18 -!- sipa [~pw@gateway/tor-sasl/sipa1024] has joined ##miniscript 23:29 -!- jonatack [~jon@2a01:e0a:53c:a200:bb54:3be5:c3d0:9ce5] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]