Perhaps a BIP 3 is in order, but most of the real issue is simply a matter of volunteer time. AJ's attempt to conflate that with his own personal disagreements with how BIPs have always worked, is unrelated. Luke On 1/17/24 01:55, Christopher Allen via bitcoin-dev wrote: > > > On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 6:43 PM Anthony Towns via bitcoin-dev > wrote: > > If people want to use it for bitcoin-related proposals that don't have > anything to do with inquisition, that's fine; I'm intending to > apply the > policies I think the BIPs repo should be using, so feel free to > open a PR, > even if you already know I think your idea is BS on its merits. If > someone > wants to write an automatic-merge-bot for me, that'd also be great. > > If someone wants to reform the BIPs repo itself so it works better, > that'd be even better, but I'm not volunteering for that fight. > > > I've no idea how to reform BIPs, but we have a similar problem with > the Blockchain Commons Research (BCR) vs Proposals (BCP), vs. > specifications that are emerging in various other standards groups > (IETF, W3C, and we have desire to submit some of these as BIPs as well). > > We do a few things differently, one of which in particular might be > useful for the future of BIPs: we reset the numbers every year. So the > first new BCR (research proposal) for 2024 would be 2024-01. Also, > when there is a major change in an old BCR, we create a new number for > it in the new year it is update. > > We also have a concept called "Status", which is a progression that > only moves forward if BCRs are actually implemented with a reference > implementation, and advances further when they have multiple > implementations (and thus are qualified moved over to BCP repo as it > is somewhat stable and no longer "research".). A last form is when a > specification has moved to be controlled by another standards group > (such as a BIP). If only one organization implements a BCR, it will > never advance to BCP. > > Some form of Status for BIPs inspired by this concept could track if a > BIP was ever actually implemented by someone, or more ideally, > implemented by multiple people in multiple organizations, ideally in > multiple languages. > > Here is how we currently do status, and the status of our current > specifications: > > > Each BCR has a status which is indicated by a symbol. > > Symbol Title Description > ❌❌ Withdrawn Of historic interest only. Withdrawn either because > never came into use or proved sufficiently problematic that we do not > recommend its usage in any way. > ❌ Superseded Superseded by a newer BCR. We do not suggest > implementing as an output format, but you may still wish to implement > as an input format to maintain backward compatibility. > 📙 Research Contains original research or proposes specifications > that have not yet been implemented by us. Offered to the community for > consideration. > ⭐️ Reference Implementation At least one reference implementation > has been released, usually as a library, and may include demos or > other supporting tools. This specification still remains very open to > change because it has not yet (to our knowledge) been implemented by > additional parties. > ⭐️⭐️ Multiple Implementations At least two (known) implementations > exist, at least one not by the owner of the reference implementation. > Has demonstrable community support. May still change due to the needs > of the community, but community feedback will be sought. > ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Standards Track Typically at least two implementations, and > is considered stable and ready for standardization. Being proposed as > a BIP, IETF Internet Draft, or some other standardization draft > format. Will typically be moved to theBCP repo > . Though changes may still > be made to the specification, these changes will exclusively be to > allow for standardization, and will be conducted with community feedback. > ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Standardized A specification has been standardized as a an > IETF RFC, BIP, or approved by some other standards body. > > ❌❌ after another status symbol is read, "...but withdrawn" and ❌ is > read, "...but superseded". > > -- Christopher Allen > > > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > >