Hi Karl-Johan, I fully agree with your proposal. In order to de-clutter BIPs and make a more understandable proposal, we can add the additional information in a separate piece. Also, this would maintain the original proposal without any modifications, showing the original spirit of it. Let me know how can I help you with your proposal. Regards, Federico Berrone. P/D: This is my first participation in the bitcoin-dev list, sorry if I am breaking any rule, I would be glad to know if that is the case. El 15/09/2021 a las 8:14, Karl-Johan Alm via bitcoin-dev escribió: > BIPs are proposals. > > They begin as ideas, are formulated and discussed on this list, and > assuming no glaring flaws are observed, turned into pull requests to > the bips repository, assigned a BIP number by the editors, and merged. > > It is then organically incorporated into the various entities that > exist in the Bitcoin space. At this point, it is not merely a > proposal, but a standard. As entities place their weight behind a BIP, > it makes less and less sense to consider its author the "maintainer" > of the BIP, with rights to modify it at their whim. Someone may have > agreed to the proposal in its original form, but they may disagree > with it if it is altered from under their feet. > > BIPs are modified for primarily three reasons: > > 1. Because of spelling errors, or to otherwise improve on their > description without changing what is actually proposed. > 2. To improve the proposal in some way, e.g. after discussion or after > getting feedback on the proposed approach. > 3. To add missing content, such as activation strategy. > > I propose that changes of the second and third type, unless they are > absolutely free from contention, are done as BIP extensions. > > BIP extensions are separate BIPs that extend on or an existing BIP. > BIP extensions do not require the approval of the extended-upon BIP's > author, and are considered independent proposals entirely. A BIP that > extends on BIP XXX is referred to as BIP-XXX-Y, e.g. BIP-123-1, and > their introductory section must include the wording " > > This BIP extends on (link: BIP-XXX). > > ". > > By making extensions to BIPs, rather than modifying them long after > review, we are giving the community > 1. the assurance that a BIP will mostly remain in its form forever, > except if an obvious win is discovered, > 2. the ability to judge modifications to BIPs, such as activation > parameters, on their merits alone, and > 3. the path to propose modifications to BIPs even if their authors > have gone inactive and cease to provide feedback, as is the case for > many BIPs today, as BIP extensions do not require the approval of the > extended-upon BIP. > > (Apologies if this has been proposed already. If so, feel free to > ignore this message, and sorry to have wasted your time.) > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev