On Fri, 2011-08-05 at 14:03 +0100, Andy Parkins wrote: > I'm arguing that "number of connection slots" isn't the best metric; so that > wouldn't matter. Just keep accepting incoming connections (with some sanity > limit of course) until you've allocated your bandwidth, not your number of > connections. Mike and me were talking about outgoing connection count, not incoming, which is another thing entirely. However, to your point: having 1000 Bitcoin connection is still almost no traffic, the only timt you really hit much traffic is when you get a peer with a client who doesn't have the full chain as they will start downloading the chain maxing your bandwidth. My bandwidth of Bitcoin is something like avg 3GB/month for 125 connections which is nothing. However it has very brief spikes of my entire outgoing bandwidth. Thus, neither bandwidth nor connection count are really good metrics for choosing your number of incoming slots. Matt