Hi, I got sent this BIP: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/BIP_DRAFT:_getmemorypool#JSON-RPC_Method:_getmemorypool What is your opinion on this? Is it BIP related? It is a implementation-specific non-bitcoin-protocol proposal. My understanding of BIPs is that they apply across bitcoin implementations and largely focus on the most generic use-cases (like the URIs) and the protocol. Things which affect all clients, and allow the system to function as a united whole. That BIPs especially focus on the protocol, and that something like this is outside the mandate of the BIP process. For instance, we could imagine a future scenario. Bitcoin-Qt is currently based off bitcoind's codebase. However wumpus built the client in mind with an abstraction layer to enable multiple backends (a good design). In our hypothetical situation, there are 3 different backend codebases using Bitcoin-Qt. I do not think a proposal to mandate a changing to Bitcoin-Qt's abstraction layer or a change in the UI placement would be appropriate BIP material. OTOH, many clients do need to make use of URIs and the BIP process is totally correct, as it standardises a behaviour which is needed for interoperability of the network and community. Thoughts?