Jared Lee Richardson via bitcoin-dev schreef op wo 29-03-2017 om 12:07 [-0700]: > > It is all very unhealthy for Bitcoin. Both sides need to accept that > microtransactions from all humans cannot go on-chain, and that never > increasing the blocksize doesn't mean millions of home users will run > nodes. The node argument breaks down economically and the > microtransaction argument is an impossible mountain for a blockchain > to climb. What annoys me are people that seem to think that in order to promote layer two scaling on-chain scaling has to be severely limited. I am convinced that in order for layer 2 to flourish enough on-chain bandwidth has to be available, not artificial scarceness. In order to allow more on-chain bandwidth also sharding solutions should be investigated so not every transactions has to pass through each node and without the need of channels but protocol between nodes. greets, Staf.