On Thursday, August 07, 2014 12:22:31 AM Tim Ruffing wrote: > - Decentralization / no third party: > There is no (trusted or untrusted) third party in a run of the protocol. > (Still, as in all mixing solutions, users need some way to gather together > before they can run the protocol. This can be done via a P2P protocol if a > decentralized solution is desired also for this step.) [...] > http://crypsys.mmci.uni-saarland.de/projects/CoinShuffle/ for a technical > overview. I think the description at your website leaves out the truly interesting part: How do you decentralize this securely? - How do Alice, Bob, Charlie and Dave communicate, i.e. which network is used for communication and how? - How does Alice know that Bob, Charlie and Dave are not the same person? (= how do you prevent a Sybil attack?) Because thats the real problem with mixing it seems - ensuring that your mixing partners are actually 100 people and not just 1 attacker. There are probably many mixing algorithms which work if you solve that problem, but I don't see how you offer a solution for it :(