Extra encoding for testnet is quite useless complexity in face of many alt chains.
BIPS should be chain agnostic.


Tamas Blummer

On 22.04.2014, at 10:35, Matt Whitlock <bip@mattwhitlock.name> wrote:

On Tuesday, 22 April 2014, at 4:11 am, Matt Whitlock wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 April 2014, at 10:06 am, Jan Møller wrote:
- I think it is very useful to define different prefixes for testnet
keys/seeds. As a developer I use the testnet every day, and many of our
users use it for trying out new functionality. Mixing up keys meant for
testnet and mainnet is bad.

A fair point. I'll add some prefixes for testnet.

Testnet encodings are added: https://github.com/whitslack/btctool/blob/bip/bip-xxxx.mediawiki

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