On 2013-10-19, at 4:20 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote: > On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Luke-Jr wrote: >> See BIP 1 for the process.. proposals go to this mailing list first. > > FWIW, he did post to the mailing list and he got an underwhelming response: > > http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20ec1e35-3051-45d6-b449-e4a4d5c06dc8%40me.com&forum_name=bitcoin-development Although I agree that the number of responses on the mailing list was minimal, they were overall positive. Mike voiced concerns about not having a date field to limit the rescan when importing, but other than that, most of the discussion was on bitcointalk. I've made a number of revisions, trying to incorporate the suggestions that were given. Obviously this doesn't mean that the draft is final (specifically the KDF's that can be used is still up for debate and having 29 undefined ID's means it's reasonably future proof). Having it on the BIP page doesn't make it any more official, I agree, but it does increase its exposure and will hopefully spark some more discussion. jp