
I'm pleased to announce the release of bitcoinj 0.11, a library for writing Bitcoin applications that run on the JVM. BitcoinJ is widely used across the Bitcoin community; some users include Bitcoin Wallet for Android, MultiBit, Hive, blockchain.info, the biteasy.com block explorer (written in Lisp!), Circle, Neo/Bee (Cypriot payment network), bitpos.meBitcoin Touch, BlueMatt's relay network and DNS crawler, academic advanced contracts research and more.

The release-0.11 git tag is signed by Andreas Schildbach's GPG key. The commit hash is 410d4547a7dd. This paragraph is signed by the same Bitcoin key as with previous releases (check their release announcements to establish continuity). Additionally, this email is signed using DKIM and for the first time, a key that was ID verified by the Swiss government.

Signature for last paragraph: H3DvWBqFHPxKW/cdYUdZ6OHjbq6ZtC5PHK4ebpeiE+FqTHyRLJ58BItbC0R2vo77h+DthpQigdEZ0V8ivSM7VIg=

Notable changes and new features

Smaller improvements

Notable bug fixes

API changes

New documentation

Please note that as I am no longer employed by Google, after 0.11 signing the Google contributor license agreement will no longer be necessary. I look forward to welcoming contributions from Andreas Schildbach now this requirement has gone away. Also, in future I plan to re-namespace the library from com.google.bitcoin to org.bitcoinj - auto-migration scripts will be provided when this is done.