On 2011 December 21 Wednesday, Amir Taaki wrote: > In the original intention for BIP_0014, that would map to: > > /Gecko:20110613/Firefox:6.0a2/Mozilla:5.0/ > > With something like WebKit, it becomes easy to see why that would be > useful. You can suddenly do a network wide scan of all browsers using > WebKit, rather than having to maintain a database of all WebKit enabled > browsers. This seems excellent to me. I think most developers want to do the right thing when it comes to standards, and it is only the inflexibility or ambiguity of a standard that means they don't. This heirarchical method lets every client supply all the information they have -- nobody has to make a decision to leave something out. The internal debate they would have "is my gui version more important than my protocol engine version?" is unnecessary. Andy -- Dr Andy Parkins andyparkins@gmail.com