I setup a testnet DNS seed using Pieter Wuille's bitcoin-seeder, with some simple modifications for testnet. It's at testnet-seed.bitcoin.petertodd.org I also created static-testnet-seed.bitcoin.petertodd.org which currently has a single A record pointing to a testnet node I'm running to bootstrap the seeder itself. Everything is running on a dedicated Amazon EC2 micro instance. Just IPv4 is supported right now as EC2 doesn't support IPv6; even tunnels are broken. I also haven't setup tor yet. I can do both if there is demand. I guess the next step is to create a new strTestNetDNSSeed in the satoshi client, although it'd be better if at least one more person had a testnet seed to include in the list. Probably best to leave IRC enabled too. Also, FWIW, it looks like the pnSeed list is way out of date... Pieter: Have you written any start/stop/monitoring scripts for the seeder? My mods are at git://github.com/petertodd/bitcoin-seeder.git in the "testnet" branch. I'll send you a pull request once it's had some testing. -- 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org