Lets suppose we take away everything but the transaction/scripting system from Bitcoin. What is left is basically a way for to prove that a set of pubkeys authorized the movement of coins from one place to another. Of course, such a system is flawed as a currency because of the double spend problem - specifically the need to know that there exists global consensus on what particular set of transactions is the accepted state. However, in the event that a party commits double-spend fraud, it is trivial to prove to others that they did so. Thus if a way to punish that party can be found, we can give them an incentive to behave honestly. Consider the following new opcode and scriptPubKey: n m CHECK_DOUBLE_SPEND_PROOF spent with the following scriptSig: {transaction 1} {transaction 2} where where both transactions are part of the block chain starting at the given genesis hash, and whose blocks are signed by n of m ledger pubkeys; the ledger is the entity entrusted to keep the ledger accurate and not allow double-spends to occur. Anyone with proof of a double-spend attempt made in the blockchain starting at a given genesis hash can collect a reward. In essence, the txout is the fidelity bond holding the ledger accountable. Of course, the devil's in the details... Transactions and blocks ----------------------- Transactions themselves can follow the Bitcoin system of scripts, scriptPubKeys, and scriptSigs and re-use the existing validation machinery. A so-called block however is reduced to the simpliest possible form: where the signatures are that of the ledger. The block hash is optional and provides a way to further link a block into some sort of system to make double-spend fraud detectable. Importantly the Bitcoin validation machinery itself only needs to know that the double-spend happened at all, not how it was detected. Note how had the string manipulation opcodes not been disabled, in particular SUBSTR, and had CHECKSIG not been designed as a single opcode, it might have even been possible to create the double-spend detector using the existing scripting system. Equally with just a set of ECDSA opcodes one could probably construct a double-spend detector using non-Bitcoin compatible transactions, but alas, things didn't work out that way. Moving funds in and out of fidelity-bonded ledgers -------------------------------------------------- First the depositor informs the ledger of the amount they wish to deposit, and one txin that will be used for that deposit. Nex the ledger first creates a ledger-only transaction with the the following scriptPubKey: CHECK_PAYMENT VERIFY CHECKSIG spendable with the following scriptSig: The CHECK_PAYMENT opcode returns true if provided with a proof that a transaction with a txout of the correct value and scriptPubKey spending the given txin exists in the Bitcoin blockchain. The ledger should ensure that a different scriptSig is created for every deposit. The txin is provided to allow the ledger to use the same scriptPubKey for all deposits and thus make external audits easier. (note that an UTXO merkle sum proof system is most likely to index by scriptPubKey) The ledger gives the depositor the fully signed transaction, and the depositor makes it valid by broadcasting that transaction and getting it confirmed in the block chain. Withdrawls from the ledger to the blockchain proper can happen the same way, but this time it's the ledger that provides the transaction, and the transaction owner that spends the transaction to an address of the ledger's choosing. Detecting double-spends ----------------------- From the point of view of the Bitcoin validation machinery, double-spend detection is undefined. Thus multiple systems are possible without changing the validation rules. One simple method would be for the ledger to maintain a publicly accessible website, in particular publically accessible over Tor. Transactions would be incorporated into a single log, and clients would expect to be able to get copies of that log at any time anonymously. If their transaction did not appear in the log, they could immediately prove the double spend. (going as far back as the genesis block) The optional block hash signed by every transaction would be incorporated into the audit logs. Equally trusted computing technologies can also be used instead of, or in conjunction with, the ledger audit logs. Ensuring the bond can-not be collected by the ledger ---------------------------------------------------- The simplistic scriptPubKey presented in the introduction allows for the ledger to create their own fraud proof and run with the funds. What we actually need is a way to constrain the destination of those spend funds. Consider the following scriptPubKey: {bond ops omitted} GET_TXOUTS HASH160 EQUAL GET_TXOUTS would put a serialized version of each scriptPubKey, value, and so on on the stack. (ideally using the existing CHECKSIG machinery; CHECKSIG decomposed) Thus the txouts of any transaction allowed to spend the scriptPubKey are constrained. The scriptPubKey of the allowed transaction output can include a mechanism such as the following: n GET_BLOCKS_SINCE_TXIN LESSTHAN Essentially the number of blocks that have been confirmed since the transaction input was confirmed in the chain are put on the stack, and the scriptPubKey is only spendable if that number is sufficiently large. Essentially it's the same underlying idea as publish-commit fidelity bond sacrifices, but done with explicit scripting support. As an aside, all these GET_FOO opcodes would use a lot of opcode space, thus they should all be combined into a single GET_INFO opcode, which would take a single argument specifying what information should be placed onto the stack. Chaum Token Support ------------------- Auditing chuam token creating and redemption is made difficult by the fact that the two acts are separated from each other. However, while it isn't possible to audit any particular token issue/redemption, it is possible to audit the sum of all tokens issued. Specifically now every transaction involving tokens contains a number V, which represents the total value of all tokens of that denomination. A token creation transaction would look like the following: V+1 with the rule that if two transactions exist with the same prev hash, both creating a token, fraud has occured. Equally if the total token value is not incremented, fraud has also occured. Similarly token redemption can look like the following: V-1 Note that here tokens themselves are pubkeys, which authorize their own redemption. Token to token transactions do not change V, but they still require signatures, and thus still can be used as fraud proofs. Of course the ledger can still run with all the funds deposited, but if clients never deposit more funds than the fidelity bond is worth, the ledger is still unable to profit from fraud as any client can show that either their redemption request has not been honored, or that the value of outstanding tokens does not match up. Forcing redemptions ------------------- There needs to be some way of forcing the ledger to redeem a withdrawl request, on pain of losing their fidelity bond. This can be done by allowing the creation of a special unspent txout, which can only be spent by the creation of the requested txout, thus transfering the funds to the rightful owner. Clients would scan the UTXO set to ensure that no outstanding UTXO's of that special form exist before depositing funds with the ledger. This solution could also be combined with time-lock mechanisms that return funds to their owners, perhaps combined with some sort of replacement mechanism. Further work needs to be done here. Summary ------- Bitcoin provides an excellent transferable proof of work that can be used to make certain actions expensive, including fraud. By the addition of a relatively small number of opcodes to the existing scripting language, opcodes that can be used for other purposes, we can create a ledger built on top of Bitcoin whose honesty and performance are incentivised by the prospect of losing something of value. Extending the scripting language -------------------------------- I'm not sure the following has been proposed before; my apologies if it has. Invalid opcodes do not make a transaction invalid if they are part of an unexecuted IF/ELSE/ENDIF block. Previously it has been proposed to carefully use the ten NOP opcodes as a way to extend the scripting language - remember that an extension is a soft fork only if existing clients consider the transaction valid - however we can instead redefine just one NOP opcode to get access to all of the invalid opcodes. Specifically consider the following scriptPubKey: CHECK_SCRIPT_VERSION NOTIF ENDIF The CHECK_SCRIPT_VERSION, NOP10, would essentially put the supported script version on the stack, followed by the LESSTHANOREQUAL opcode. Thus if the script version is supported, zero is placed on the stack, and the NOTIF/ENDIF block is executed. Otherwise non-zero is left on the stack, and the block is not executed, resulting in the script succeeding unconditionally. Equally for non-supporting miners, the NOP10 does nothing, non-zero is left on the stack, and the script succeeds. Alternatively the comparison could be done as an XOR, and the "version" actually being a set of capabilities. This has the advantage that different versions could use the same invalid opcodes for different purposes. (the context would remain until the end of the ENDIF block) However I'm not sure that allowing a full-on "flag" system is worth the complexity, and in any case if versions are assigned sequentially essentially the same idea can be done later anyway. -- 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org