On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 11:13:09AM +0100, Michael Gronager wrote: > Following that, increase the soft and hard limit to 1 and eg 10MB, but miners should be the last to upgrade. We just saw a hard-fork happen because we ran into previously unknown scaling issues with the current codebase. Why follow that up immediately with yet another jump into unknown scaling territory? I suspect the PR fallout from another chain split, let alone multiple splits, will be far damaging to Bitcoin than stories along the lines of "Gee, actually it'd kinda expensive to do a Bitcoin transaction these days due to all the competition. I dunno, I guess it must be really popular and valuable or something?" Lets let the issue rest for a while, and we can all have some time to work on our various approaches to solving the problem. The worst that will happen is growth temporarily slows - hardly a disaster I think. -- 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org