So Sarchar and I were talking about his Bitstorage scheme(1) and we came to the conclusion that it wouldn't work. However he came up with a less abitious idea that I thought would work: force people to prove they were still holding your data D by publishing transactions with scriptPubKeys of the form: HASH160 H(D[i:i+n]) EQUALVERIFY { OP_CHECKSIG} Where pubkey optionally lets you pick a specific person to hold your data. (so the scheme isn't restricted to miners - hash-only scriptPubKeys aren't secure) Basically you'd publish the data and store a much smaller random set of D[] samples. If you ever needed the data in full, you know it's out there, so it's just a matter of haggling on the price to get it back. (you may want to do some dry-runs for negotiation leverage...) However, I realized you can improve upon this greatly by deriving the ECC privkeys from the random samples of data instead using H(E_k(D)), that is, use a block cipher with key k, and then hash that to form the privkey. Then create a perfectly normal txout paying to the appropriate pubkey. Now only people who actually have the data can claim the txout, and everyone doesn't even know the scheme exists at all. Furthermore you can create key k using k_i=HMAC(i, K), where i in [0, n], so rewards for the proof can be released incrementally while only storing a single secret key. Again, actual retrivial isn't necessarily guaranteed, but the odd dry-run is simple enough. One last issue is how to distribute k_i, although this is made easier by the fact that they can be tiny 128-bit numbers - they should however be signed to avoid DoS attacks as only by processing all the data can the storage node know if k_i works for the given txout. 1) -- 'peter'[:-1] 00000000000000056738baba2d1f0fb2638555529e0735e41e1ce9e0c946d48a