Finally seeing a more complex script-use-case being implemented: Enter Reality Keys, a new service by Tokyo-based startup Social Minds due for public launch on 20th January. Reality Keys provides real-world data in a form that can be used to complete or disregard bitcoin transactions, based on quantifiable facts. [...] Users then specify a date at which they would like to confirm the status or outcome of a particular event, and two cryptographic public keys are provided: one for if the event happens and another for if it doesn’t. [...] It is all, of course, anonymous. Reality Keys provides only the keys, and has no interest in or knowledge of the nature of the contract or the amounts of bitcoin at stake. -- 'peter'[:-1] 0000000000000000d34d6e0e8d8290c7248f32bb3c39400892a34a3e761f6e78