Introduction ------------ In the wake of the Mt. Gox debacle merkle-sum-trees for proof-of-reserve(1) have been getting attention again. A serious objection to using them is exchange privacy as the merkle-sum-tree inherently reveals the sum total of all deposits held by a given service. A second, lesser, consideration is the privacy of the users' balances, as changes to those balances are reflected in the tree and various levels of aggregate information can be extracted from the solvency proofs. For instance consider how an attacker who had knowledge of a few balance changes to a particular user's account - perhaps because that attacker had deposited funds themselves - could then corrolate those balance changes with changes in merkle path proofs to determine an upper bound on the victim's total balance. With some effort and/or luck that upper bound could be even improved to the exact account balance by obtaining a solvency proof from an account adjacent to the victim's account. Real or imagined the privacy problems with merkle-sum-trees pose a barrier to adoption. Jesse from the exchange Kraken stated recently(2) on reddit: This is asking a lot of an exchange, and I don't think information is worth the price you're paying in security and privacy. Your interests would be better served by a private auditor's report. While there has been much discussion recently on #bitcoin-wizards and other places about applying advanced cryptographic techniques - so called "Moon Math" - generate zero-knowledge-proofs of blinded account sum trees so as to not leak any information, these techniques all suffer from implementation complexity. Fortunately private proof-of-solvency without moon math is possible without significant increase in complexity. Objectives ---------- First let's look at what exactly it is that our proof-of-solvency is supposed to achieve. For expediency we'll refer to the third-parties proving solvency as 'banks' and start with the big picture: 0) No more banks stealing everyone's money! Of course, since the banks have the private keys to the bitcoins in question the best we can actually do is much weaker: 1) Prove that at some point in the past, the bank had access to a private key that can be used to spend unspent txout(s) that still exists now. Note how the bank may have since lost that key! But objective #1 isn't good enough by itself; we also need to: 2) Prove that those txout(s) have no been re-used in any other proof of solvency or ownership. Most discussions about merkle-sum-trees miss this critical point. To see why it matters, consider the example of BigBank. They have a very simple proof-of-solvency scheme where they simply allocate one address per customer, holding at least their entire balance. To prove their solvency to Alice they simply sign a message: $ btc verifymessage 13pPCfupiDhWadEXTZDnqSHm5Cy2rdUDho \ ID6Wk3SDsg3os4cSWRtG13lODY84zoVYpfEC2Y4kfHqGqqZV9hy1xD5yRKCyjL0II3UwPirEVKxm5meJ3VVDW/0= \ "Hi Alice" true Alice checks that the txouts with that address sum up to at least as many Bitcoins as her balance, sees that it does, and is satisfied BigBank is solvent. Meanwhile LittleBank is running short of funds, so they decide to "borrow" some from BigBank. One of their customers, Bob, asks for a proof-of-solvency for his balance, and LittleBank happily obliges: $ btc verifymessage 13pPCfupiDhWadEXTZDnqSHm5Cy2rdUDho \ H9af7wCdJrVIPG5Z0qrSviwAsElPkGw9v5FrUBAdaBtpeEtP/G8UdwN6KxKOytqyU7ObzcQs3qa6urHceZIXDg4= \ "Hi Bob" true It's rather unlikely that Alice and Bob will compare notes so this reuse-fraud goes undetected. Solving txout reuse-fraud with per-txout commitments ---------------------------------------------------- By committing the txout to one and only one purpose we can ensure that they can't be reused for more than one proof-of-solvency. Take the following scriptPubKey: H("") DROP CHECKSIG LittleBank in our above example can't reuse that txout as it is obviously not committed to them. The additional data is kinda ugly and lacks privacy but can be replaced with the same math used in BIP32 HD wallet derivation: CHECKSIG or in the multisig case: n ... m CHECKMULTISIG The "domain" must be provably globally unique; the URL of the third-party would be appropriate in most cases. A simple random UUID is *not* sufficient as there is no good way to be sure that these UUIDs have not been reused. Internal reuse-fraud -------------------- Suppose BigBank gains a second customer, Bob. After depositing some funds he asks for a proof-of-solvency. BigBank has since added anti-reuse-fraud to their very simple one-address-per-customer scheme: $ btc verifymessage 1HHuBBExHYqPwfgmKiBEHAGFSaLSdVayh5 \ H6IJztw/QM4WjbtHl51WFo5L8rXn5aONZZvpQIo/8ORz7Yx0puLD68Z2WOCmAEvFQfpz0wYSX3D28RhevYBexpQ= \ "Hi Bob" true Bob then goes and verifies that the address 1HHuBBE was derived from the domain "", and finally verifies that the funds held at that address are sufficient to cover his balance. Alice does the same thing: $ btc verifymessage 1HHuBBExHYqPwfgmKiBEHAGFSaLSdVayh5 \ H5Z1LEwagAx7s1Kj21sy98/i6/DEZpyyGDfauDVfwOUE2ewsuHqSAE1txRi5VltBs5zVoMExxMw/m4JAyXBSa+s= \ "Hi Alice" true Note that the addresses are the same! Again, BigBank has committed re-use fraud, this time internal to the service. In our simplistic example of one address per customer the domain the funds are committed to could be extended to include Alice and Bob's usernames or email addresses. Again, most discussions of merkle-sum-trees gloss over this important point, and assume that "somehow" the bank will publish the merkle root publicly, e.g. at a URL. Merkle-sum-forests for proof-of-solvency ---------------------------------------- Rather than having a single massive tree for all accounts we can instead use a forrest of merkle-sum-trees, each committed to by a single txout. The leaves of that tree are still the hash of a customer ID and nonce, and a balance. However now the root of the tree and the bank domain is committed to in a txout. To prove solvency the bank gives the customer multiple merkle-paths that together sum up to the total balance held on their behalf. Both internal and external reuse-fraud are impossible as the funds are committed to the customer in question on the blockchain. Privacy is protected for both the exchange and the customer. The former because there is no need to reveal total holdings. The latter by splitting up the holdings among multiple tree - in many cases a given tree might only have one or two customers funds committed by it as well. However the requirement to actually make a transaction to change the balances committed to is inconvenient, potentially expensive, and makes the so-called "cold storage" warmer. Indirect merkle-sum-forest solvency proofs ------------------------------------------ By adding indirection we can get the privacy of the merkle-sum-forest approach without the requirement of creating blockchain transactions on every proof. Simply stated, if the above merkle-sum-forest is just committing to arbitrary nonces, we can create a second, ordered, merklized binary radix tree whose keys are those nonces, and whose values are what customers have been assigned to the funds committed to by the txouts associated with the nonces. Proving to the customer their funds are backed by actual Bitcoins is then a matter of given them a list of nonce inclusion proofs, as well as the merkle-paths proving those nonces lead to actual blockchain funds. Since the lookup tree is ordered each nonce may only be assigned to one specific customer. Lets look at this in detail with BigBank as the exchange, and Alice and Bob as the customers. For clarity we'll use OP_DROP as before. We'll say BigBank has one txout:

DROP CHECKSIG Where h1 commits to (v1,H(n1 | 'BigBank')), (v2, H(n2 | 'BigBank')), (v3, H(n3 | BigBank)) with v's being values and n's being nonces. Alices's total balance is equal to v1+v2, and Bob's equal to v3, so she creates nonce->customer radix tree mapping n1->Alice, n2->Alice, and n3->Chalie. She publishes the root of this tree publicly and non-repudatably. BigBank's proof for Bob is now the two following subproofs: Merkle path proving that n3 in nonce->customer tree Merkle sum path proving that v3 allocated in txout For Alice the proof is as above, except for n1,v1 and n2,v2. Practical Considerations ------------------------ 1) Customers request deposit addresses, but the exchange doesn't know in advance how much they are going to deposit. Those addresses should commit values and nonces for use in the solvency proof, so we need to define a merkle-sum-tree that operates on relative amounts rather than absolute. 2) We'd rather not have to spend a txout just to "make change" when a customer's balance changes internally. Thus rather than, say, a simple binary of two value decomposition in a txout, consider making available duplicate values. Q) What's optimal here? Real world data would help. Deterministic nonces and backups -------------------------------- There needs to be care taken in how nonces are generated - losing a nonce can mean losing the ability to spend the txout. What should be done is for the merkle-sum-trees per txout be generated deterministicly using "sufficient" sub values to allocate change... Which leads to a curious final conclusion: we can in reality skip the actual merkle-sum-trees, so to speak, and derive the actual nonces committed to in the nonce->customer tree from some deterministic splitting algorithm and the globally unique txout, specifically H("nonce" | txid:n). Essentially the nonce->customer mapping is actually a "part of a txout"->customer mapping, where every txout value is split into convenient-sized change. We still get the privacy we want, because the customer-containing tree is not a merkle-sum tree, and we completely prevent fraudulent reuse, and we don't risk losing coins in the event of a backup failure as all txout scriptPubKeys can be regenerated deterministicly from a seed. Future work ----------- Implement this. References ---------- 1) 2) 3) Homomorphic Payment Addresses and the Pay-to-Contract Protocol, Ilja Gerhardt, Timo Hanke, 13 Dec 2012 Copyright --------- This document is placed in the public domain. -- 'peter'[:-1] 000000000000000039d6ffee2cd4a4162ad9bdb665abeb5f916af96dbd0b83f9