On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 03:11:32PM +0800, Mark Friedenbach wrote: > On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Peter Todd wrote: > > > Right, so Freimarkets is deliberately insecure. > > > > Please define your terms, particularly what your security requirements are > here. In the architecture we created users remain in control of their funds > at all times, and miners have incentives to mine the host chain. So I don't > know what insecurity you are possibly talking about, and seem unwilling to > elaborate. Sybil attacks leading to front-running. You may not be aware of this, but not being able to get the best price due to a sybil attack *is* considered to be a security issue by the users of these systems. > I have read your posting and engaged with you in that very thread, where I > point out that global ordering of bids & asks is a superfluous requirement. It's superfluous until you have real businesses actually using these systems. > As to front-running, there is a distinct difference between centralized > systems where front-running is essentially theft, and a distributed block > chain system with actual costs paid by fees captured from the spread. Among other things, ever noticed how this incentivises people to sybil attack the entire system? Not good. -- 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org 000000000000000012f5511833a1304a72a754df8afef26f5712438bcc40826b