I'd love to have more discussion of exactly how a hard fork should be implemented. I think it might actually be of some value to have rough consensus on that before we get too bogged down with exactly what the proposed hard fork should do. After all, how can we debate whether a particular hard fork proposal has consensus if we haven't even decided what level of supermajority is needed to establish consensus? For instance, back in 2012 Gavin was proposing, effectively, that a hard fork should require a supermajority of 99% of miners in order to succeed: https://gist.github.com/gavinandresen/2355445 More recently, Gavin has proposed that a supermoajority of only 80% of miners should be needed in order to trigger the hard fork. http://www.gavintech.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/twenty-megabytes-testing-results.html Just now, on this list (see attached message) Gavin seems to be aluding to some mechanism for a hard fork which involves consensus of full nodes, and then a soft fork preceeding the hard fork, which I'd love to see a full explanation of. FWIW, I think 80% is far too low to establish consensus for a hard fork. I think the supermajority of miners should be sufficiently large that the rump doesn't constitute a viable coin. If you don't have that very strong level of consensus then you risk forking Bitcoin into two competing coins (and I believe we already have one exchange promissing to trade both forks as long as the blockchains are alive). As a starting point, I think 35/36th of miners (approximately 97.2%) is the minimum I would be comfortable with. It means that the rump coin will initially have an average confirmation time of 6 hours (until difficulty, very slowly, adjusts) which is probably far enough from viable that the majority of holdouts will quickly desert it too. Thoughs? roy