On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 12:09:32PM -0500, Jim Phillips wrote: > The vast majority of users are running one of a handful of different wallet > apps: Core, Electrum; Armory; Mycelium; Breadwallet; Coinbase; Circle; > Blockchain.info; and maybe a few others. The developers of all these > wallets have a vested interest in the continued usefulness of Bitcoin, and > so should not be opposed to changing their UTXO selection algorithms to one > that reduces the UTXO database instead of growing it. You can't assume that UTXO growth will be driven by walles at all; the UTXO set's global consensus functionality is incredibly useful and will certainly be used by all manner of applications, many having nothing to do with Bitcoin. As one of many examples, here's a proposal - with working code - to use the UTXO set to get consensus over TLC certificate revocations. The author, Christopher Allen, was one of the co-authors of the SSL standard: https://github.com/ChristopherA/revocable-self-signed-tls-certificates-hack There's nothing we can do to stop these kinds of usages other than forcing users to identify themselves to get permission to use the Bitcoin blockchain. Using the Bitcoin blockchain gives their users significantly better security in many cases than any alternatives, so there's strong incentives to do so. Finally, the cost many of these alternative uses are willing to pay pre UTXO/transaction is significantly higher than the fees many existing Bitcoin users can pay to make transactions. -- 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org 00000000000000000e7980aab9c096c46e7f34c43a661c5cb2ea71525ebb8af7