People are wondering why there is such a division in the bitcoin community at this time. Bitcoin as a whole is only so big. The bitcoin discussion communities are spread out, but there are only a few popular ones. BitcoinTalk and Reddit seem to be the largest, most popular where bitcoin discussion happens consistently and from almost everyone in the community (devs, users, btc companies, merchants, and so on). I think we all know where this is going. If not, here you go. BitcoinTalk and Reddit are managed by a single person: Theymos. It's become quite clear over the past several days/weeks, that Theymos is highly censoring bitcoin discussion, mainly on Reddit, but also BitcoinTalk. If this single person is able to censor content, and hush the debate, he (and whatever his agenda is), wins. How can we as a community discuss these proposed changes, if the discussion is from a one sided point of view? There doesn't seem to be a solution at this time, but I find it dissapointing that many (in this very email list) aren't discussing this important part of the issue. Maybe it's becuase Theymos is anti-bigger blocks, which seems to coincide with the Blockstream point of view, which many of the core devs belong to. ------------------------------------------------- ONLY AT VFEmail! - Use our Metadata Mitigator to keep your email out of the NSA's hands! $24.95 ONETIME Lifetime accounts with Privacy Features! 15GB disk! No bandwidth quotas! Commercial and Bulk Mail Options!