A few notes on upgrade procedures associated with segregated witnesses: Initial Deployment ================== While segregated witnesses is a soft-fork, because it adds new data blocks that old nodes don't relay segwit nodes can't sync from non-segwit nodes and still be fully validating; once the segwit softfork has activated full nodes need witness data to function. This poses a major problem during deployment: if full node adoption lags miner adoption, the segwit-supporting P2P network can partition and lose consensus. While Pieter Wuille's segwit branch(1) doesn't yet implement a fix for the above problem, the obvious thing to do is to add a new service bit such as NODE_SEGWIT, and/or bump the protocol version, and for outgoing peers only connect to peers with segwit support. Interestingly, a closely related problem already exists in Bitcoin Core: neither addrman nor the outgoing connection thread takes what service bits a peer advertises into account. So if a large number of non-block-relaying nodes joined the network and advertised their addresses the network could, in theory, partition even without an explicit attack. (My own full-RBF fork of Bitcoin Core does fix(2) this issue, though by accident!) Note how because of this the segwit soft-fork has properties not unlike hard-forks in terms of the need for nodes to upgrade with regard to the P2P layer. Even with the above fix, the worst case would be for segwit to not be adopted widely by full node operators, resulting in a network much more vulnerable to attacks such as DoSing nodes. This is one of the (many) reasons why hard-forks are generally significantly more dangerous than soft-forks. Future Upgrades =============== Segwit isn't going to be the last thing that adds new block data. For example, my own prev-block-proof proposal(3) requires that blocks commit to another tree, which itself is calculated using a nonce that must be passed along with the block data. (U)TXO commitments are another possible future example. BIP141 (currently) suggests an Extensible Commitment Structure(4) consisting of a hashed linked list of consensus-critical commitments, with a redefinable nonce at the end of the list for future soft-forks. Currently this nonce is put into the otherwise useless, and non-hashed, witness for the coinbase transaction(6) and a block is invalid if its witness contains more than that single nonce.(7) Unfortunately, this means that the next soft-fork upgrade to add additional data will have the above relaying problem all over again! Even a minimal upgrade adding a new commitment - like my prev-block-proof proposal - needs to at least add another nonce for future upgrades. In addition to having to upgrade full nodes, this also requires systems like the relay network to upgrade, even though they may not themselves otherwise need to care about the contents of blocks. A more subtle implication of this problem is how do you handle parallel upgrades, as proposed by BIP9? Splitting the P2P network into non-upgraded nodes, and a much smaller group of upgraded nodes, is bad enough when done every once in a awhile. How does this look with more frequent upgrades, not necessarily done by teams that are working closely with each other? Proposal: Unvalidated Block Extension Data ========================================== 1) Remove the restriction that the coinbase witness contain exactly one 32byte value. 2) Hash the contents of the coinbase witness (e.g. as a merkle tree) and commit them in place of the current nonce commitment. 3) Include that data in the blocksize limit (to prevent abuse). Now future soft-forks can simply add additional data, which non-upgraded nodes simply see as extension data that they don't know how to fully validate. All nodes can however validate that data came from the miner, and thus they can freely propagate that data without risk of attack (Bitcoin Core used to allow additional data to be included with transactions, which was used in a DoS attack (CVE-2013-4627)). This is more efficient than it may appear at first glace. As most future upgrades are expected to be additional commitments where full nodes can deterministically recalculate the commitment, the additional data for each new commitment is just 32 bytes. A significant design consideration is that if arbitrary data can be added, it is very likely that miners will make use of that ability for non-Bitcoin purposes; we've already run into problems deploying segwit itself because of pools using the coinbase space for advertising and merge-mining. Avoiding this problem is easiest with a merkelized key:value mapping, with the ability to use collision-resistant ID's as keys (e.g. UUID). Secondly, does using the coinbase witness for this really make sense? Logically it'd make more sense to change the way blocks are serialized, much the same way transaction serialization was changed to accomodate segwit; stuffing this in the coinbase witness smells like a hack. (along those lines, note how witnesses themselves could have been implemented this way - probably too late to change now) References ========== 1) https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin/tree/segwit 2) https://github.com/petertodd/bitcoin/blob/replace-by-fee-v0.12.0rc2/src/net.cpp#L1616 3) http://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/012103.html 5) https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/6a315c023f13d83c58aab98cf8668d74cf7566c7/bip-0141.mediawiki#Extensible_commitment_structure 6) https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin/blob/37973bf2efd7a558c86bf35455a1355e5b0d5d64/src/main.cpp#L3212 7) https://github.com/sipa/bitcoin/blob/37973bf2efd7a558c86bf35455a1355e5b0d5d64/src/main.cpp#L3209 -- https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org 0000000000000000003b293f5507f7787f1ba64ba58a21c46ba4454c21a88710