On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 02:12:08AM -0400, shaolinfry via bitcoin-dev wrote: > Someone sent me a copy of the Barry Silbert agreement, an agreement forged between a select number of participants https://pastebin.com/VuCYteJh It's interesting how changing the bit used to signal could be used as a way to try to trick people into changing node software ASAP to support the hard-fork code. Basically, the narrative would be that other software *doesn't* support segwit, so you have to upgrade right away. > A fourth option, first suggested to me by James Hilliard, was to make BIP148 miner triggered (MASF) with a lower threshold, above 50%. I coded this up a few weeks ago https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/compare/master...shaolinfry:segsignal but didnt get around to posting to the ML yet. This effectively lowers the threshold from 95% to 65% as coded, or could be upped to 80% or whatever was preferable. In contrast this proposal wouldn't have that effect, because as you point out it's compatibel with the existing segwit protocol once activated. Smells like political engineering to me. -- https://petertodd.org 'peter'[:-1]@petertodd.org