On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 01:37:59PM -0400, Erik Aronesty via bitcoin-dev wrote: > - Musig, by being M of M, is inherently prone to loss. > It has always been possible to create M-of-N threshold MuSig signatures for any M, N with 0 < M ≤ N. This is (a) obvious, (b) in our paper, (c) implemented at https://github.com/apoelstra/secp256k1/blob/2018-04-taproot/src/modules/musig/main_impl.h -- Andrew Poelstra Research Director, Mathematics Department, Blockstream Email: apoelstra at wpsoftware.net Web: https://www.wpsoftware.net/andrew "Make it stop, my love; we were wrong to try Never saw what we could unravel in traveling light Nor how the trip debrides like a stack of slides All we saw was that time is taller than space is wide" --Joanna Newsom