On Thu, Dec 06, 2018 at 11:57:09AM -0500, Russell O'Connor via bitcoin-dev wrote: > One more item to consider is "signature covers witness weight". > > While signing the witness weight doesn't completely eliminate witness > malleability (of the kind that can cause grief for compact blocks), it does > eliminate the worst kind of witness malleability from the user's > perspective, the kind where malicious relay nodes increase the amount of > witness data and therefore reduce the overall fee-rate of the transaction. To what degree is this an actual problem? If the mutated transaction pays a feerate at least incremental-relay-fee[1] below the original transaction, then the original transaction can be rebroadcast as an RBF replacement of the mutated transaction (unless the mutated version has been pinned[2]). -Dave [1] $ bitcoind -help-debug | grep -A2 incremental -incrementalrelayfee= Fee rate (in BTC/kB) used to define cost of relay, used for mempool limiting and BIP 125 replacement. (default: 0.00001) [2] https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/80803/what-is-meant-by-transaction-pinning