I think GitHub Discussions is a great idea. If we are considering proprietary options like Google Groups, then we should definitely consider Discussions. 1. Guaranteed that nearly everyone participating here already has a GH account. 2. Offers many moderation options. 3. Good formatting abilities(tables!). 4. Can @ people. 5. Ability to categorize, close, lock discussions, etc. 6. Many great potential opportunities for automation via Actions. 7. Comes with added benefits such as a wiki, issues, etc. My one catch is that I do not know what kind of interactions you can have with Discussions via email. This seems to be an important feature for many. What level of email notifications can you receive? Can you respond via email? > On Nov 7, 2023, at 3:16 PM, Christopher Allen via bitcoin-dev wrote: > >  > As Bitcoin-Core already uses GitHub, another possibility is to use the new GitHub discussions feature. We increasingly have been using this at Blockchain Commons as everyone is using already using GitHub. We have also created some GitHub actions to backup discussions so that GitHub will not be a central point of failure -should be possible to create a static page archive using GitHub pages (but have not had budget for that). > > For instance, here is the GitHub discussion area for wallet developers working together on Bitcoin wallet interoperability specifications: > https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/Gordian-Developer-Community > > — Christopher Allen > _______________________________________________ > bitcoin-dev mailing list > bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org > https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev