Hi Eric,

> Ok, thanks for clarifying. I'm still not making the connection to "checking a non-null [C] pointer" but that's prob on me.

A C pointer, which is a language idiome assigning to a memory address A the value o memory address B can be 0 (or NULL a standard macro defined in stddef.h).

Here a snippet example of linked list code checking the pointer (`*begin_list`) is non null before the comparison operation to find the target element list.

pointer_t       ft_list_find(pointer_t **start_list, void *data_ref, int (*cmp)())
        while (*start_list)
                if (cmp((*start_list)->data, data_ref) == 0)
                        return (*start_list);
                *start_list = (*start_list)->next;
        return (0);

While both libbitcoin and bitcoin core are both written in c++, you still have underlying pointer derefencing playing out to access the coinbase
transaction, and all underlying implications in terms of memory management.

> Yes, a rough correlation but not necessarily equivalence. Note that block.check has context free and contextual overrides.
> The 'bypass' parameter indicates a block under checkpoint or milestone ("assume valid"). In this case we must check Merkle root, witness commitment, and both types of malleation - as the purpose is to establish identity. Absent 'bypass' the typical checks are performed, and therefore a malleation check is not required here. The "type64" malleation is subsumed by the is_first_non_coinbase check and the "type32" malleation is subsumed by the is_internal_double_spend check.

Yes, I understand it's not a 1-to-1 compatibility, just a rough logical equivalence.

I think it's interesting to point out the two types of malleation that a bitcoin consensus validation logic should respect w.r.t block validity checks.

Like you said the first one on the merkle root committed in the headers's `hashMerkleRoot` due to the lack of domain separation between leaf and merkle tree nodes.
The second one is the bip141 wtxid commitment in one of the coinbase transaction `scriptpubkey` output, which is itself covered by a txid in the merkle tree.

> Caching identity in the case of invalidity is more interesting question than it might seem.
> Background: A fully-validated block has established identity in its block hash. However an invalid block message may include the same block header, producing the same hash, but with any kind of nonsense following the header. The purpose of the transaction and witness commitments is of course to establish this identity, so these two checks are therefore necessary even under checkpoint/milestone. And then of course the two Merkle tree issues complicate the tx commitment (the integrity of the witness commitment is assured by that of the tx commitment).
> So what does it mean to speak of a block hash derived from:
> (1) a block message with an unparseable header?
> (2) a block message with parseable but invalid header?
> (3) a block message with valid header but unparseable tx data?
> (4) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid uncommitted tx data?
> (5) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid malleated committed tx data?
> (6) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid unmalleated committed tx data?
> (7) a block message with valid header but uncommitted valid tx data?
> (8) a block message with valid header but malleated committed valid tx data?
> (9) a block message with valid header but unmalleated committed valid tx data?
> Note that only the #9 p2p block message contains an actual Bitcoin block, the others are bogus messages. In all cases the message can be sha256 hashed to establish the identity of the *message*. And if one's objective is to reject repeating bogus messages, this might be a useful strategy. It's already part of the p2p protocol, is orders of magnitude cheaper to produce than a Merkle root, and has no identity issues.

I think I mostly agree with the identity issue as laid out so far, there is one caveat to add if you're considering identity caching as the problem solved.
A validation node might have to consider differently block messages processed if they connect on the longest most PoW valid chain for which all blocks have been validated. Or alternatively if they have to be added on a candidate longest most PoW valid chain.

> The concept of Bitcoin block hash as unique identifier for invalid p2p block messages is problematic. Apart from the malleation question, what is the Bitcoin block
> hash for a message with unparseable data (#1 and #3)? Such messages are trivial to produce and have no block hash.

For reasons, bitcoin core has the concept of outbound `BLOCK_RELAY` (in `src/node/connection_types.h`) where some preferential peering policy is applied in matters of block messages download.

> What is the useful identifier for a block with malleated commitments (#5 and #8) or invalid commitments (#4 and #7) - valid txs or otherwise?

The block header, as it commits to the transaction identifier tree can be useful as much for #4 and #5. On the bitcoin core side, about #7 the uncommitted valid tx data can be already present in the validation cache from mempool acceptance. About #8, the malleaed committed valid transactions shall be also committed in the merkle root in headers.

> This seems reasonable at first glance, but given the list of scenarios above, which does it apply to?

> This seems reasonable at first glance, but given the list of scenarios above, which does it apply to? Presumably the invalid header (#2) doesn't get this far because of headers-first.
> That leaves just invalid blocks with useful block hash identifiers (#6). In all other cases the message is simply discarded. In this case the attempt is to move category #5 into category #6 by prohibiting 64 byte txs.

Yes, it's moving from the category #5 to the category #6. Note, transaction malleability can be a distinct issue than lack of domain separation.

> The requirement to "avoid re-downloading and re-validating it" is about performance, presumably minimizing initial block download/catch-up time. There is a > computational cost to producing 64 byte malleations and none for any of the other bogus block message categories above, including the other form of malleation. > Furthermore, 64 byte malleation has almost zero cost to preclude. No hashing and not even true header or tx parsing are required. Only a handful of bytes must be read > from the raw message before it can be discarded presently.

> That's actually far cheaper than any of the other scenarios that again, have no cost to produce. The other type of malleation requires parsing all of the txs in the block and > hashing and comparing some or all of them. In other words, if there is an attack scenario, that must be addressed before this can be meaningful. In fact all of the other
> bogus message scenarios (with tx data) will remain more expensive to discard than this one.

In practice on the bitcoin core side, the bogus block message categories from #4 to #6 are already mitigated by validation caching for transactions that have been received early. While libbitcoin has no mempool (at least in earlier versions) transactions buffering can be done by bip152's HeadersAndShortIds message.

About #7 and #8, introducing a domain separation where 64 bytes transactions are rejected and making it harder to exploit #7 and #8 categories of bogus block messages.
This is correct that bitcoin core might accept valid transaction data before the merkle tree commitment has been verified.

> The problem arises from trying to optimize dismissal by storing an identifier. Just *producing* the identifier is orders of magnitude more costly than simply dismissing this > bogus message. I can't imagine why any implementation would want to compute and store and retrieve and recompute and compare hashes when the alterative is just
> dismissing the bogus messages with no hashing at all.

> Bogus messages will arrive, they do not even have to be requested. The simplest are dealt with by parse failure. What defines a parse is entirely subjective. Generally it's
> "structural" but nothing precludes incorporating a requirement for a necessary leading pattern in the stream, sort of like how the witness pattern is identified. If we were
> going to prioritize early dismissal this is where we would put it.

I don't think this is that simple - While producing an identifier comes with a computational cost (e.g fixed 64-byte structured coinbase transaction), if the full node have a hierarchy of validation cache like bitcoin core has already, the cost of bogus block messages can be slashed down. On the other hand, just dealing with parse failure on the spot by introducing a leading pattern in the stream just inflates the size of p2p messages, and the transaction-relay bandwidth cost.

> However, there is a tradeoff in terms of early dismissal. Looking up invalid hashes is a costly tradeoff, which becomes multiplied by every block validated. For example,
> expending 1 millisecond in hash/lookup to save 1 second of validation time in the failure case seems like a reasonable tradeoff, until you multiply across the whole chain. > 1 ms becomes 14 minutes across the chain, just to save a second for each mallied block encountered. That means you need to have encountered 840 such mallied blocks > just to break even. Early dismissing the block for non-null coinbase point (without hashing anything) would be on the order of 1000x faster than that (breakeven at 1 > encounter). So why the block hash cache requirement? It cannot be applied to many scenarios, and cannot be optimal in this one.

I think what you're describing is more a classic time-space tradeoff which is well-known in classic computer science litterature. In my reasonable opinion, one should more reason under what is the security paradigm we wish for bitcoin block-relay network and perduring decentralization, i.e one where it's easy to verify block messages proofs which could have been generated on specialized hardware with an asymmetric cost. Obviously encountering 840 such malliead blocks to make it break even doesn't make the math up to save on hash lookup, unless you can reduce the attack scenario in terms of adversaries capabilities.

Le samedi 29 juin 2024 à 21:42:23 UTC+1, Eric Voskuil a écrit :
Caching identity in the case of invalidity is more interesting question than it might seem.

Background: A fully-validated block has established identity in its block hash. However an invalid block message may include the same block header, producing the same hash, but with any kind of nonsense following the header. The purpose of the transaction and witness commitments is of course to establish this identity, so these two checks are therefore necessary even under checkpoint/milestone. And then of course the two Merkle tree issues complicate the tx commitment (the integrity of the witness commitment is assured by that of the tx commitment).

So what does it mean to speak of a block hash derived from:

(1) a block message with an unparseable header?
(2) a block message with parseable but invalid header?
(3) a block message with valid header but unparseable tx data?
(4) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid uncommitted tx data?
(5) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid malleated committed tx data?
(6) a block message with valid header but parseable invalid unmalleated committed tx data?
(7) a block message with valid header but uncommitted valid tx data?
(8) a block message with valid header but malleated committed valid tx data?
(9) a block message with valid header but unmalleated committed valid tx data?

Note that only the #9 p2p block message contains an actual Bitcoin block, the others are bogus messages. In all cases the message can be sha256 hashed to establish the identity of the *message*. And if one's objective is to reject repeating bogus messages, this might be a useful strategy. It's already part of the p2p protocol, is orders of magnitude cheaper to produce than a Merkle root, and has no identity issues.

The concept of Bitcoin block hash as unique identifier for invalid p2p block messages is problematic. Apart from the malleation question, what is the Bitcoin block hash for a message with unparseable data (#1 and #3)? Such messages are trivial to produce and have no block hash. What is the useful identifier for a block with malleated commitments (#5 and #8) or invalid commitments (#4 and #7) - valid txs or otherwise?

The stated objective for a consensus rule to invalidate all 64 byte txs is:

> being able to cache the hash of a (non-malleated) invalid block as permanently invalid to avoid re-downloading and re-validating it.

This seems reasonable at first glance, but given the list of scenarios above, which does it apply to? Presumably the invalid header (#2) doesn't get this far because of headers-first. That leaves just invalid blocks with useful block hash identifiers (#6). In all other cases the message is simply discarded. In this case the attempt is to move category #5 into category #6 by prohibiting 64 byte txs.

The requirement to "avoid re-downloading and re-validating it" is about performance, presumably minimizing initial block download/catch-up time. There is a computational cost to producing 64 byte malleations and none for any of the other bogus block message categories above, including the other form of malleation. Furthermore, 64 byte malleation has almost zero cost to preclude. No hashing and not even true header or tx parsing are required. Only a handful of bytes must be read from the raw message before it can be discarded presently.

That's actually far cheaper than any of the other scenarios that again, have no cost to produce. The other type of malleation requires parsing all of the txs in the block and hashing and comparing some or all of them. In other words, if there is an attack scenario, that must be addressed before this can be meaningful. In fact all of the other bogus message scenarios (with tx data) will remain more expensive to discard than this one.

The problem arises from trying to optimize dismissal by storing an identifier. Just *producing* the identifier is orders of magnitude more costly than simply dismissing this bogus message. I can't imagine why any implementation would want to compute and store and retrieve and recompute and compare hashes when the alterative is just dismissing the bogus messages with no hashing at all.

Bogus messages will arrive, they do not even have to be requested. The simplest are dealt with by parse failure. What defines a parse is entirely subjective. Generally it's "structural" but nothing precludes incorporating a requirement for a necessary leading pattern in the stream, sort of like how the witness pattern is identified. If we were going to prioritize early dismissal this is where we would put it.

However, there is a tradeoff in terms of early dismissal. Looking up invalid hashes is a costly tradeoff, which becomes multiplied by every block validated. For example, expending 1 millisecond in hash/lookup to save 1 second of validation time in the failure case seems like a reasonable tradeoff, until you multiply across the whole chain. 1 ms becomes 14 minutes across the chain, just to save a second for each mallied block encountered. That means you need to have encountered 840 such mallied blocks just to break even. Early dismissing the block for non-null coinbase point (without hashing anything) would be on the order of 1000x faster than that (breakeven at 1 encounter). So why the block hash cache requirement? It cannot be applied to many scenarios, and cannot be optimal in this one.


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