Hi, I'm currently compiling my Master's thesis about Coin Selection and my presentation proposal to Scaling Bitcoin has been accepted. For my thesis, I have analyzed the Coin Selection problem, created a framework to simulate wallet behavior on basis of a sequence of payments, and have re-implemented multiple coin selection strategies of prominent Bitcoin wallets (Bitcoin Core, Mycelium, Breadwallet, and Android Wallet for Bitcoin). As the Scaling Bitcoin site suggests that research should be made available to this mailing list, I would like to invite you to have a look at: http://murch.one/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/CoinSelection.pdf The PDF (176 kB) contains a two page description of my on-going work, including preliminary simulation results, and three figures showing the simulated wallets' UTXO compositions at the end of the simulation. I can provide further information as requested, and would welcome any feedback. →→ If anyone has another sequence of incoming and outgoing payment amounts at hand that I could run my simulation on, I'd love to hear about it. Regards Murch