Hi everyone, We have pushed out our first test release of Hive, a new OS X wallet focused on usability and discovery: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=304060 Hive is powered by a new version of our BitcoinKit.framework, updated recently with bitcoinj support. Memory of a famous Reid Hoffman quote implores us to reveal that Hive is still missing _many_ basic features. This is not a release that you should give to anyone for serious use. We wanted to get the ball rolling with the community as early as possible, to gather feedback -- and hopefully a little assistance! Thanks to everyone at Bitcoin Europe 2013 for the feedback and moral support! -wendell PS- If you're interested in including an app for your Bitcoin-supporting service in Hive, please be in touch! grabhive.com | twitter.com/grabhive | gpg: 6C0C9411