On 06/19/2012 01:59 PM, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Alan Reiner <etotheipi@gmail.com> wrote:
 One app developer updates their
RB tree code which updated the RB-tree optimizations/rebalancing, and
now a significant portion of the network can't agree on the correct
root.  Not only would that be disruptive, it would be a disaster to
track down.
This is why good comprehensive tests and a well specified algorithim
are important. The tree update algorithm would be normative in that
scheme. Worrying that implementers might get it wrong would be like
worrying that they'd get SHA256 wrong.

The point is not that they get it wrong, it's that the implement it differently.  Given a set of 100 TxOuts, there's a seemingly-infinite number of ways to construct a binary tree.  Put them in in a different order, and you get a different tree.  They're all correct and legal in terms of satisfying expectations of insert, delete and query runtime -- but they will produce different root hashes.   And the differences in underlying structure are completely transparent to the calling code.

I'm extremely uncomfortable with the idea the you can have all the nodes in the tree, but have to replay X years of blockchain history just to get the same tree configuration as someone else.  However, a trie configuration is history-independent -- given an unspent-TxOut list, there's only one way to construct that tree.  That's an important property to me.

I can't tell if you're joking about Judy structures: I've never heard of them.  But I'll look into it anyway...