This discussion is quite bikesheddy, but (or thus? :) ) I will put in my 2c. The main thing to think about, I think, is "what would be best for the users". To that end, I suggest the following: * I do think a page on listing relatively major, and relatively vetted, clients is a good idea. Removing it completely and relegating it to a wiki page, which is likely to contain all sorts of marginal crufty clients, would likely be a disservice to the users. * Randomized order is likely also a disservice to the users. We should list clients in order of "goodness", as determined by whoever(s) we decide to put in charge of the page. This "goodness" should likely to be some kind of weighted average of features, security, goodness for bitcoin network, etc. [1] ** If randomized order is after all chosen, it should be done in javascript client-side, rather than doing daily page reorgs. If people without JS don't see random, it's not material at all. * Prose vs. feature matrix: both have their good and bad points, as discussed upthread. I think the users will be best served by a combination of both: ** Prose descriptions of clients should deliberately include negative points, not just let the user infer them by lack of corresponding positive mention. (e.g. "This client has fast startup time. That means you're completely trusting the server operator with your money.") This task is left up to the person(s) in charge. ** A feature matrix, with carefully chosen and /well defined/ categories, /in addition to prose/ would likely also be of service to the users. That could be left to the wiki though. The current wiki clients page seems to be having a good go at it.[2] ** If we are targeting people who "don't know what they're doing", it may be a good idea to have a 'decision assistant' type setup, where users are asked several questions and are recommended clients based on these answers. (This could be done in a static way by having a matrix of questions.) Finally - I'd say we're spending disproportionate developer resources on this question, and if it were completely up to me, I'd resolve this situation in the following quick-and-painless way: leave page as is, add negative points to prose, link to wiki clients list. Estimated time to completion: 1 hour (to think through which negative points to add). [1] Meehl, 1954, clinical versus statistical prediction... (see also Grove and Meehl, 1996; Sawyer, 1966) (and yes, despite the age of some of this research, the conclusions have been surprisingly robust and timeproof.) [2] -nanotube