If you're only interested in storing the best chain then a fairly simple schema is possible. CREATE TABLE blocks ( hash bytea NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, index integer NOT NULL UNIQUE, CONSTRAINT block_hash_size_check CHECK ((octet_length(hash) = (256 / 8))) ); CREATE TABLE transaction_inputs ( output_transaction_id bytea NOT NULL, output_index integer NOT NULL, block_index integer NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT transaction_id_size_check CHECK ((octet_length(output_transaction_id) = (256 / 8))), PRIMARY KEY (output_transaction_id, output_index) ); CREATE INDEX transaction_inputs_block_index_idx ON transaction_inputs USING btree (block_index) CREATE TABLE transaction_outputs ( transaction_id bytea NOT NULL, index integer NOT NULL, amount numeric(16,8) NOT NULL, type character varying NOT NULL, addresses character varying[], block_index integer NOT NULL, spent boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT transaction_id_size_check CHECK ((octet_length(transaction_id) = (256 / 8))), PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id, index) ); CREATE INDEX transaction_outputs_addresses_idx ON transaction_outputs USING gin (addresses); CREATE INDEX transaction_outputs_block_index_idx ON transaction_outputs USING btree (block_index); On 06/05/2013 05:53 PM, Marko Otbalkana wrote: > Could anyone point me to work/project(s) related to storing the block > chain in a database, like PostgreSQL, MySQL? How about any tools that > can read the block chain from the Satoshi client and convert it into > different formats? > > Thanks, > -Marko > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > How ServiceNow helps IT people transform IT departments: > 1. A cloud service to automate IT design, transition and operations > 2. Dashboards that offer high-level views of enterprise services > 3. A single system of record for all IT processes > http://p.sf.net/sfu/servicenow-d2d-j > > > _______________________________________________ > Bitcoin-development mailing list > Bitcoin-development@lists.sourceforge.net > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bitcoin-development