That is a great presentation, thanks for sharing that!

Though I question the validity of the claim that ECC is so much more secure than RSA (with appropriate keysizes).  My experience from studying quantum computing is that Factoring and DLP are intimately related, such that a break of one is likely to break the other.  In fact, I seem to remember that QCs use an efficient DLP-solving circuit to "shortcut" the factoring problem.  But it's been a long time since I looked at it, so I don't remember for sure.   Also, it's not clear whether that relationship exists outside the scope of QCs.

It's still a good presentation, but they're pushing ECC pretty hard as the answer to the cryptopocalypse, and I'm not convinced that's a real answer.


On 08/04/2013 01:13 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
A great presentation on advances in crypto

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