On 03/13/2014 01:51 PM, Mike Hearn wrote:
Well it looks like the consensus is to do it, instead of talking about it.  I'm going to make sure we get uBTC into the next Armory release.

Hmm - be careful with the word "consensus" here. A bunch of people on a mailing list does not make consensus ;)

If you survey other wallets, you'll find most already switched to mBTC, that it took some effort to do so (look at the size of the patches for instance) and that probably, nobody is super-keen to change again so soon. So uBTC would make you different to most of the other wallets and services in wide usage. 

If Armory wants to do that, that's no problem, maybe it will be a competitive advantage - just saying, don't quote this thread as indicating some kind of community consensus.

Wallets and services that are using mBTC (that I know of)

Bitcoin Wallet (Android)
KnC Wallet (defaults to BTC but can be switched to mBTC in settings, uBTC not an option)

Doing a google search for [bitcoin "mBTC"] and [bitcoin "uBTC"], the former has a bunch of sites and services with prices in mBTC. The latter only has faucets, as far as I can tell, which sort of makes sense.

I actually was not aware that so many had already switched to mBTC.   I guess it shows how much I use other wallets. 

You misunderstood my "consensus" comment.   I was simply stating the "consensus" of debating on the mailing list endlessly is not as effective as doing it.  Thus I was just going to do it and see who follows.  But that also assumed there was not a critical mass who'd already switched -- I must admit I'm not so confident anymore...

I am so strongly opposed to mBTC compared to uBTC, I was ready to take a small leap of faith (with associated risks), to help push the "consensus".  Of course it would still remain configurable, but the default will make a big difference.
